12 research outputs found

    Meraih Motivasi Anak Terhadap Perawatan Gigi dengan Bahan Tambal Warna-Warni

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    Early dental treatment on caries lesions of primary tooth is important as an attempt to maintain child’s oral health. But until recently the prevalence of dental caries among children still show a pretty high number. One reason for this is because it is still a lack of knowledge of dental health maintenance at home and also the presence of fear or anxiety towards dental treatments. Motivate a child to get the dental treatment requires efforts that can reduce the fear or increase the child’s interest in dental treatment. One of these efforts is to use a colored filling material. Children’s involvement in choosing the desired color can make dental filling as an exciting procedure without reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. This paper will discuss about the compomer as a filling material, which available in several color options

    Gutta Percha Sebagai Bahan Pengisian pada Perawatan Endodontik Pasien Celah Langit-langit

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    Comprehensive care is needed in patients with cleft lip and palate. Treatments to be performed on patients include corrective surgery and orthodontic treatment. One of the treatments that should be prepared before corrective surgery is the rehabilitation of the oral cavity. A girl aged 15 years came to the Cleft Center RSGM FKG Unpad to get treatment for her cleft palate. The treatment plan will include pre-bone grafting orthodontic treatment, bone grafting, and the post-bone grafting orthodontic treatment. In preparation for that, rehabilitation of the oral cavity need to be done, including root canal treatment for teeth 11, 26 and 46 that was diagnosed with necrotic pulp, and composite restorations to tooth 25. Treatment is done with manual ProTaper system (hand-use) and the filler selected was gutta-percha because the success rate is high. Root canal treatment on the tooth 11, 26, 46 has been done and achieved the expected results. The patient is now on the stage of pre bone grafting orthondontic treatment. Gutta-percha is an option for root canal filling material, made from natural materials, flexible, and adequate in filling root canals together with sealer, and more stable to degradation. One of the keys to success for correction of cleft lip and palate is the free-infection oral environment that were achieved during the rehabilitation of the oral cavity due to support further treatment stage

    Penanganan avulsi dua gigi permanen pada anak usia 12 tahun

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    Pendahuluan: Avulsi gigi adalah terlepasnya gigi secara keseluruhan dari soket karena suatu trauma mekanis. Avulsi pada gigi permanen umumnya karena jatuh, perkelahian, cedera olahraga, kecelakaan mobil, dan kekerasan pada anak. Avulsi gigi dipertimbangkan sebagai kondisi kegawatdaruratan dental, karena lamanya waktu  gigi di luar mulut akan mempengaruhi prognosisnya. Kasus: Seorang anak laki-laki  usia 12 tahun datang ke Klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Padjadjaran dengan keluhan gigi lepas dari soketnya karena bertabrakan dengan temannya dan terkena bola basket. Kejadian avulsi terjadi selama dua hari berturut-turut. Penatalaksanaan kasus: Penanganan avulsi gigi adalah replantasi segera ke dalam soketnya. Pembahasan : Avulsi gigi umumnya terjadi pada usia 7-9 tahun ketika gigi insisif permanen erupsi. Angka kejadian avulsi sekitar 0,5% sampai 16% dari cedera traumatis pada gigi permanen. Keberhasilan replantasi bergantung pada beberapa faktor, seperti media penyimpanan yang digunakan, lamanya waktu gigi terlepas dari tulang alveolar, maturasi akar, jenis retensi yang digunakan, status kebersihan mulut, waktu intervensi endodontik, jenis obat yang digunakan, dan kesehatan umum pasien secara keseluruhan. Simpulan: Replantasi segera merupakan penanganan yang paling tepat untuk kasus avulsi gigi permanen pada anak usia 12 tahu

    Penggunaan Removable Partial Denture dengan PMMA pada Anak Post-Labiopalatoplasty

