The Ursinus Weekly, December 10, 1951


Feulner goes to convention in New York • Supply Store announces 40 percent reductions • Pi Gamma Mu sets initiation banquet for new members • Booster Committee doing art work • Messiah concert called credit to Philip\u27s directing ability • Harte and Lukens named \u2753 year book co-editors • Count to speak at 3rd Forum on January 9 • Y hears lecture on loyalty oath • Students dance at winter whirl • Inge Rudloff to speak • Pre-Christmas week of gay events arrives • Curtain Club may give play again • Candlelight Communion planned Thursday night • St. Nick furthers his education by paying visit to Ursinus College • Editorials: Christmas spirit; Thanks for paint job; New religion discovered • English dorm life described as much different from U.S. • I\u27m dreaming of a tight Christmas • Christmas spirits rise as caroling day draws near • Investment in dinner at Millers\u27 home pays high dividends • Bruin court squad scores 67-61 win over Lycoming team in extra period • Snell\u27s Belles practice for coming court season • Intramural basketball to start after Xmas vacation • Temple Pharmacy defeated by locals as 1951-52 basketball season begins • Twenty-seven report to Coach Kuhrt Wieneke for wrestling • Crusaders\u27 rally dies as Bears win thriller, 60-58 • French Club holds annual holiday soiree • Teacher to address FTA • Jones reads Galsworthy • Chest reaches half mark • Chess Club scores loss to Lansdale team

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