91 research outputs found

    Emergent inert adjoint scalar field in SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics due to coarse-grained topological fluctuation

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    We compute the phase and the modulus of an energy- and pressure-free, composite, adjoint, and inert field φ in an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory at large temperatures. This field is physically relevant in describing part of the ground-state structure and the quasiparticle masses of excitations. The field φ possesses nontrivial S1-winding on the group manifold S3. Even at asymptotically high temperatures, where the theory reaches its Stefan-Boltzmann limit, the field φ, though strongly power suppressed, is conceptually relevant: its presence resolves the infrared problem of thermal perturbation theory

    Radiative corrections to the pressure and the one-loop polarization tensor of massless modes in SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics

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    We compute the one-loop polarization tensor Π\Pi for the on-shell, massless mode in a thermalized SU(2) Yang-Mills theory being in its deconfining phase. Postulating that SU(2)CMB=todayU(1)Y_{\tiny{CMB}}\stackrel{\tiny{today}}=U(1)_Y, we discuss Π\Pi's effect on the low-momentum part of the black-body spectrum at temperatures ∌2...4\sim 2... 4 TCMBT_{\tiny{CMB}} where TCMB∌2.73T_{\tiny{CMB}}\sim 2.73 K. A table-top experiment is proposed to test the above postulate. As an application, we point out a possible connection with the stability of dilute, cold, and old innergalactic atomic hydrogen clouds. We also compute the two-loop correction to the pressure arising from the instantaneous massless mode in unitary-Coulomb gauge, which formerly was neglected, and present improved estimates for subdominant corrections.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figs, v4: consequences of a modification of the evolution equation for the effectice coupling implemented, no qualitative change of the physic

    Eine Analyse der praktischen Vernunft anhand der politischen Theorien von Rawls, Fichte und Kant

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    Die neuere Medizinethik beruft sich hĂ€ufig auf den US-amerikanischen Gesellschaftstheoretiker und Harvard-Professor Rawls, wenn aufgrund der Mittelknappheit im Gesundheitswesen die Rationierung von medizinischen Leistungen etwa durch kostensensible Leitlinien gerechtfertigt werden soll. Mit seiner normativ-deskriptiven Gerechtigkeitstheorie gilt er als einer der grĂ¶ĂŸten politischen Denker des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, und die ihn verehrende und kritisierende Rezeption bringt bis heute Wissenschaftspreise und Auszeichnungen, Lehrstuhlberufungen und Karrieren hervor. Die vorliegende Dissertation ĂŒberprĂŒft die BegrĂŒndetheit von RawlsÊŒ herausragender Geltung in der sog. Scientific Community, indem seine Selbstkritik an der mangelhaften Gerechtigkeitstheorie, sein Bedauern ĂŒber gravierende UnzulĂ€nglichkeiten und seine Forderung der notwendigen, aber wegen persönlicher GrĂŒnde ab dem Jahr 2002 nicht mehr durchgefĂŒhrten Umarbeitung hin zur Deduktion von Recht und Gerechtigkeit aus der praktischen Vernunft aufgegriffen werden. Diese Vernunft wird analysiert anhand der politischen Theorien von RawlsÊŒ eigenem Ansatz, Fichtes Gegenentwurf und Kants ƒuvre als ihr gemeinsamer Bezugspunkt. Das ist eine reflektierte Kritik der Geschichte und Systematik des politischen Liberalismus am Maßstab der Transzendentalphilosophie

    Loop expansion in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

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    We argue that a selfconsistent spatial coarse-graining, which involves interacting (anti)calorons of unit topological charge modulus, implies that real-time loop expansions of thermodynamical quantities in the deconfining phase of SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills thermodynamics are, modulo 1PI resummations, determined by a finite number of connected bubble diagrams.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, v5: discussion of much more severely constrained nonplanar situation included in Sec.

    Effects of an immunosuppressive therapy on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition in metastatic melanoma – an analysis of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG

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    Background The impact of immunosuppressive therapy (IST) on immune-checkpoint inhibition (ICI) is unclear. Methods Patients with unresectable advanced melanoma (MM) treated with ICI in the years 2011–2020 were identified from the prospective multicenter German skin cancer registry ADOREG. Patients with IST within 60 days before, or within 30 days after start of ICI were compared to patients without IST. End points were disease control rate (DCR), overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) determined by Kaplan-Meier method. Prognostic factors were evaluated in a Cox regression model. Results Of 814 patients treated with ICI, 73 (9%) received concomitant IST, mainly steroids. Patients with brain metastases (BM) received IST more frequently (n = 34/130 patients; 26%), than patients without BM (39/684 patients; 6%). In patients without BM, IST initiated before, but not IST initiated after start of ICI was significantly associated with worse PFS (univariate hazard ratio (HR) 2.59, 95% confidence interval (95%-CI) 1.07–6.28, p = 0.035; multivariate HR 3.48, 95%-CI 1.26–9.6, p = 0.016). There was no association between IST and OS or DCR. In patients with BM, IST initiated before, but not after start of ICI was significantly associated with worse OS (univariate HR 2.06, 95%-CI 1.07–3.95, p = 0.031; multivariate HR 5.91, 95%-CI 1.74–20.14, p = 0.004). There was no association between IST and PFS or DCR. Conclusion Patients receiving IST 60 days before start of ICI showed a tendency to an impaired therapy outcome. IST initiated within 30 days after start of ICI, mainly due to early side effects, did not affect the efficacy of ICI therapy

    Standard for Synthesis of Customized Peptides by Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases

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    The purpose of this RFC is to introduce a standardized framework for the engineering of customizable non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and their application for in vivo and in vitro synthesis of short non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) of user-defined sequence and structure

    HiCT: High Throughput Protocols For CPE Cloning And Transformation

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    The purpose of this RFC is to provide instructions for a rapid and cost efficient cloning and transformation method which allows for the manufacturing of multi-fragment plasmid constructs in a parallelized manner: High Throughput Circular Extension Cloning and Transformation (HiCT). Description of construct libraries generated by the HiCT method can be found at http://2013.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/Indigoidine. This RFC also points out further optimization strategies with regard to construct stability, reduction of transformation background and the generation of competent cells
