306 research outputs found

    Computer laboratory in medical education for medical students

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    Five generations of the second year students at the Zagreb University School of Medicine were interviewed through an anonymous questionnaire on their use of personal computers, Internet, computer laboratories and computer-assisted education in general. Results show advance in using the information and communication technology by medical students during the period from 1998/99 to 2002/03. However, their positive opinion about computer laboratory depends on installed capacities: the better technology in the computer laboratory ā€“ the more positive opinion of it

    The Specificity of Children and Adolescents Expert Evaluation

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    Enthalpy-entropy Compensation for n-hexane Adsorption on Y Zeolite Containing Transition Metal Cations

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    In this work, the values of entropy changes related to n-hexane adsorption onto cation exchanged Y zeolite were calculated from differential heats. Various transition metal cations (Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+) were introduced into the lattice of the parent NaY, and the existence of enthalpy-entropy compensation effect related to n-hexane adsorption, id. est, the linearity of -triangle H vs. -triangle S plots was examined. The compensation effect was confirmed for all investigated zeolites. The compensation effect can be comprehended as governed by ion-induced dipole interaction between highly polarizing cationic centers in zeolite and nonopolar n-hexane molecules. Finally, the compensation effect and so the compensation temperature were found to depend on the type of charge-balancing cation (charge, size and electronic configuration)

    FTIR studija adsorpcije ugljen-monoksida na izmenjenim zeolitima tipa X, Y i mordenita

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    In this work Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study has been applied to study the adsorption of carbon monoxide on transition metal (Mn2+, Co2 Ni2+) ion-exchanged zeolites type Y, X and mordenites. The adsorption of CO at room temperature produces overlapping IR absorption bands in the 2120ā€“2200 cm-1 region. The frequency of the band around 2200 cm-1 is found to be dependent not only on the charge-balancing transition metal cation but also on the framework composition. The frequencies of the band near 1600 cm-1 was found to be dependent on the Si/Al ratio of the investigated zeolites.U ovom radu ispitivana je adsorpcija ugljen-monoksida na izmenjenim zeolitima (Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+) tipa X, Y i mordenita primenom infracrvene spektroskopije sa Furijeovom analizom (FTIR). Adsorpcijom CO na sobnoj temperaturi nastaju složene trake u spektralnoj oblasti od 2120 do 2200 cm-1.Uočeno je da frekvencija trake na oko 2200 cm-1 zavisi i od katjona prisutnog u strukturi, i od sastava same zeolitske reÅ”etke. Uočeno je takođe da frekvencije traka na oko 1600 cm-1 zavise od strukture, odnosno od Si/Al odnosa ispitivanih zeolita

    Akademik Josip Hamm

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    Razredni odjel oduvijek je dinamično okruženje u kojem svaki učitelj ili nastavnik treba odgovoriti na izazove i potrebe razredne zajednice i pojedinaca. Rad u razrednom odjelu iznova je izazov i poticaj za vlastito usavrÅ”avanje i refleksivno učenje o vlastitim postupcima, metodama i načinima rada. Raznovrsnost i različitost individualnih karakteristika učenika razrednog odjela stvara određenu količinu dinamičnosti

    Does psychopathology in children and youth change?

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    Na pitanje mijenja li se psihopatologija kod djece i mladih veliki broj stručnjaka za mentalno zdravlje, roditelja i nastavnika odgovorio bi pozitivno, ali uz različita objaÅ”njenja. NajčeŔći razlozi, prema brojnim ispitivanjima su: promjena obiteljskih odnosa, sve veći utjecaj okruženja i medija, povećani pritisak i očekivanja od mladih uz izostanak odgovarajuće podrÅ”ke, kvalitetnija dijagnostika koja omogućuje profesionalcima bolji uvid u etiologiju problema i dr. Ispitivanja usmjerena na prevalenciju pojedinih oblika ponaÅ”anja ukazuju na porast kako anksioznih tako i depresivnih poremećaja, ali u odnosu na temeljnu edukaciju procjenitelja naglasak se daje na različite etioloÅ”ke faktore. Brojna ispitivanja usmjerena prema etiologiji psihotičnih poremećaja ukazuju na različitosti vezane u odnosu na procjenitelje. Analiza postojećih klasifikacija ukazuje na promjene u pristupu. Veliki broj istraživača smatra da DSM ranije nije bio usmjeren na etiologiju, dok se prema prijedlogu DSM 5 mijenjaju kriteriji dijagnosticiranja Å”to se reflektira i na procjene pojedinih dijagnostičkih skupina i terapijskih pristupa. Posebice se naglasak daje na deficit u kognitivnom kapacitetu koji počinje u razvojnom razdoblju, a smatra se da ima bitni utjecaj na razvoj mentalnih poremećaja. Promjena kliničke slike temeljem brojnih istraživanja ukazuju na nove spoznaje etiologije, posebice vezane uz funkcioniranje SŽS-a i povezanosti bioloÅ”kih i psiholoÅ”kih čimbenika, ali i promijenjenom dinamikom u obiteljskim odnosima te načinima Å”kolovanja Å”to sve zahtijeva multidisciplinski pristup u dijagnostičkim procesima kao i daljnja istraživanja te povezanost kliničara i istraživača.When asked whether psychopathology in children and youths is changing, a large number of mental health experts, parents and teachers would answer positively, but with different explanations. According to numerous studies, the most common reasons are: changes in family dynamics, the growing influence of mass media and our surroundings, increased pressure and expectations from young people without the adequate support, better quality of diagnostic methods which allows a better insight into the aetiology of a problem for professionals, etc. Studies on the prevalence of certain types of behaviour are indicative of the increase of both anxious and depressive disorders, but different aetiological factors are stressed in accordance to the basic education of the interviewer. Numerous studies aimed at the aetiology of psychotic disorders point towards differences when taking interviewers into account. The analysis of current classifications is indicative of changes in approach. A large number of researchers believe that DSM did not focus on aetiology previously, while DSM 5 made changes in diagnostic criteria, which, in turn, reflect on assessment of certain diagnostic groups and therapeutic approaches. Deficit in cognitive abilities beginning early in the developmental period are highlighted in particular, which is thought to be of great influence on mental disorder development. Change in the clinical picture due to numerous studies brings new revelations in aetiology to the forefront, especially connected to the functioning of the central nervous system and interconnectivity of biological and psychological factors, as well as the changes in the dynamics of family relations and models of education. All of this creates a need for an interdisciplinary approach in the diagnostic processes, as well as a need for further research and further collaboration between clinicians and researchers

