299 research outputs found

    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia or Rendu-Osler-Weber Syndrome in the Same Family

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    The authors present the case of three patients from the same family in whom hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome was diagnosed. The disease is rare and occurs with multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucosa, and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae. The clinical status of our patients included multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucosa, recurrent epistaxis, exertion dyspnea and cyanosis. Polycythemia and hypoxemia were observed in the blood. The clinical status and conventional radiological examination of the thoracic region, with the suspicion of arteriovenous (A-V) fistulae, pointed to HHT. A-V fistulae were confirmed by pulmonary angiography. The pulmonary A-V fistulae were operated in all three patients and diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination of the operated samples. Clinical improvement was observed after the operation and cyanosis, dyspnea, hypoxemia and polycythemia disappeared

    Influence of hydrocolloids on the rheological properties of whey model solutions

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of several carboxymethylcellulose hydrocolloids addition on the rheological properties of whey model systems as well as sucrose Ś sorbitol Ś water solutions. Measurements were done by rotational viscosimeter, Brookfield DV-III at 20 °C. The rheological parameters were determined by Ostwald and Reiner™s power-law model. The results of variance analysis showed that all investigated sources of variation (model solution composition, type of hydrocolloids and freezing process) had a significant influence on the rheological parameter (consistency coefficient). Due to the interaction of hydrocolloid and whey proteins or minerals the viscosity of the model solutions prepared with ultrafiltrated whey dropped substantially. Freezing process increased the viscosity of whey solutions, while the viscosity of solutions prepared with water did not change significantly

    Influence of high intensity ultrasound on rheological and pasting properties of wheat starch

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    Svrha ovog rada je ispitati utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog i niskog intenziteta na reološka i pastozna svojstva suspenzija škroba pšenice. Ispitivane suspenzije sadrže 10 % pšeničnog škroba te su neposredno nakon pripreme procesirane ultrazvukom. Sva ispitivanja provedena su prije i nakon ultrazvučne obrade u ultrazvučnoj kupelji frekvencije 22 kHz, nominalne snage 150 W te ultrazvučnom sondom frekvencije 24 kHz, nominalne snage 100, 300 i 400 W. Vrijeme ultrazvučne obrade svih uzoraka bilo je 15 i 30 minuta. Reološka svojstva određena su primjenom rotacionog reometra Rheometric Scientific RM-180 pri temperaturi od 20 ˚C, a pastozna svojstva škrobnih suspenzija određena su primjenom Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph, Brabender Ohg Duisburg, Njemačka po metodi ICC Standard 126/1. Ultrazvučna obrada uzrokuje mehaničko oštećenje škrobne granule čime njena unutrašnjost postaje dostupnija vodi tijekom zagrijavanja što ima za posljedicu značajne promjene reoloških i pastoznih svojstava škrobnih suspenzija. Reološki parametri pokazuju da sve suspenzije imaju ne-Newtonski karakter, a ultrazvučni tretmen uzrokovao je značajno povećanje koeficijenta konzistencije svih ispitivanih sustava. Ultrazvučnim procesiranjem došlo je do značajnog sniženja temperature želatinizacije kod svih škrobnih suspenzija. Značajno smanjenje početnih temperatura želatinizacije upućuje na raniji stupanj bubrenja granule tijekom zagrijavanja.The aim of this paper was to examine the influence and effect of high and low power ultrasound on rheological and thermophysical properties of wheat starch suspensions. Suspensions containing ten percent of potato starch have been treated with ultrasound. All analysis have been carried out before and after power ultrasound treatment. Ultrasound bath of 22 kHz frequency and nominal power of 150 W has been used, as well as ultrasound probe of 24 kHz frequency and nominal power of 100, 300 and 400 W for 15 and 30 minute treatments. Rheological parameters have been determined with rheometer Rheometric Scientific RM-180 at 20 ºC. Pasting properties have been determined with Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph, Brabender Ohg Duisburg at method ICC Standard 126/1. Ultrasonic treatment caused disrupting of starch granules by mechanical forces and made the granule more permeable to water during the heating step. Because, significant changes of rheological and pasting properties were observed. Rheological parameters showed that all suspensions exhibited non-newtonian (dilatant) character. Also, ultrasonic treatment has affected a significant increase of consistency coefficient of starch suspension. Ultrasonic treatment caused significant lowering of the beginning gelatinization temperatures, which indicated an earlier state of granule swelling during heating

    Psychosocial Characteristics of Patients with Bronchial Asthma and Coronary Disease: Similarities and Differences

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    The authors compare two groups of subjects: patients with bronchial asthma and those with coronary disease, with regard to some social characteristics, abilities and perception of factors which they conceive are important in the etiology of their disease. Data were obtained by means of a questionnaire based on a known calibrated scale. A group of 100 patients with bronchial asthma and a group of 102 patients with coronary disease were examined. The significance of the difference was tested by c 2, t-test, Wilcoxon’s test and multivariate discriminative analysis. The results showed statistically significant differences between the patients with bronchial asthma and those with coronary disease in some social and psychological characteristics and also with regard to perception of potential etiological factors of their disease. However, no difference was found in life style and habits between the coronary and asthmatic patients

    Performanse višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije za TH IR-UWB komunikacijske sustave

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    The multi pulse position amplitude modulation scheme for time-hopping multiple access impulse radio ultrawideband communication systems has been presented in this paper. Multi pulse position amplitude modulation is a hybrid modulation technique, which combines multi pulse position modulation and pulse amplitude modulation. It is shown that multi pulse position amplitude modulation significantly outperforms pulse position modulation with respect to bandwidth efficiency. The multi pulse position amplitude modulation error probability over IEEE 802.15.3a multipath fading channels in multiuser environment is derived. The system analysis shows that the proper selection of modulation parameters can improve the system performance at the cost of hardware complexity (and vice versa).U ovom je radu predstavljena višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacijska shema za impulsne ultraširokopojasne radiokomunikacijske sustave, zasnovana na višekorisničkom pristupu s vremenskim skakanjem. Višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija je hibridni modulacijski postupak, koji je kombinacija višeimpulsno-pozicijske modulacije i impulsno-amplitudne modulacije. Pokazano je da višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija značajno nadmašuje impulsno-pozicijsku modulaciju u pogledu pojasne učinkovitosti. Izvedena je vjerojatnost pogreške višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije u kanalu IEEE 802.15.3a s višestaznim rasprostiranjem i iščezavanjem signala u višekorisničkom okruženju. Analiza sustava pokazuje da odgovaraju ći izbor parametara modulacije može poboljšati performanse sustava uz povećanje složenosti sklopovlja (i obrnuto)

    Doses in the Vicinity of Mobile X-ray Equipment in a Children’s Intensive Care Unit

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    Most of the patients in the intensive care unit for children are newborns and infants having an infection of the central nervous system, with systemic septic and respiratory infections. Therefore, mobile X-ray equipment including mobile shields is routinely used for diagnosis of the respiratory tract, heart and endovascular cateterisation. The aim of this work was to determine the radiation exposure to the children in the vicinity of the exposed patient in the same or next room. Three measurement runs were carried out with thermoluminescence dosimetry system. The results show that the homogeneity of the irradiation field is adequate, the exposure of children to radiation in the vicinity of the exposed patient in the same or next room is very low, practically in the range of the lowest detectable dose. The entrance dose on the breast of the patient was found to be 0.07 mSv. Therefore, there is no basis for the risk estimation of genetic, leukemogenic and cancerogenic detriment