2,695 research outputs found

    Effects of Aprons on Pitfall Trap Catches of Carabid Beetles in Forests and Fields

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    This study compared the efficacy of three types of pitfall traps in four forest and two field habitats. Two traps had aprons and one did not. The two apron traps were the same except for a gap between the trap and the plywood-apron, allowing captures from above or below. Traps were placed in a split-plot design and had three replicates of the three trap types per habitat. The traps were emptied each week from May to September. ANOVA\u27s were performed on 12 trapped species separately over habitats, weeks, and the in- teractions between them. The nonapron trap captured over 40% more individuals than either apron trap, though apron traps tended to be more effective in fields for species found in both habitats. Habitat-trap interactions were only significant in two species. Trap-week interactions were significant in four species

    A Myrinet Firmware development experience

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    This report describes the technical aspects of the developpement of a Myrinet LANAI code on a Linux platform. It contains information and references that can be useful to people wishing to develop in a similar context, whether from the Myrinet side (embedded code) or from the Linux side (driver)

    Purification of cellulosic pulp by hot water extraction

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    Hot water extraction (HWE) of pulp in a flow-through reactor was evaluated as a method to purify paper-grade pulps. About 50–80 % of the xylan and up to 50 % of the lignin in unbleached birch Kraft pulp was extracted by the HWE without losses in cellulose yield. The residual xylan content in the extracted pulps was predominantly too high for dissolving-grade applications, but some of the pulps with a xylan content of 5–7 % might still be suitable as rayon-grade pulps. Increasing extraction temperature lowered the xylan content at which cellulose yield started to decrease. Furthermore, at any given xylan content, increasing extraction temperature resulted in cellulosic pulp with higher degree of polymerization. The extracted xylan was recovered almost quantitatively as xylo-oligosaccharides. The results suggest that HWEs at elevated temperatures may be applied to purify cellulosic pulps, preferably containing a low xylan content, and to recover the extracted sugars.Finnish Bioeconomy Cluster FIBIC OyTechnology Development Centre (Finland

    Transport haute-performance: problématique et solutions proposées

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    L'univers du calcul haute-performance a découvert des limitations du protocole TCP, l'empêchant d'utiliser pleinement les liens haut-débit et grande distance prévus pour former l'ossature des grilles de calcul. Cet article présente ces problèmes de performance, puis décrit, analyse et compare les solutions actuellement proposées par la communauté réseau.RES-

    To innovate or not to innovate

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    In this paper we analyze the evolution of output decisions of adaptive firms in an environment of oligopolistic competition. The firm might either choose to produce one of several existing product variants or try to establish a new product variant on the market. The demand for each individual product variant is subject to a life-cycle, but aggregate demand for product variants is constant over time. Every period each firm has to decide whether to produce the product again, to introduce a new product variant itself (which generates an initial advantage on that market), or to follow another firm and change to the production of an already established product. Different firms have heterogeneous abilities to develop products respectively imitate existing designs, and therefore the effects of the decision whether to imitate existing designs or to innovate differ between firms. We examine the evolution of behavior in this market using an agent based simulation model. The firms are endowed with simple rules to estimate market potentials and market founding potentials of all firms including themselves, and make their decisions using a stochastic learning rule. Furthermore, the characteristics of the firms change dynamically due to 'learning by doing' effects. The main questions discussed are how the success and the optimal strategy of a firm depend on the interplay between characteristics of the industry and properties of the firm.Series: Working Papers SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science

    Sensorimotor Model of Obstacle Avoidance in Echolocating Bats

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    Bat echolocation is an ability consisting of many subtasks such as navigation, prey detection and object recognition. Understanding the echolocation capabilities of bats comes down to isolating the minimal set of acoustic cues needed to complete each task. For some tasks, the minimal cues have already been identified. However, while a number of possible cues have been suggested, little is known about the minimal cues supporting obstacle avoidance in echolocating bats. In this paper, we propose that the Interaural Intensity Difference (IID) and travel time of the first millisecond of the echo train are sufficient cues for obstacle avoidance. We describe a simple control algorithm based on the use of these cues in combination with alternating ear positions modeled after the constant frequency bat Rhinolophus rouxii. Using spatial simulations (2D and 3D), we show that simple phonotaxis can steer a bat clear from obstacles without performing a reconstruction of the 3D layout of the scene. As such, this paper presents the first computationally explicit explanation for obstacle avoidance validated in complex simulated environments. Based on additional simulations modelling the FM bat Phyllostomus discolor, we conjecture that the proposed cues can be exploited by constant frequency (CF) bats and frequency modulated (FM) bats alike. We hypothesize that using a low level yet robust cue for obstacle avoidance allows bats to comply with the hard real-time constraints of this basic behaviour

