9 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 10, 1951

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    Feulner goes to convention in New York • Supply Store announces 40 percent reductions • Pi Gamma Mu sets initiation banquet for new members • Booster Committee doing art work • Messiah concert called credit to Philip\u27s directing ability • Harte and Lukens named \u2753 year book co-editors • Count to speak at 3rd Forum on January 9 • Y hears lecture on loyalty oath • Students dance at winter whirl • Inge Rudloff to speak • Pre-Christmas week of gay events arrives • Curtain Club may give play again • Candlelight Communion planned Thursday night • St. Nick furthers his education by paying visit to Ursinus College • Editorials: Christmas spirit; Thanks for paint job; New religion discovered • English dorm life described as much different from U.S. • I\u27m dreaming of a tight Christmas • Christmas spirits rise as caroling day draws near • Investment in dinner at Millers\u27 home pays high dividends • Bruin court squad scores 67-61 win over Lycoming team in extra period • Snell\u27s Belles practice for coming court season • Intramural basketball to start after Xmas vacation • Temple Pharmacy defeated by locals as 1951-52 basketball season begins • Twenty-seven report to Coach Kuhrt Wieneke for wrestling • Crusaders\u27 rally dies as Bears win thriller, 60-58 • French Club holds annual holiday soiree • Teacher to address FTA • Jones reads Galsworthy • Chest reaches half mark • Chess Club scores loss to Lansdale teamhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1530/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 22, 1948

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    Radio broadcasting begun by students over station WURS • Racial prejudice poll completed by \u27CORE\u27 • Weekly staff grows to record size as cub reporters join • Y asks students to give toys for foreign Christmas • Med schools pick twenty-three for next year\u27s class • Uncle Harry set; cast full of talent • What do you consider an ideal weekend? • Crystal ball motif to be used for Senior Ball at Sunnybrook • Cub reporter suffers collapse; visualizes growth of Ursinus • Inscription creates frustration, defeat, malnutrition, scorn • Marsteller perfects apparatus for department of astronomy • Scarcity of squirrels is fall highlight • Belles notch fifth victory by downing Chestnut Hillers 7-1 • Ten gridders end college careers • Jay Vees trounce Chestnut Hill coeds • Seeders cuts squad to twenty-three; Veterans near peak as opener looms • Grizzlies bow to Staggs 13-0 ending season with 7 losses • Junior varsity due for \u2749 promotion as seven hockey stars leave in June • Last minute tally gives Diplomats 2-1 victory over bears • Belles drop second as Temple wins 3-1 • Music club offers 1st student recital • Pre-Meds observe microscopy exhibit at regular meeting • Ruby to hold Basket-Ball in gym featuring court game and dancehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1602/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 9, 1949

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    Ursinus to acquire fad of lettuce box by Chatlos, Carson • Pageant, play to highlight annual May Day events • Weekly board selects Leeming as \u2749-\u2750 editor • News writer wins mention for essay in national contest • Parliament speaker ends forum season with British theme • WSGA sets banquet to install officers • Lincoln group plans Y vespers program • Hospitality crew set to serve visitors over gala week-end • Junior class to elect officers Wednesday for last college year • MSGA schedules elections for class representatives • Dressler to address pre-meds on tuberculosis at last meeting • Weekly takes peek at past and future of collegiate male • Ursinus claims Missouri pianist • Ursinus bows 80-46; Kennedy sets record • Bearettes win 15-2 in three hit game against Bryn Mawr • Bears trip F&M 7-3 as Stauffer hurls • Bruins drop close meet with Albright speedsters • Netmen fail to win in two more tries • Rain causes delay in campus softball; four games played • Ursinus selects Spangler to assist coaching staff • Links squad bows to Garnet, Albright • Bears elect to join grid hall of fame • Curtain rings down on last group play • Freshmen produce atmosphere with moonlight mood propshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1617/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 15, 1948

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    Seniors to feature Bud Williams\u27 band at December ball • Philip to produce Handel\u27s Messiah for eleventh year • Wallick to leave in December; Will study at Edinburgh • WSSF starts campaign with goal set at $1,000 • Wallace claims UN is success despite Russian difficulties • Pre-meds offered much for money • Juniors to sponsor tux raffle as part of money-raising drive • What do you like best about Ursinus? • Applications due for grad exam • Y to conduct prejudice poll • Pettit appointed assistant registrar • Editorials: Varsity letters; Passing fancies • Letters to the editor • Alumni-society notes • Life of sea calls energetic students for vacation trips • Critic rings bell on Curtain Club\u27s local talent show • Curtain Club stages varied talent show • Don\u27t look now but here\u27s a fan of college males • Coed in top bunk describes 3 ways of making a bed • Haverford thumps Bruin booters 8-1 • Inside on intramurals • Loss of four stars from soccer squad to hurt \u2749 plans • Bruins to face Susquehanna as grid campaign concludes • Cadets wallop Grizzlies 31-0 for sixth triumph of season • Beaver bows 6-2 to Snell\u27s belles • Player of the week • Harriers place 12th in Allentown meet • Lehigh beaten 3-2 in 2nd soccer win • Jay-vees trip Beaver coeds 5-1 to maintain undefeated record • MacWilliams star of hockey win • Campus briefs: International Relations Club; Curtain Club; Phys Ed Club; Canterbury Club; Cub and Key; English Club; Beardwood Chemical Society; Glee Club; WSGA; French Club; German Club; Business Administration Clubhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/3127/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 18, 1948

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    Sophs apparently foiled as freshmen prexy, Lee Trimble, is safely hidden • WAA introduces \u2752 to Ursinus sports • Dale White elected editor of Lantern as Wentzel resigns • Football, fun, light fantastic promise successful old timers\u27 day celebration • Forum to feature election discussion • Grads get degrees on Founders\u27 Day • Five men appointed to act with faculty committees • Dressner, Buchanan picked as council representatives • German club plans dinner; to make Philadelphia trip • Thespians greet applicants at first meeting of year • Former student to return in concert with soprano • Frosh show ends customs for men • NSA head requests college democracy • A happy thought for hapless frosh • Freshman reviews first two weeks • Frosh live again after customs end • Soph ruler reveals innermost thoughts • Junior looks back on freshman year • Frosh views hist.1 with heavy heart • Modern miss visits ancient Latin lands • Subs work all year but get no credit • Dickinson romps to 24-0 victory over bear; Gerry Miller features with 85 yard runback • Bears seek victory on old timers\u27 day • Coeds triumph 5-2 in season\u27s opener • Mules trip bruins in soccer opener • Church colleges hit by Lafayette prexy • Footlighters start ambitious season • Staiger writes article for organic chemistry journal • Pre-meds plan activities; members need high gradeshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1598/thumbnail.jp

    Directional synthesis of a dye-linked conducting homopolymer

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    Literature reviews are an important and popular part of synthesising evidence across a range of disciplines. There are numerous approaches, each with their distinctive features and purposes. The aim of this article is to advance the science of literature reviewing by describing a new form of review: The ‘Focused Mapping Review and Synthesis’ (FMRS). We critique the approach and highlight its similarities and differences in relation to existing review methodologies. There are four key features of FMRS. It: 1) focuses on a defined field of knowledge rather than a body of evidence; 2) creates a descriptive map or topography of key features of research within the field rather than a synthesis of findings; 3) comments on the overall approach to knowledge production rather than the state of the evidence; 4) examines this within a broader epistemological context. The FMRS can be used to answer questions that might not be appropriate for other review types and potentially offers a useful addition to the methodological toolkit of social researchers from multiple disciplines


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