36 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah (Cpnsd) Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013

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    Central Java Provincial Government in 2013 organized a Candidate Registration Regional Civil Servants (CPNSD) on line system. Selection is done by stages: Selection Administration and Basic Competence Test (TKD) through Computer Assisted Test (CAT) with the facilitation of the State Personnel Board (BKN) .The researchers have assumed that the acceptance CPNSD in Regional Government of Central Java Province in 2013 is better than the previous year. In general, the implementation CPNSD 2013 in Central Java Province has been implemented and run better when compared with the previous year CPNSD implementation. Indications are good transparency in the registration stage to the stage of graduation announcements. At the registration stage, the transparency shown by the use of the Internet media that can be accessed by all people. In the explanation, the public can see clearly the requirements and application procedures CPNSD. However, in the online registration is still frequently encountered obstacles such as the presence slowness internet access by prospective applicants CPNSD in Central Java. Acceptance CPNSD in Central Java in 2013 that uses CAT system has many advantages and can minimize cheating because its value can be directly known to be more objective, in addition to the basic competence test execution process faster, practical and efficient which will save costs

    Upaya Pemerintah Untuk Mewujudkan Kesetaraan Kemandirian Dan Kesejahteraan Difabel Di Kabupaten Klaten ( Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Klaten No. 2 Tahun 2011 Tentang Kesetaraan Kemandirian Dan Kesejahteraan Difabel )

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    Indonesia is a country where every law that citizens have rights andobligations which should be protected by law. A right is something that is inherentto the human being, not only a perfect man but also inherent to the human beingless than perfect (disabled). This needed protection which guaranted the rights ofthe disabled to realize equality, independence and disabled priority in KlatenRegency.Regional Regulation of Klaten Regency no. 2 of 2011 on Equality,Independence, and Disabled Prosperity as the basic of law about education,health, employee, social-politics, economy, and culture for the better future ofdisabled in Klaten Regency. This study discuss about the policy study to analyzehow Klaten Regency Government actualize the regional regulation by qualitativedescriptive methode. This study was held in Klaten Regency, Central Java. Bydata collection of interview and documents.Researcher found in Regional Regulation of Klaten Regency no. 2 of 2011on Equality, Independence, and Disabled Prosperity about policy implementationvariabels that influence the implementation performance of Klaten RegencyGovernment effort to create equality and disabled prosperity. At this study, Paguyuban Penyandang Cacat Klaten (PPCK) were been the mediator to regionalregulation implementation. Factors restricting the research is not yet evenlysocialization of local regulations to the disabled and limited budgets in support ofimplementation of the change. Recommendations of the researcher is to saw thefinancial resources and cooperation between the various parties to support theimplementation of local regulations and thorough socialization from Governmentto society in order to identify their contents nor diffable of regional regulationsand created a good relationship between the Government with the disabled

    Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Pada Sektor Informal (Studi Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kabupaten Ngawi)

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    The presence of informal sector, particularly street vendors (PKL), is anunavoidable economic reality happening to nearly all regions in Indonesia thatneeds special attention. On one side, street vendors have brought problems relatedto urban planning, social, health domain and so forth. While on the other side,street vendors are highly needed by the community in terms of fulfilling their needsand reducing the government\u27s burden. If managed properly, street vendors areable to provide economic improvement and community welfare in a region. NgawiRegency is one region area inseparable from the presence of street vendors. Suchinformal sector has dominated centers of crowd in Ngawi Regency, includingNgawi Regional Square. Street vendors in Ngawi Regency also have also led tomany problems, such as disruption to the city\u27s immaculacy and congestion. Thisresearch is thereby aimed to more deeply examine the Informal Sector Governancein Ngawi Regency.The present research was conducted using combination method orcombining the qualitative and quantitative research with the use of observationdata, interview, documentation and questionnaire in order to explain the realsituation in details while using triangulation of data source, method and theory.Based on the research performed, the results obtained are: the conditionand presence of street vendors in Ngawi Regency are already in accordance withthe theory and concept of Informal Sector; and Ngawi Regency Government has apolicy plan to relocate street vendors. Legalistic approach employed to managestreet vendors is yet accurate, based on findings in the field. A combination ofempowerment, structuralist and legalistic approaches is recommended in themanagement of street vendors

    Kepemimpinan Jawa-islam (Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo) Dalam Penyelengaraan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Batang

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    Leader and leadership is a human natural tendency. National leadership in Indonesia to now has focused more on a leader in harmony with his support community and the plural society that exists. National leadership in Indonesia is also influenced by the many believer of a religion. The research, Leadership of Java-Islam in governance will take the regent with many achievements in the administration of the Batang regency, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the leadership of Java-Islam applied by the Regent Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo in the implementation of local government Batang regency.The recearch uses qualitative methods with data collection using in-depth interviews and documents study. Informants in the study are Regent, Vice of Regent, Regional Secretary, Chairman of DPRD, Bureaucracy, Society and Public Figure.Research results explained that the Regent of Yoyok tends to implement leadership of Java-Islam in the administration of Batang Regency. Decision-making in the Regent\u27s tendency is serve like a moon (laku hambeging candra), serve like a fire (laku hambeging dahana),serve like a star (laku hambeging kartika) and serve like an earth (aku hambeging kisma), serve like a wind (laku hambeging samirana) also serve like a water (laku hambeging tirta), while not on serve like a sun (laku hambeging surya) and serve like an ocean (laku hambeging samodra). Then the implementation of leadership by Prophet in terms of shidiq, tabligh and fathonah. His firmness having a relationship with staff and society keep doing serve like a moon (laku hambeging candra), serve like a fire (laku hambeging dahana), serve like an earth (laku hambeging kisma), serve like a wind (laku hambeging samirana), serve like a sun (laku hambeging surya), serve like an ocean (laku hambeging samodra), and serve like a water (laku hambeging tirta) he don\u27t serve like a star (laku hambeging kartika). Leadership on Islamic societies tend to do is shidiq, amanah, tabligh and fathonah. Development carried out tends to consider the principle of leadership in Islam. While in the leadership of Java did not leave serve like a water (laku hambeging tirta), serve like an ocean (laku hambeging samodra), serve like a wind (laku hambeging samirana), serve like an earth (laku hambeging kisma), serve like a star (laku hambeging kartika), serve like a fire (laku hambeging dahana and serve like a moon (laku hambeging candra)