    Previously Unidentified Changes in Renal Cell Carcinoma Gene Expression Identified by Parametric Analysis of Microarray Data

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    BACKGROUND. Renal cell carcinoma is a common malignancy that often presents as a metastatic-disease for which there are no effective treatments. To gain insights into the mechanism of renal cell carcinogenesis, a number of genome-wide expression profiling studies have been performed. Surprisingly, there is very poor agreement among these studies as to which genes are differentially regulated. To better understand this lack of agreement we profiled renal cell tumor gene expression using genome-wide microarrays (45,000 probe sets) and compare our analysis to previous microarray studies. METHODS. We hybridized total RNA isolated from renal cell tumors and adjacent normal tissue to Affymetrix U133A and U133B arrays. We removed samples with technical defects and removed probesets that failed to exhibit sequence-specific hybridization in any of the samples. We detected differential gene expression in the resulting dataset with parametric methods and identified keywords that are overrepresented in the differentially expressed genes with the Fisher-exact test. RESULTS. We identify 1,234 genes that are more than three-fold changed in renal tumors by t-test, 800 of which have not been previously reported to be altered in renal cell tumors. Of the only 37 genes that have been identified as being differentially expressed in three or more of five previous microarray studies of renal tumor gene expression, our analysis finds 33 of these genes (89%). A key to the sensitivity and power of our analysis is filtering out defective samples and genes that are not reliably detected. CONCLUSIONS. The widespread use of sample-wise voting schemes for detecting differential expression that do not control for false positives likely account for the poor overlap among previous studies. Among the many genes we identified using parametric methods that were not previously reported as being differentially expressed in renal cell tumors are several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that likely play important roles in renal cell carcinogenesis. This highlights the need for rigorous statistical approaches in microarray studies.National Institutes of Healt

    Early and individualized goal-directed therapy for trauma-induced coagulopathy

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    Severe trauma-related bleeding is associated with high mortality. Standard coagulation tests provide limited information on the underlying coagulation disorder. Whole-blood viscoelastic tests such as rotational thromboelastometry or thrombelastography offer a more comprehensive insight into the coagulation process in trauma. The results are available within minutes and they provide information about the initiation of coagulation, the speed of clot formation, and the quality and stability of the clot. Viscoelastic tests have the potential to guide coagulation therapy according to the actual needs of each patient, reducing the risks of over- or under-transfusion. The concept of early, individualized and goal-directed therapy is explored in this review and the AUVA Trauma Hospital algorithm for managing trauma-induced coagulopathy is presented

    Two-electron atoms, ions and molecules

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    The quantum mechanics of two-electron systems is reviewed, starting with the ground state of the helium atom and helium-like ions, with central charge Z≥2Z\ge 2. For Z=1, demonstrating the stability of the negative hydrogen ion, H−^-, cannot be achieved using a mere product of individual electron wave functions, and requires instead an explicit account for the anticorrelation among the two electrons. The wave function proposed by Chandrasekhar is revisited, where the permutation symmetry is first broken and then restored by a counter-term. More delicate problems can be studied using the same strategy: the stability of hydrogen-like ions (M+,m−,m−)(M^+,m^-,m^-) for any value of the proton-to-electron mass ratio M/mM/m; the energy of the lowest spin-triplet state of helium and helium-like ions; the stability of the doubly-excited hydrogen ion with unnatural parity. The positronium molecule (e+,e+,e−,e−)(e^+,e^+,e^-,e^-), which has been predicted years ago and discovered recently, can also be shown to be stable against spontaneous dissociation, though the calculation is a little more involved. Emphasis is put on symmetry breaking which can either spoil or improve the stability of systems.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
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