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    Children with abnormal cleft lips and palate usually suffer from dento-skeletal disorder. Since childhood, they struggle to undergo the palate corrective surgery (palatoplasty) so that nutrition can be provided at its maximum.  Dental disorders, like caries, starts to show when the teeth begins to erupt. The loss of the deciduous teeth prematurely can lead to the loss of distance within the jaw arch, “tipping”, over crowding and an impact on the tooth replacement. Removable Partial Denture RPD (removable denture) on kids happens to be one of the tools that are used to maintain space due to premature loss of deciduous teeth and agenesis. During the 1940s, 95% of the bas materials for dentures are made of acrylic resin; it is popular to this day. Acrylic is more known as a polymetil metakrilat of PMMA and still happens to be a material choice when making removable  dentures. to restore the function of chewing and  to explain the advantages of the use of RPD with a PMMA material. Am 8 year old boy with a history of postlabiopalatoplasty came to the Clinic Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Hospital University of Padjadjaran with a complain from loss of his lower left molar and wants to be examined. An RPD case management by making unilateral on the lower left region. RPD with PMMA material has a few advantages; easy manufacturing process, a decent aesthetic, economical, easily repaired and have simple equipment

    Efektivitas antibakteri tanaman herbal terhadap streptococcus mutans pada karies anak

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    Pendahuluan: Karies merupakan proses infeksi yang melibatkan kerusakan struktur gigi yang memicu berkembangnya beberapa penyakit pada rongga mulut dan dapat memberi dampak negatif terhadap kualitas hidup anak. Glukan tidak larut air merupakan faktor virulensi dari S.mutans sebagai agen utama penyebab karies. Tujuan: Memberikan informasi mengenai efektivitas daya antibakteri bawang putih, lidah buaya dan teh hijau terhadap S.mutans. Tinjauan Pustaka: S.mutans melekat erat pada permukaan gigi dengan perantara glukan tidak larut air dan menghasilkan dua enzim glukosiltransferase dan fruktosiltransferase, bersifat spesifik untuk substrat sukrosa pada sintesa glukan dan fruktan. S.mutans yang dilapisi glukan dapat menurunkan proteksi dan daya antibakteri saliva terhadap plak gigi. Beberapa tanaman herbal memiliki daya antibakteri yang dapat menghambat pembentukan plak gigi. Diskusi: Ekstrak bawang putih (Allium sativum) memiliki daya antibakteri allicin yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas enzimatiknya sehingga dapat  menghambat pertumbuhan S.mutans. Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) mengandung komponen aktif antrakuinon, saponin, glukomanan dan acemanan yang bersifat antioksidan, antiinflamasi dan antimikroba. Ekstrak lidah buaya terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan S.mutans secara in vitro. Teh hijau (Camellia sinensis) memiliki komponen bioaktif catechin dan fluorida yang menghasilkan efek antikariogenik dengan menghambat proliferasi S.mutans, mengganggu proses adhesi, menghambat glukosiltransferase serta memediasi komponen saliva protektif. Daya antibakteri diketahui dengan menguji dan menganalisis Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum pada ketiga tanaman herbal tersebut. Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum bawang putih adalah 25%, lidah buaya sebesar 18.75% dan teh hijau 5% terhadap S.mutans. Kesimpulan: Teh hijau memiliki Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum paling rendah dalam menghambat pertumbuhan S.mutans sehingga memiliki efektivitas daya antibakteri lebih baik dibandingkan lidah buaya dan bawang puti

