5 research outputs found

    Organizacja wypoczynku i rekreacji na terenach zieleni miejskiej

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    Organization of rest and recreation in the modern world is an expression of individual human needs. It is a result of the awareness of individuals, related with organizational activities (associations, clubs, etc.). It is also related with society's wealth, free time, interests, skills, and physical activity. In the modern world recreation is gaining importance due to the need to prevent stressful situations and lifestyle disease. In urban areas the main area of physical activity are the urban green areas. These areas with the proper design and equipment play important biological, cultural, social and recreational functions. They enable the implementation of various forms of mental and physical activity, other than those arising from the duties of daily life, of professional, family, social and living needsOrganizacja wypoczynku i rekreacji we współczesnym świecie jest wyrazem indywidualnych potrzeb człowieka. Stanowi ona efekt świadomości poszczególnych osób, wynikającej z działalności organizacyjnej (stowarzyszeń, klubów itp.). Związana jest także z zamożnością społeczeństwa, ilością wolnego czasu, zainteresowaniami, umiejętnościami i aktywnością fizyczną. Rekreacja we współczesnym świecie nabiera znaczenia w związku z koniecznością zapobiegania sytuacjom stresowym i chorobom cywilizacyjnym. Na terenach zurbanizowanych główny obszar aktywności ruchowej stanowią obiekty terenów zieleni miejskiej. Tereny te poprzez właściwe ukształtowanie i urządzenie pełnią ważne funkcje biologiczne, kulturalne, społeczne oraz rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowe. Umożliwiają realizację różnych form aktywności umysłowej i fizycznej, innej niż te, wynikające z obowiązków życia codziennego, zawodowego, rodzinnego, społecznego czy potrzeb bytowyc

    Wartość produkcyjna i paszowa wybranych gatunków traw w aspekcie ich zróżnicowania odmianowego

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    Wydział PrzyrodniczyStreszczenie: Do gatunków traw pastewnych, które najczęściej są wykorzystywane do obsiewu łąk i pastwisk należą między innymi kupkówka pospolita, kostrzewa łąkowa oraz życice. Stąd też, dobra znajomość odmian tych gatunków może ułatwić ich dobór w komponowaniu składu mieszankowego do obsiewu krótkotrwałych, bądź trwałych użytków zielonych. Dlatego celem pracy jest analiza zmienności plonowania oraz składu chemicznego i właściwości paszowych badanych odmian kupkówki pospolitej i kostrzewy łąkowej uprawianych na glebach mineralnych i organicznych. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki dwóch doświadczeń polowych w Krzyżewie (gleba mineralna) i Uhninie (gleba organiczna) prowadzonych w latach 2010-2013 przez COBORU w Słupi Wielkiej, Obiekty doświadczalne stanowiły warianty odmianowe: kupkówka pospolita - Niva, Tukan, Amila, Crown Royale oraz kostrzewa łąkowa - lirnosa, Pasja, Anturka, Amelka (d. AND 1009). Okres pełnego użytkowania odmian kupkówki pospolitej przypadał na lata 2012-2013, a odmian kostrzewy łąkowej na lata 2011-2012. Kupkówkę pospolitą użytkowano sześciokośnie, kostrzewę łąkową czterokośnie. W badaniach wykazano, że u kostrzewy łąkowej istotnie najwyższym plonowaniem charakteryzowała się odmiana Amelka podczas gdy u kupkówki pospolitej plonowanie odmian było bardziej wyrównane. Uzyskane w badaniach różnice zarówno w poziomie plonowania jak i w ocenie wartości paszowej materiału roślinnego wykazały, że spośród odmian kupkówki pospolitej godną polecenia jest odmiana Tukan, a u kostrzewy łąkowej odmiana Pasja, ewentualnie Amelka.Summary: Species of forage grasses that are most often used to sow of the meadows and pastures are include, among others, orchard grass, meadow fescue and ryegrass Therefore, a good knowledge of the variety of these species may facilitate their selection in mixture composition to sow for short-term or permanent grassland. Therefore, the purpose of work is the the variability analyzing of yield and chemical composition and properties of feed tested varieties of cocksfoot and tall fescue grown in mineral and organic soils. The study was based on the results of two field experiments in Krzyźewo (mineral soil) and Uhnin (organic soil) conducted in 2010-2013 by COBORU in Słupia Wielka. Experimental objects were specific varieties: cocksfoot - Niva, Toucan, Arnila, Crown Royale and meadow fescue - Limosa, Passion, Anturka, Amelka (e. AND 1009). The period of full use of cocksfoot varieties was in 2012-2013, and the varieties of tall fescue in 2011-2012. Cocksfoot was used six times and meadow fescue four times. Studies have shown that in tall fescue significantly highest yielding characterized by Amelka variety, while in yielding of cocksfoot varieties was more equalized. Obtained in study differences both in the level of yield as well as in assessing of the forage plant material value showed that among the varieties of cocksfoot Toucan variety should be recommended and for tall fescue Passion variety, eventually Amelia variet


