2,623 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Role of TGFβ Receptor Internalization for Smad Signaling: It is Not Required in Optogenetic TGFβ Signaling Systems

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    Endocytosis is an important process by which many signaling receptors reach their intracellular effectors. Accumulating evidence suggests that internalized receptors play critical roles in triggering cellular signaling, including transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) signaling. Despite intensive studies on the TGFβ pathway over the last decades, the necessity of TGFβ receptor endocytosis for downstream TGFβ signaling responses is a subject of debate. In this study, mathematical modeling and synthetic biology approaches are combined to re-evaluate whether TGFβ receptor internalization is indispensable for inducing Smad signaling. It is found that optogenetic systems with plasma membrane-tethered TGFβ receptors can induce fast and sustained Smad2 activation upon light stimulations. Modeling analysis suggests that endocytosis is precluded for the membrane-anchored optogenetic TGFβ receptors. Therefore, this study provides new evidence to support that TGFβ receptor internalization is not required for Smad2 activation

    Magnetic interactions in transition metal doped ZnO : An abinitio study

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    We calculate the nature of magnetic interactions in transition-metal doped ZnO using the local spin density approximation and LSDA+\textit{U} method of density functional theory. We investigate the following four cases: (i) single transition metal ion types (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) substituted at Zn sites, (ii) substitutional magnetic transition metal ions combined with additional Cu and Li dopants, (iii) substitutional magnetic transition metal ions combined with oxygen vacancies and (iv) pairs of magnetic ion types (Co and Fe, Co and Mn, etc.). Extensive convergence tests indicate that the calculated magnetic ground state is unusually sensitive to the k-point mesh and energy cut-off, the details of the geometry optimizations and the choice of the exchange-correlation functional. We find that ferromagnetic coupling is sometimes favorable for single type substitutional transition metal ions within the local spin density approximation. However, the nature of magnetic interactions changes when correlations on the transition-metal ion are treated within the more realistic LSDA + \textit{U} method, often disfavoring the ferromagnetic state. The magnetic configuration is sensitive to the detailed arrangement of the ions and the amount of lattice relaxation, except in the case of oxygen vacancies when an antiferromagnetic state is always favored.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Extended optical model analyses of 11^{11}Be+197^{197}Au with dynamic polarization potentials

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    We discuss angular distributions of elastic, inelastic, and breakup cross sections for 11^{11}Be + 197^{197}Au system, which were measured at energies below and around Coulomb barrier. To this end, we employ Coulomb dipole excitation (CDE) and long-range nuclear (LRN) potential to take into account long range effects by halo nuclear system and break up effects by weakly-bound structure. We then analyze recent experimental data including 3-channes i.e. elastic, inelastic, and breakup cross sections, at Ec.m.E_{\textrm{c.m.}}=29.6 MeV and Ec.m.E_{\text{c.m.}}=37.1 MeV. From the extracted parameter sets using χ2\chi^{2} analysis, we successfully reproduce the experimental angular distributions of the elastic, inelastic, and breakup cross sections for 11^{11}Be+197^{197}Au system simultaneously. Also we discuss the necessity of LRN potential around Coulomb barrier from analyzed experimental data

    Chemical Accident Hazard Assessment by Spatial Analysis of Chemical Factories and Accident Records in South Korea

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    This study identified the potential chemical accident occurrence in Korea by analyzing the spatial distribution of chemical factories and accidents. The number of chemical factories and accidents in 25-km2 grids were used as the attribute value for spatial analysis. First, semi-variograms were conducted to examine spatial distribution patterns and to identify spatial autocorrelation of chemical factories and accidents. Semi-variograms explained that the spatial distribution of chemical factories and accidents were spatially autocorrelated. Second, the results of the semi-variograms were used in Ordinary Kriging to estimate chemical hazard levels. The level values were extracted from the Ordinary Kriging result and their spatial similarity was examined by juxtaposing the two values with respect to their location. Six peaks were identified in both the factory hazard and accident hazard estimation result, and the peaks correlated with major cities in Korea. Third, the estimated two hazard levels were classified with geometrical interval and could be classified into four quadrants: Low Factory and Low Accident (LFLA), High Factory and Low Accident (HFLA), Low Factory and High Accident(LFHA), and High Factory and High Accident (HFHA). The 4 groups identified different chemical safety management issues in Korea; safe LFLA group, many chemical reseller factories were found in HFLA group, chemical transportation accidents were in the LFHA group, and an abundance of factories and accidents were in the HFHA group. Each quadrant represented different safety management obstacles in Korea, and studying spatial differences can support the establishment of an efficient risk management plan

    Band gap opening by two-dimensional manifestation of Peierls instability in graphene

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    Using first-principles calculations of graphene having high-symmetry distortion or defects, we investigate band gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking, or intervalley mixing, in graphene and show an intuitive picture of understanding the gap opening in terms of local bonding and antibonding hybridizations. We identify that the gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking in honeycomb lattices is an ideal two-dimensional (2D) extension of the Peierls metal-insulator transition in 1D linear lattices. We show that the spontaneous Kekule distortion, a 2D version of the Peierls distortion, takes place in biaxially strained graphene, leading to structural failure. We also show that the gap opening in graphene antidots and armchair nanoribbons, which has been attributed usually to quantum confinement effects, can be understood with the chiral symmetry breaking

    Mechanical properties of ZnO epitaxial layers grown on a- and c-axis sapphire

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    The mechanical properties of zinc oxide epitaxial layers grown on a- and c-axis sapphire have been studied by spherical nanoindentation and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. As-grown threading dislocations, which are characteristic of epitaxialmaterial, combined with the presence of the much harder, underlying substrate are found to have a significant effect on the mechanical behavior of ZnO epilayers as compared to bulk material. Epilayer material is found to be significantly harder than its bulk counterpart. For a-axis epilayers, analysis of load–unload data yields a hardness of 6.6±1.2GPa, and 5.75±0.8GPa for c-axis layers. We attribute this increased hardness to strain compensation via the presence of as-grown defects. These defects inhibit the slip mechanism responsible for relative softness of bulk single crystals. The absence of pop-in events from analyzed continuous-load nanoindentation data is further evidence for strain compensation by native defects within the epilayers. Large variations in the spread of collected data are indicative of inhomegenity in the epilayers.The University of Sydney, for constructive comments and support. The work at UF is partially supported by the AFOSR under Grant Nos. F49620-03-1-0370 sT.S.d and NSF DMR 0400416