2 research outputs found

    Morphological Features of Trypanosomes from Squirrel Monkeys from the Brazilian Amazon

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    A morphometric analysis of blood trypomastigotes identified as Trypanosoma minasense, T. saimirii, and T. rangeli harbored by squirrel monkeys from the Brazilian Amazon was performed. Additionally, morphological and biological comparative analyses were conducted of T. saimirii-like and T. rangeli development forms from haemoculture and xenodiagnosis. Illustrations are given of blood trypomastigotes as well as of developing flagellates in triatomine and axenic culture. Mean values of blood trypomastigotes of T. saimirii differ statistically from those of T. rangeli in only two out of ten morphological characters measured, and ranges overlapped. The developing forms of T. saimrii-like parasites were essentially identical in both xenodiagnosis and haemoculture to those of T. rangeli. Trypanosomes confirmed as T. rangeli were transmitted to mice by the bites of the great majority of triatomines that fed on T. saimirii-like infected monkeys. We conclude that, based on morphology and on the development in triatomine bugs and haemoculture, T. saimirii should not be considered a distinct species. We therefore propose T. saimirii to be a junior synonym of T. rangel

    The Infection Rates of Trypanosomes in Squirrel Monkeys at Two Sites in the Brazilian Amazon

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    A study was conducted to determine the prevalence of natural infections by trypanosome species in squirrel monkeys: Saimiri sciureus (Linnaeus) and Saimiri ustus (Geoffroy) caught respectively near 2 hydroelectric plants: Balbina, in the State of Amazonas, and Samuel, in the State of Rondônia, Brazil. A total of 165 squirrel monkeys were examined by thick and thin blood smears (BS), haemocultures and xenodiagnosis: 112 monkeys, 67.9%,(being 52.7% with mix infections) were positive to trypanosomes. Four species of trypanosomes were found in monkeys from the 2 areas: Trypanosoma (Tejeraia) rangeli Tejera or T. rangeli-like parasites in 58 squirrel monkeys (35.2%), Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) minasense Chagas in 55 (33.3%), Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) saimirii Rodhain or T. saimirii-like parasites in 53 (32.1%) and Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas in 17 (10.3%). As T. saimirii resembles T. minasense in blood-stream trypomastigotes and T. rangeli in cultural forms and in this survey almost all monkeys presenting trypanosomes morphologically indistinguishable from T. saimirii and/or T. minasense in BS were found through xenodiagnosis and/or haemoculture to be infected by T. rangeli, we suggest that the validity of T. saimirii needs to be evaluate