12 research outputs found

    Kinerja Kepala Sekolah

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    Guru ya n g diberikan tugas tambahan sebagai kepala sekolah memegang jabatan sebagai pemimpin. Dengan kedudukannya sebagai„pemimpin kepala sekolah lela h ditetapkan sebagai pribadi yang memiliki kekuasaan dan wewenang untuk memberdum perintah kepada personil sekolah yang mengandung kekuatan hukum dan didukung oleh pejabat yang mengangkatnya. Kepemimpinan kepala sebedah dapat menentukan berkembang atau tidaknya kehidupan sekolah yang dipimpinnya Karena itu, kepemimpinan manajerial kepala sekolah harus didasari pula oleh sifat sebagai “pemimpin** dan bukan hanya sifat sebagai seorang manajer: Mengingat kedutfokan kepada sekolah begitu penting maka dalam penilaian kinerja sedadah kin erja kepala sekolah menjadi salah satu aspek dalam penilaian kinerja sekolah karena berkat kepemimpinannya inilah akan menentukan baik-tidaknya kinerja sekolah yang dipimpinya

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah Dan Iklim Sekolah Terhadap Sekolah Efektif Pada SD Negeri Di Purwakarta

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    This study opposite of matter whether transformational leadership principals and school climate affect either partially or simultaneously to effective schools at public primary schools in the District of Purwakarta. This study aims to determine how much influence the principal\u27s transformational leadership and school climate for effective school. The method used in this research is survey method with quantitative approach, through simple regression correlation, and multiple regression correlation. The instrument used to obtain the data that is distributed questionnaires to 392 respondents in 30 primary schools sample of the population of 82 primary schools in the District of Purwakarta. The samples in this study using cluster sampling (sampling area). The results showed that the principal effect of transformational leadership is strong enough to lower effective schools with determination, school climate for effective school effect is strong enough to lower determination, whereas transformational leadership principals and school climate simultaneously strong influence on effective school with determination being. Recommendations for the study of which is the need to develop school activities are focused on improving the academic and non-academic achievements of learners. For principals need to be developed collaborative partnership between school stakeholders in creating a school climate that is conducive

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah Dan Iklim Sekolah Terhadap Sekolah Efektif

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    Efforts toempowerschoolsbecomeurgenttoimprove the qualityof education. Effectiveschoolis asolutiontoclose thedisparity inthe quality ofour education. Effectiveschoolsneed tobe supportedbythe principalinstructional leadershipandschoolclimate. This research is to knowhowhigh the influenceof the principal\u27sinstructional leadershipandschool climatetowardseffectiveschools. This reseach used asurvey methodwitha quantitativeapproachthroughsimplecorrelationandmultipleregression. The results of the research showedthatthe principalinstructional leadershipstrong enoughtoinfluencethe effective schools, schoolclimateinfluenceis strong enoughtoeffectiveschools, whilethe principalinstructional leadershipandschoolclimatesimultaneouslystrong influence oneffectiveschools

    Kontribusi Perilaku Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah Dan Kinerja Komite Sekolah Terhadap Efektivitas Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

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    Upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan salah satunya mengimplementasikan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan peran komite sekolah merupakan dua faktor yang ikut berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan pengimplementasian manajemen berbasis sekolah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana gambaran dan kontribusi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja komite sekolah terhadap efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri se-Kecamatan Ligung Kabupaten Majalengka. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja komite sekolah terhadap efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode survey dengan menggunakan angket sebagai alat pengumpul data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah gambaran umum perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah memiliki kategori sedang, kinerja komite sekolah memiliki kategori tinggi, serta efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah memiliki kriteria sangat tinggi. Kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Se-Kecamatan Ligung Kabupaten Majalengka adalah sedang. Kontribusi kinerja komite sekolah terhadap efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Se-Kecamatan Ligung Kabupaten Majalengka adalah kuat. Kontribusi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja komite sekolah terhadap efektivitas implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Se-Kecamatan Ligung Kabupaten Majalengka adalah kuat

