26 research outputs found

    Studies on the maize cold tolerance tests in the Martonvásár phytotron

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    The climatic conditions in Hungary and in the countries to which seed is exported makes the study of maize cold tolerance and constant improvements in the cold tolerance of Martonvásár hybrids especially important. An improvement in the early spring cold tolerance of maize would allow it to be grown in more northern areas with a cooler climate, while on traditional maize-growing areas the profitability of maize production could be improved by earlier sowing, leading to a reduction in transportation and drying costs and in diseases caused by Fusarium sp. The recognition of this fact led Martonvásár researchers to start investigating this subject nearly four decades ago. The phytotron has proved an excellent tool for studying and improving the cold tolerance of maize. The review will give a brief summary of the results achieved in the field of maize cold tolerance in the Martonvásár institute in recent decades

    Fényemittáló maleinimid tartalmú polimerek előállítása és vizsgálata

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    Fluoreszcens tulajdonságokkal rendelkező maleimid tartalmú alapláncokat szintetizáltunk. Az előállított monomereket (akril-származékok) gyökös módszerrel polimerizáltuk. A fluoreszcens termékeket tisztítottuk és részletesen karakterizáltuk NMR, GPC és tömegspektrometriás mérésekkel. Az elvégzett optikai vizsgálatok kimutatták, hogy az előállított monomerek és polimerek, az oldat elkészítésénél használt oldószer polaritásától függően, zöld vagy sárga fényt emittálnak

    Microplastic abundance and distribution in the open water and sediment of the Ottawa River, Canada, and its tributaries

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    Microplastic pollution is prevalent in the Ottawa River, with all open water samples (n = 62) and sediment samples (n = 10) containing microplastics. The median microplastic concentration of nearshore 100 L water samples was 0.1 fragments per L (ranged between 0.05 and 0.24 fragments per L). The larger volume Manta trawls samples taken in the middle of the Ottawa River had an overall mean concentration of plastics of 1.35 fragments per m3. Plastic concentrations were significantly higher downstream of the wastewater treatment plant (1.99 fragments per m3) compared with upstream of the effluent output (0.71 fragments per m3), suggesting that the effluent plume is a pathway for plastic pollution to the Ottawa River. The mean concentration of microplastic fragments recovered in the sediment samples was 0.22 fragments per g dry weight. The abundance of microplastics in the sediment was not significantly related to the mean particle size or the organic content of the sediment. The most common form of plastic particles found was microfibers. These made up between 70% and 100% of all plastic particles observed, although plastic microbeads and secondary plastic fragments were also recovered