9 research outputs found

    Twice- or Once-Daily Dosing of Novel Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention: A Fixed-Effects Meta-Analysis with Predefined Heterogeneity Quality Criteria

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>A number of novel oral anticoagulants (direct thrombin inhibitors or factor Xa inhibitors) are in clinical use for various indications. The dosing regimens differ between twice-daily and once-daily dosing for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. With the availability of the results from four phase 3 studies (>70,000 patients), we explored whether twice-daily or once-daily dosing provides better risk-benefit balance among novel oral anticoagulants.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We conducted a strict, stepwise, fixed-effects meta-analysis with predefined heterogeneity quality criteria to generate the most appropriate common estimates for twice-daily (BID) or once-daily (QD) dosing regimens. An indirect comparison of these dosing regimens with fixed-effects meta-analysis common estimates (where available), or individual compound results, was done respectively.</p><p>Results</p><p>Comparing indirectly BID vs QD dosing regimens resulted in hazard ratios (HR [95% confidence interval]) for stroke and systemic embolism of 0.75 (0.58โ€“0.96) for dabigatran 150 mg BID, and 0.91 (0.73โ€“1.13) for apixaban BID vs the QD dosing regimen. For ischemic stroke, the HR of BID vs QD was 0.85 (0.69โ€“1.05). For intracranial hemorrhage, BID vs rivaroxaban QD was 0.57 (0.37โ€“0.88) and, vs edoxaban QD, 0.81 (0.54โ€“1.22). Due to heterogeneity, common estimates for major bleeding QD or BID were not justified, therefore indirect comparison of regimens were not possible. All non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants reduced all-cause mortality vs warfarin with a HR of 0.90 (0.86โ€“0.96) without differences between regimen.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Based on the available phase 3 study evidence, the twice-daily dosing regimen of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants appears to offer a more balanced risk-benefit profile with respect to stroke prevention and intracranial hemorrhage.</p></div

    Scheme of the strict, stepwise, fixed-effects meta-analysis with predefined heterogeneity quality criteria.

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    <p>This stepwise statistical approach was conducted for the identification of groupings that are justified to generate a common estimate (CE) based on the predefined quality criteria of low heterogeneity. If these heterogeneity criteria were not met no CE was generated. Legend: BID, twice-daily dosing; CE, common estimate; I<sup>2</sup>, Higgins' I<sup>2 </sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099276#pone.0099276-Deeks1" target="_blank">[8]</a>; QD, once-daily dosing; Q<sub>peto</sub>, ฯ‡<sup> 2</sup>-distributed, Cochran's Q <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099276#pone.0099276-Jackson1" target="_blank">[7]</a>.</p

    Common estimates where justified and indirect comparisons of all BID or QD dosing regimens of NOACs.

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    <p>Results are expressed from the respective main dose results of the phase 3 trials <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099276#pone.0099276-Connolly1" target="_blank">[1]</a>โ€“<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099276#pone.0099276-Giugliano1" target="_blank">[5]</a> in the intent-to-treat analysis for efficacy (Stroke and systemic embolism, ischemic stroke) and in the safety analysis for intracranial hemorrhage. AP, apixaban; BID, twice-daily dosing; CE, common estimate; CI, confidence interval; DE, dabigatran etexilate; EDOX, edoxaban; HR, hazard ratio; QD, once-daily dosing; RIVA, rivaroxaban; SE, systemic embolism; W, warfarin; <sup>a</sup>In the ROCKET-AF trial, only ischemic strokes, excluding unspecified strokes, are reported. Note: bold and italic font marks significantly superior results.</p

    Indirect comparison of BID vs QD with the CEs and results from respective NOACs.

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    <p>The comparison is conducted based on the results from the generation of CE for the respective end points. If no CE was generated (according to the strict heterogeneity criteria) a comparison of the respective result of the specific NOAC was applied. Legend: AP, apixaban; BID, twice-daily dosing; CE, common estimate; CE BID, common estimate generated by meta-analysis of DE 150 mg BID and AP 5/2.5 mg BID; CE QD, common estimate generated by meta-analysis of RIVA 20/10 mg QD and EDOX 60/30 mg QD; DE, dabigatran etexilate; EDOX, edoxaban; HR (95% CI), hazard ratio (95% confidence interval); ITT, intention-to-treat analysis; NOACs, novel oral anticoagulants; QD, once-daily dosing; RIVA, rivaroxaban; safety, safety set analysis.</p

    Reported safety outcomes (HRs [95% CI] vs warfarin) of the respective NOACs in the phase 3 trials [1]โ€“[5] in the safety analysis sets.

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    <p>AP, apixaban; CI, confidence interval; DE, dabigatran etexilate; EDOX, edoxaban; HR, hazard ratio; NOACs, novel oral anticoagulants; RIVA, rivaroxaban.</p><p>Note. Bold font marks results where the 95% CIs do not cross or touch 1.00.</p><p>*Dose with most pronounced efficacy result.</p

    Reported efficacy outcomes (HRs [95% CI] vs warfarin) of the respective NOACs in the phase 3 trials [1]โ€“[5] in the intent-to-treat analysis.

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    <p>AP, apixaban; CI, confidence interval; DE, dabigatran etexilate; EDOX, edoxaban; HR, hazard ratio; RIVA, rivaroxaban. Note. Bold font marks results where the 95% CIs do not cross or touch 1.00.</p><p>*Dose with most pronounced efficacy result. โ€ Includes ischemic strokes only.</p

    Analysis of results heterogeneity of NOACs vs warfarin.

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    <p>Given are the main results (including all dosages or the dose with most pronounced efficacy result)<sup>*</sup> and grouping by regimen (BID or QD) are displayed. BID, twice-daily dosing; FEM, fixed-effects meta-analysis; NOACs, novel oral anticoagulants; QD, once-daily dosing.</p><p>Note. Bold font marks nearly absence of heterogeneity, i.e., generation of a common estimate is justified.</p><p>*Dose with most pronounced efficacy result: dabigatran 150 mg BID, apixaban 5/2.5 mg BID, rivaroxaban 20/15 mg QD, and edoxaban 60/30 mg QD.</p