    Depression in Children

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    Depresija zauzima važno mjesto u dječjoj psihopatologiji. O njezinoj zastupljenosti postoje brojna razmimoilaženja među profesionalcima koja su posljedica nedovoljno usuglaÅ”enih kriterija prilikom procjene depresivnih stanja, zamaskiranosti kliničke slike različitim ponaÅ”ajnim problemima, ali i često lažno pozitivnim simptomima kod nekih drugih bolesti. Prevalencija depresija različita je u odnosu na dob djeteta, a posebice je prisutna u populaciji djece s različitim neuroloÅ”kim i pedijatrijskim bolestima. Uzroci nastanka mnogobrojni su: od bioloÅ”kih koji su gotovo identični bioloÅ”kim uzrocima kod odraslih osoba do posebno značajnih uzroka vezanih uz odnos roditelj-dijete te dijete-njegova okolina gdje se najčeŔće spominju socioloÅ”ki model, bihevioralni, psiholoÅ”ki i kognitivno-distorzijski model u nastanku depresije. Terapija depresije djece slijedi biopsihosocijalni pristup koji se primjenjuje različitim individualnim, grupnim i farmakoterapijskim tehnikama.Depression in children plays an important role in childhood psychopathology. There are many differences of opinion among professionals regarding its prevalence. These differences arise from insufficiently harmonized criteria applied in the diagnosis and evaluation of depressive states, the clinical picture that is masked with various behavioral problems as well as from frequent false positive symptoms of some other disorders. The prevalence of depression varies with respect to age, and it is particularly present in children with various neurological and pediatric disorders. The causes of depression are numerous and they range from biological (almost identical to those in adults) to especially important causes related to parent-child and environment-child relationships (sociological, behavioral, psychological and cognitive-distorsive models have been most frequently mentioned in the etiology of depression). The treatment of depression in children follows the bio-psycho- social approach that is applied through various individual, group and pharmacological techniques

    Children, Adolescents and Family Violence

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    Za pravilan razvoj djeteta, djetetov odnos prema sebi i svijetu oko sebe odgovorna je obitelj koja odnosom s djetetom, modelom funkcioniranja djetetu stvara pozitivnu sliku o njemu i svijetu oko njega te će dijete povjerenje i bliskost koju je steklo u obitelji prenijeti i na sve druge odnose, Å”to je bitan preduvjet za pravilan mentalni razvoj. Ako postoji nasilje u obitelji, dijete neće stvoriti sigurnost, povjerenje, samopouzdanje, ali će naučiti Å”to znači krivnja, sram, biti samo i bespomoćno. Izlaz iz takvog stanja često je oponaÅ”anje i identificiranje s ponaÅ”anjem odraslih, pa makar i identificiranje s roditeljem zlostavljačem, Å”to dovodi do generiranja agresije i drugih oblika druÅ”tveno neprihvatljivog ponaÅ”anja. Nasilje u obitelji koje je često povezano i s nepovoljnim druÅ”tvenim čimbenicima, a odgovorno je za pravilan razvoj i zdravlje djece koja u takvoj obitelji odrastaju zahtijeva kontinuiranu pomoć druÅ”tva i stručnjaka u obliku primarnih, sekundarnih i tercijarnih programa pomoći.The family, which creates a positive self-image of a child and a positive image of its vicinity through its relationship with the child and through the model of its functioning, is crucial for a healthy development of the child. The child will transpose the confidence and intimacy acquired in its family to all other relationships, which is a prerequisite for proper mental development. However, in cases of family violence, the child will not be able to develop safety, trust, and self-confidence, but will too soon learn about guilt, shame, fear and helplessness. To escape from such a situation, the child may often identify with adults, even with the abuser, and start to mimic his/her abusive behavior outside the family. Family violence, often associated with poor social status, is responsible for developmental and health status of children, who need continuous help from the society and primary, secondary and tertiary health institutions
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