    Twin Block Appliance, Perawatan Maloklusi Kelas II pada Pasien Anak

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    Pendahuluan: Twin Block appliance merupakan alat fungsional yang dapat digunakan untuk kelainan maloklusi kelas II divisi I dengan ketidakseimbangan oklusi dalam masa tumbuh kembang. Kasus: Seorang anak usia 14 tahun datang ke Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Padjadjaran  dengan keluhan gigi depan lebih maju sehingga  pasien malu dan ingin dirapikan. Pemeriksaan klinis serta radiografis pasien menunjukan kelainan maloklusi kelas II divisi I dengan overjet 10 mm dan overbite 5 mm. Terdapat gigi impaksi 15 dan 23 serta gigi 55. Tatalaksana Kasus: Perawatan yang dilakukan pada pasien ini adalah mencetak rahang atas dan rahang bawah, merujuk foto rongent cephalometrik dan panoramik, merujuk ke bedah mulut untuk pengambilan gigi impaksi 15 dan 23 berdasarkan  foto rongent, kemudian dilakukan perawatan pre ortodonti berupa penambalan, skeling, pencabutan 55, kemudian Twin block diinsersi.perawatan selanjutnya yaitu pemasangan orthodonti cekat ketika gigitan molar stabil dalam posisi gigi insisif edge to edge Pembahasan: Twin block yang dikombinasikan  dengan ortodonti cekat merupakan pilihan perawatan guna mengoreksi kelainan maloklusi kelas II divisi I pada pasien dalam masa tumbuh kembang. Penggunaan twin block sangat disarankan untuk mengoreksi overjet dan overbite yang besar pada pasien yang kooperatif. Kesimpulan: Perawatan maloklusi kelas II divisi I pada pasien dalam masa tumbuh kembang dapat menggunakan alat fungsional Twin Block yang dilanjutkan dengan ortodonti cekat setelah hubungan molar pasien menjadi kelas I dan stabil

    <p>Pola karies pada anak kembar</p><p>Dental caries patterns in twins</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Karies merupakan penyakit gigi yang paling banyak dikeluhkan masyarakat. Etiologi karies multifaktorial, antara lain faktor genetik dan lingkungan. Penelitian dengan mempertimbangkan faktor tersebut dapat dilakukan pada anak kembar. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh data mengenai pola karies pada anak kembar yaitu apakah terdapat kemiripan. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan sampel penelitian menggunakan metode accidental sampling sebanyak 30 pasang anak kembar yang tinggal di Kota Bandung. Indikator yang digunakan berdasarkan ICDAS. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola karies pada anak kembar terdapat 13,33% memiliki pola karies memiliki kemiripan, 13,33% memiliki pola karies dengan banyak kemiripan, 33,33% memiliki pola karies dengan sedikit kemiripan, sedangkan sisanya 40% memiliki pola karies yang tidak mirip. Simpulan: Pola karies pada anak kembar lebih banyak tidak ada kemiripan dan sedikit kemiripan dibandingkan yang memiliki kemiripan dan banyak kemiripan. Kata kunci: Anak kembar, pola karies   ABSTRACT Introduction: Caries is a dental disease that most people complain about. Etiology of multifactorial caries, including genetic and environmental factors. Research by considering these factors can be done in twins. The research objective was to obtain data regarding caries patterns in twins, namely whether there were similarities. Methods: A descriptive study with a sample of research using the accidental sampling method as many as 30 pairs of twins living in the city of Bandung. Indicators used based on ICDAS. Result: The results showed that caries patterns in twins had 13.33% had a similar caries pattern, 13.33% had a caries pattern with many similarities, 33.33% had a caries pattern with little resemblance, while the remaining 40% had a pattern unequal caries. Conclusion: Caries patterns in twins have no more similarities and less similarities than those who have similarities and many similarities. Keywords: Twins, dental caries patterns

    <strong>The relationship of the formation of dental fear between mothers and their 7 to 9 year-old children</strong>

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    Introduction: Dental fear is a common occurrence that responds to the stress induced by various dental procedures. Its intensity varies from nervousness and anxiety to dental phobia, and it is considered the main barrier to successful completion of treatment. This research aims to analyse the relationship of the formation of dental fear between mother and their 7 to 9-year-old children. Methods: The research design was analytical studies with a cross-sectional survey technique, with samples chosen by the simple random sampling method. Thirty-five mothers and children aged 7-9 years who attended Neglasari 2 and Neglasari 5 Public Elementary School, Sadang Serang, Bandung, were the respondents. This study used a questionnaire called the Dental Subscale of the Children's Fear Survey Schedule (CFSS-DS), tested and proven to be a reliable and valid psychometric instrument for dental fear evaluation in children in Bahasa Indonesia. This study was analysed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results: The mean score of the mothers was 24.314, and the mean score of the children was 23.571.  The correlation value was 0.765. The figure scales in the 'strong' criteria. Conclusion: There is a strong relationship between the formation of dental fear in mothers and their 7-9 years-old children