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    The aim of this paper is to analyze yield variation of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca pratensis varieties grown on organic and mineral soil. This paper has drawn on two field experiments set up and carried out between 2010 and 2013. The experiment was conducted in two experimental stations: one in the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing in Krzyżewo and the other in the Experimental Stations for Variety Testing in Uhinin. The experiment in Krzyżewo was set up on ploughed soil, with spring barley as a forecrop. In Uhnin the experimental plots were located on peat meadow. The experimental plots were sown with varieties of Dactylis glomerata: Niva, Tukan, Amila, Crown Royale and with varieties of Festuca pratensis: Limosa, Pasja, Anturka, Amelka. The full exploitation of Dactylis glomerata varieties was due between 2012 and 2013, whereas for Festuca pratensis it was due between 2011 and 2012. In the experimental plots with the varieties of Dactylis glomerata the grass was harvested six times a year and chemical analysis of the biomass was done taking dry matter only from five cuts. The varieties of Festuca pratensis were harvested four times. Each year in the course of the experiment fresh and dry matter of each cut were weighed. The grass species and their varieties as well as the particular mowing and kind of soil where the grass was grown have an impact on the yield. On mineral soil the yield of Dactylis glomerata was higher than Festuca pratensis. On organic soil the yield of both species was similar. During the two years of experiment the highest yield among Festuca pratensis varieties was noted for Amelka whereas among varieties of Dactylis glomerata the yield was similar and differences were not statistically significant

    Molecular characteristics of KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae at the early stage of their dissemination in Poland, 2008-2009.

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    After the first report in May 2008, the National Reference Center for Susceptibility Testing confirmed 113 cases of infection or colonization by KPC-producing members of the family Enterobacteriaceae in Poland by the end of 2009. The vast majority of patients were found in 18 hospitals; three patients were diagnosed at outpatient clinics. Most of the institutions were in the Warsaw area, including three hospitals with the highest numbers of cases. When available, the data on previous hospitalizations often indicated that these hospitals were the probable acquisition sites; one patient arrived from New York. The group of 119 unique isolates consisted of Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 114), followed by Klebsiella oxytoca (n = 3), and Escherichia coli (n = 2). The K. pneumoniae isolates were dominated by the clone sequence type 258 (ST258) (n = 111); others were ST11 and ST23. The ST258 group was heterogeneous, with 28 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) subtypes, ∼25 plasmid profiles, and nine β-lactamase patterns differing by KPC variants (KPC-2 mainly), and SHV-12, CTX-M-3, and TEM-1-like enzymes. Plasmids carrying bla(KPC) genes varied in size (~48 to 250 kb), structure, and conjugation potential. Transferable IncFII(K) plasmids of ~110 to 160 kb, probably pKpQIL or its derivatives, were observed in all K. pneumoniae clones and in K. oxytoca. Also prevalent were nontypeable pETKp50-like plasmids of ~50 kb, found in K. pneumoniae ST258 and E. coli isolates (ST93 and ST224). Two K. pneumoniae-E. coli pairs from single patients might represent the in vivo transfer of such plasmids. The striking diversity of KPC producers at the early stage of dissemination could result from several introductions of these bacteria into the country, their multidirectional evolution during clonal spread, and transfer of the plasmids