    Pengaruh Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Mengajar Guru

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    Supervisi akademik kepala sekolah merupakan aspek yang menunjang pada kinerja mengajar guru. Selain faktor supervisi, faktor kesejahteraan dalam hal ini kompensasi juga memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja mengajar guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja mengajar guru pada SD Negeri dan Swasta di Kota Sukabumi. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif analisis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pada unit lembaga sebanyak 31 sekolah negeri dan swasta di Kota Sukabumi. Tekhnik Analitis data menggunakan tekhnik analitis regresi (regression analysis). Temuan penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, kompensasi dan kinerja mengajar guru telah terlaksana dengan baik; Supervisi akademik kepala sekolah memberikan pengaruh sedang terhadap kinerja mengajar guru dan menunjukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan; kompensasi memberikan pengaruh sedang terhadap kinerja mengajar guru dan menunjukan hubungan yang signifikan; Supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dan kompensasi secara simultan memberikan pengaruh terhadap terhadap kinerja mengajar guru, dan secara bersama-sama memberikan pengaruh yang kuat terhadap kinerja mengajar guru. Saran dari peneitian ini adalah sebaiknya Guru SD perlu ditingkatkan semangat kerjanya melalui dua pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan struktural dan pendekatan proses. Pendekatan struktural meliputi: otonomi, variasi tugas, signifikansi tugas, identitas tugas, dan feed back. Pendekatan proses adalah melakukan berbagai proses keorganisasian untuk menciptakan adanya saling percaya di antara guru, saling membantu, mengurangi munculnya kelemahan manusia, dan membantu memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi guru, di antaranya dapat dilakukan melalui: (1) meningkatkan suasana kerjasama yang baik antar guru-kepala sekolah-pegawai sekolah, (2) pemberian penghargaan, dan (3) mengadakan pengawasan rutin dan berkala dan memberi bantuan kepada para pengawas agar terjadi peningkatan kinerja mengajar di SD Negeri dan Swasta di Kota Sukabumi melalui penataran-lokakarya-seminar. Academic supervision is the principal aspects that support the teaching performance of teachers. In addition to the supervision, welfare factor compensation in this case also gives effect to the teaching performance of teachers. This study aims to determine the effect of the principal academic supervision and compensation to the performance of teachers teaching in public and private elementary school in Sukabumi. The method used descriptive analysis using a quantitative approach. In as many as 31 units of institutions public and private schools in the city of Sukabumi. Analytical techniques of analytical data using regression techniques (regression analysis). The findings of this research is the implementation of the principal academic supervision, compensation and teachers' teaching performance has been carried out well ; Academic supervision was the principal influence on the performance of teachers to teach and demonstrate a significant relationship ; compensation effect was the teacher's teaching performance and showed a significant relationship ; Academic supervision and compensation principals simultaneously influence on the teaching performance of teachers, and together provide a strong influence on the performance of teachers to teach. This is the suggestion of fieldwork should be elementary school teachers need to be improved spirit works through two approaches , namely the structural approach and the process approach . Structural approach include : autonomy, task variation, task significance, task identity, and feedback. Process approach is to perform a variety of organizational processes to create mutual trust among teachers , helping each other, reducing the appearance of human weakness, and help solve problems faced by the teacher, which can be done through : (1) improve the atmosphere good cooperation between teacher- head schools, school personnel, (2) the award, and (3) conduct regular and periodic monitoring and provide assistance to the supervisor so that an increase in the performance of teaching in public and private elementary school in Sukabumi through courses- workshops-seminars

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Di Sdn Kabupaten Garut

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    This study aimed to describe and analyze the influence of work motivation and training toward the performance of the principal in all elementary schools in Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut, and also analyzing how much the effect of the work motivation and training toward the principal performances in Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut, either partially or simultaneously. The approach used in this study is quantitative approach with survey method. The population is 47 principals in all elementary school in Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut. that selected by totaly sampling from all elementary school in Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut. The technique used to collect the data is questionnaire and the data was analyzed by correlation and regression. The result of the data processing and analysis shows that the work motivation, the principal training, and the principal performance in all elementary school in Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut are at high category. Either the work motivation or the principal training is affecting positively and significantly toward the principal performance, and together with the motivation work, the principal training is affecting positively and significantly toward the principal performance

    Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah, Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Dan Kinerja Mengajar Guru

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the academic supervision of school principals and achievement motivation of teachers to teach the performance of public primary school teachers in Sumedang. This research is expos facto. Data were collected using a questionnaire instruments developed by researcher. Overall the data were analyzed using regression analysis. Determination of respondents using proportional random sampling random data retrieval from all members of the population were respondents in the study were 110 teachers. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive and significant impact on the academic supervision of the school head teacher's teaching performance by 24.8%. This implies that the better the academic supervision of the school head then it will be better the teacher's teaching performance (2) There is a positive and significant influence between achievement motivation of teachers to the teacher's teaching performance of 45.5%. This implies that the higher the motivation of teachers berpresasi it will be better the performance of teaching (3) There is a positive and significant effect jointly between the academic supervision of the school head, the performance achievement motivation of teachers to teach elementary school teacher in Sumedang 52.2 %. Implies that the better the academic supervision of school principals and the higher the motivation berpresatasi the better performance of teachers teaching teachers