    Role of Streptococcus Anginosus on the formation of dental caries

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    Generally, the etiology of dental caries is the cariogenic properties of bacteria, these are always associated with Streptococcus mutans. Glucosyltransferase fragment (Gtf) are also in other strains of Streptococcus such as Streptococcus anginosus, Streptococcus milleri which includes beta hemolysis. Genotypically B Streptococcus anginosus has genetic characteristics that are similar to Streptococcus mutans. The research objective was to determine the existence of Gtf B/C gene as a cause of caries in Streptococcus anginosus. The study was conducted in experimental laboratories with PCR technique by taking a sample of 20 children who had caries. The results showed there was the amplification of Streptococcus anginosus with a level of homology 96%, 97%, and 99%. The results of the Gtf genes amplification fragment B/C provided 600 pb ribbon. The conclusion was Streptococcus anginosus classified as cariogenic bacteria because they had Gtf B/C genes

    <p>Distribusi frekuensi missing teeth pada anak sindroma Down</p><p>Missing teeth frequency distribution of Down syndrome children</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Missing teeth adalah suatu keadaan berupa hilangnya gigi karena adanya kegagalan perkembangan gigi yang dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya fungsi pengunyahan, fonetik, estetika, serta munculnya masalah pada jaringan keras dan lunak di sekitarnya. Gejala missing teeth ditemukan pada anak sindroma Down, yaitu anak yang memiliki kromosom berlebih (trisomi 21), yang mengakibatkan kelainan dan keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan baik fisik dan mental. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi missing teeth pada anak sindroma Down di Yayasan POTADS. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survei. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah penderita sindroma Down anggota Yayasan Persatuan Orang Tua Anak dengan Down Syndrome (POTADS) dan diperiksa di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (RSGM) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling sebanyak 25 orang. Anak dengan sindroma Down berusia lebih dari 5 tahun didapatkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari POTADS. Analisis data dilakukan dengan distribusi frekuensi relatif. Hasil: Sebanyak 48,07% anak sindroma Down yang diperiksa mengalami missing teeth dengan tipe hipodonsia sebesar 88%. Simpulan: Distribusi frekuensi missing teeth terjadi pada hampir setengah populasi anak sindroma Down di Yayasan POTADS. Kata kunci: Missing teeth, hipodonsia, sindroma Down.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Missing teeth is a condition of tooth loss due to developmental failure which can reduce the function of mastication, phonetics, aesthetics, and the problems in the surrounding hard and soft tissues. Missing teeth symptoms are found in Down syndrome children, which is children with excessive chromosomes (trisomy 21), resulting in abnormalities and delays in growth and development both physically and mentally. This study was aimed to determine the missing teeth frequency distribution of Down syndrome children at POTADS Foundation. Methods: The research was descriptive with survey technique. Population in this study were Down syndrome patients who were members of the Association of Parents with Down Syndrome Children (POTADS) Foundation and were examined at Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Dental Hospital (RSGM). Sampling technique was a total sampling resulting 25 people. Children with Down syndrome more than 5 years old were based on data obtained from POTADS Foundation. Data analysis was carried out by relative frequency distribution. Results: A total of 48.07% of Down syndrome children examined had missing teeth with the type of hypodontia by 88%. Conclusion: Missing teeth occur in almost half the population of children with Down syndrome at POTADS Foundation. Keywords: Missing teeth, hypodontia, Down Syndrome