    Analisis Kesiapan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyumas Dalam Pelaksanaan Perda Nomor 4 Tahun 2012 Tentang Rencana Induk Pengembangan E-Government Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    In 2012,the government of BanyumasRegency authorized Local Regulation No. 4 of2012 on the Master Plan for Development of E-government in Banyumas Regency.BanyumasRegency becomes the only regency in Central Java which has regulation regarding Egovernmnetand received many awards in the field of IT. For that reason, this research aims tosee what and how the action plan will be implemented over the next 5 years and how thereadiness of the government of Banyumas Regency. The method used in this paper is descriptivequalitative method. The data source obtained from the primary data, which is through interviewswith informants or key person by snowball sampling technique.Meanwhile, secondary dataderived from the data of documents, archives, and other sources related to the research.Analysistechniques used in this research is qualitative data analysis in the form of description, illustration,and drawing conclusions on the tendencyresearched

    Peran Asosiasi Petani Tembakau Indonesia (Apti) dalam Memperjuangkan Kepentingan Petani Tembakau di Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Association of Indonesian Tobacco Farmers (APTI) Temanggung as a container group offarmers in Temanggung Regency is expected to play an active role on what happens amongtobacco farmers. Through the implementation of targeted programs, improving the welfare oftobacco farmers in Temanggung Regency and their efforts in fighting for the interests of tobaccofarmers in Temanggung Regency can be realized. Targeted programs will also benefit theempowerment of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association (APTI) Temanggung itself ..The purpose of this research is to know how APTI form and how to respond to TobaccoBill in Temanggung Regency. Know how the effectiveness of APTI's struggle in TemanggungRegency to protect their interestsTo answer the problem and purpose of this research, writer use qualitative descriptiveapproach. The results show the form and way of APTI struggle in responding to the draft law canbe seen from their action down the road peridoik and try to meet the members of the board andofficials who influence a policy.Over time APTI is expected to establish cooperation with more parties or tobaccoindustry companies and improve the ability of APTI Temanggung in order to maintain theexistence of APTI Temanggung and can be useful for farmers in Temanggung

    Implementasi Peraturan Gubernur No.33 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengaturan Tempat Dan Pembinaan USAha Mikro Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta (Studi Penelitian Lokasi Binaan Meruya Ilir, Jakarta Barat)

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    One of the policies made by the local government of DKI Jakarta in terms of arrangements place and Guidance Micro Street Vendors stipulated in Governor Regulation No.33 of 2010. This policy is to support micro businesses a solution vendors in Jakarta by providing infrastructure and facilities for micro enterprises vendors on possible locations and temporary which aims to provide legal certainty for the businesses vendors on the site. The initial concept of these policies arise from local government of DKI Jakarta which considers that in order to develop micro-enterprise vendors as services trade which quite large to absorb labor as well as to prevent a negative impact on utilization of city infrastructures, social facilities and other public facilities. Therefore these policies is expected to reduce rate of growth vendors and provide legal certainty to micro businesses vendors and can develop the business sector with the guidance provided.This study aims to analyze implementation the Governor Regulation No. 33 of 2010 concerning Setting and Guidance of Micro Street Vendors by local government of DKI Jakarta in guided location Meruya Ilir, West Jakarta.and see the factors inhibiting and supporting policies that affect the success of implementation the Governor Regulation No. 33 of 2010. As for analyzes using ndicators proposed by George C Edward III. The type of this research is evaluation research policy implementation using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The location of this research is in the location Guided Meruya Ilir, West Jakarta. Technique of information sampling is using purposive sampling and data collecting technique use interview and document analysis.The result of this research shows that Implementation of Governor Regulation No. 33 Year 2010 concerning arrangements place and Guidance of Micro Street Vendors in location Meruya Ilir can be said have not been good enough. This is because the implementation of Governor Regulation No. 33 Year 2010 wasn\u27t optimal. Implementation driving factors of Governor Regulation No. 33 Year 2010 concerning arrangements place and Guidance of Micro Street Vendors in Guided location meruya ilir among others Implementor Communications, Financial Resources and Dispositions. The factors that become an obstacle in this Governor Regulation are Communication implementor of the target group, Human resources, and bureaucratic structure.The writer recommend are: (1) Increase the number of locations or business area allocated the Guided (2) The location management unit should increase energy human resources in order to achieve a consistent coaching and good supervision function (3) Implementor role should be optimized in their communication and dissemination to the target group these policies