6 research outputs found

    Specific Characteristics of Bioelectric Activity of the Brain in Women with Placental Dysfunction Considering the Type of Psychological Component of Gestation Dominant

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     The study of the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and fetal state remains relevant. Changes in the parameters of electroencephalography may be detected long before the onset of clinical symptoms in the complicated course of pregnancy.  The objective of the research was to evaluate electroencephalography in women with placental dysfunction and gestational complications taking into account the type of psychological component of gestation dominant.  Materials and methods. Electroencephalography was performed in 60 pregnant women at the age of 19 to 45 years with gestational hypertension and fetal distress during pregnancy. The main group included 40 patients, who were stratified according to the type of psychological component of gestation dominant: 10 patients with euphoric type, 20 pregnant women with anxious and depressive type, 10 patients with hypogestognostic type. The comparison group comprised 20 patients with optimal type of psychological component of gestation dominant and normal course of the first half of pregnancy. The assessment of psychological component of gestation dominant was carried out according to the method proposed by Dobriakov I.V. - "Pregnant woman attitude test". Registrations, spectral and coherent analysis of electroencephalography were performed using BrainTest-24 hardware and software complex.  \textbf{Results and discussion. }Electroencephalography of the patients of the comparison group was in line with current concepts regarding the physiological norm. In the main group, there were the following changes in electroencephalography: non-sinusoidal forms of alpha-oscillations (77.5%), high index of fast rhythms, flashes of spike waves under load, disturbances of the frontal occipital gradient with the focus on the anterior sections of the hemispheres.  Conclusions. The use of electroencephalography in women with different types of psychological component of gestation dominant in case of progressive placental dysfunction and preeclampsia on its background allows identifying characteristic changes, modifying the program of therapeutic measures, differentiating obstetric tactics and terms of delivery

    Menstrual Disorders and Main Indicators of Hormonal and Metabolic Homeostasis in Teenage Girls Against the Background of Endemic Goiter

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    Along with the widespread prevalence of goiter endemics, the medical and social significance of this problem is determined by the multifaceted spectrum of pathological abnormalities associated with asymptomatic course or hypothyroxinemia, causing numerous disorders at almost all stages of menstrual and reproductive function development. The objective of the research was to substantiate and conduct a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence, structure and leading factors of dishormonal disorders of menstrual function in adolescent girls with diffuse endemic goiter, and to develop a diagnostic algorithm based on the risk of the formation of this pathology. Materials and Methods. Two study groups were formed and a clinical laboratory examination was performed in 210 patients: 120 of them were diagnosed with menstrual dysfunction against the background of thyroid dysfunction (the main group); 60 girls were diagnosed with menstrual dysfunction and healthy thyroid gland (the comparison group); 30 apparently healthy girls made up the control group. Experimental and psychological methods, hormonal investigation of the level of thyroid, gonadotropic and steroid hormones, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and vitamin D content in blood plasma were used. Results and Discussion. Hypomenstrual syndrome, secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and anovulatory conditions are the main menstrual disorders in adolescents suffering from endemic goiter. One third of the girls in the main group had an increase in the proportion of delayed sexual development, while in the control group, physiological rates of sexual development occurred in 96.7% of observations. The presented hormonal studies made it possible to identify differentiated changes taking into account different clinical forms of menstrual disorders in this category of patients. The transition to the “mature” type of reproductive system functioning in girls with endemic goiter is associated with changes in prolactin secretion from low levels to the indicators that exceed the reference values, which is characterized by increased functional hyperprolactinemia. Generalization of the frequencies of the main psycho-emotional characteristics and indicators of the personal profile in the girls of the studied cohort allowed revealing the constant dominance of psycho-emotional manifestations of moderate degree, as well as high levels of psycho-emotional stress and depressive disorders against the background of dishormonal disorders and thyroid gland dysfunction. Obtained deviations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D level were noticed at the initial stages of thyroid disorder, and low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels contributed to the manifestation of thyroid pathology. Conclusions. Dissociation of the thyroid system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis initiates menstrual disorders, development of functional cysts and multifollicular structure of the ovarian tissue, and, in case of hypothyroidism, is considered as a factor of metabolic disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome

    Transformational processes in post-technogenic ecosystems of Kolomyia lignite and Yaziv sulfur deposits in Western Ukraine

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    Restoration of post-tech ecosystems of the Western region of Ukraine takes place both through natural self-overgrowth with vegetation and through the implementation of phytomeliorative measures - artificial afforestation of disturbed areas. These processes have been studied on post-technogenic territories of Kolomyia lignite and Yaziv sulfur deposits. Transformational processes in the study area are caused mainly by three factors: natural succession of vegetation (from the emergence of mosses and pioneering species of grasses and trees to the formation of stable plant communities); human economic activity (phytomeliorative measures for sowing grasses and creating forest crops) and cattle grazing (appearance of fruit tree species in phytocenoses). Transformational processes in edaphotopes are primarily determined by two factors - the natural succession of vegetation and erosion processes. Due to the long process of restoration of disturbed ecosystems in post-man-made areas, relatively complex and rich in species composition stable plant communities are gradually formed, which contribute to the formation of embriozems, identification of soil genetic horizons, increasing the thickness of the soil profile and approximating the physical and mechanical properties of the upper layers of the soil to the properties of natural zonal soils. The species composition and structure of vegetation in the post-technogenic territories of Kolomyia lignite and Yaziv sulfur deposits of the Western region of Ukraine have been determined. The study showed that the dendroflora of post-technological areas is represented by 59 species of tree plants.Changes in the components of phytocenoses and edaphotopes are presented and the factors of transformation processes in disturbed ecosystems are analyzed. Stages of natural succession of vegetation in post-technogenic territories of lignite and sulfur deposits have been established. Physico-chemical properties of the formed embriozems were analyzed and their comparative analysis with zonal soils was carried out. It is established that the processes of vegetation restoration and soil formation in post-technogenic territories cause the gradual formation of complex plant groups and relatively stable and stable natural ecosystems

    Microbiological Assessment of Glycyrrhizic Acid Effectiveness in Bacterial Vaginosis – A Comparative Study

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    Background. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common female diseases, which is currently characterized by an increasing rate of clinical sign reccurence, the appearance of asymptomatic carriers, and atypical forms. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of glycyrrhizic acid administration in the prevention of BV recurrence. Materials and Methods. The study involved 88 women after BV treatment (metronidazole per os for seven days). Participants were randomly divided into two groups: the main group included 46 patients who were administered 0.1% glycyrrhizic acid intravaginally for three months after the main treatment; the control group comprised 42 women who received no anti-recurrence BV course. The effectiveness was assessed three and six months after the beginning of treatment and included gynecological examination and laboratory assessments (pH, amine test, microbiological investigation). Results. After recommended BV treatment without anti-recurrence course, the recurrence of laboratory criteria for BV increased three months after the treatment, including the increase in vaginal pH to > 4.5 in all subjects, positive amine test in 35.7% of patients, the presence of Gardnerella vaginalis at a concentration of 104-105 CFU/ml in 31.0% of women, reduction in the frequency of Lactobacillus detection with worsening of the condition and the onset of clinical manifestations of the disease six months later. In the main group, after glycyrrhizic acid administration, laboratory criteria of BV recovery three months after the treatment, and clinical and laboratory markers of BV recovery six months after the treatment were lower as compared to the control group. Conclusions. The anti-recurrence course of BV (vaginal administration of 0.1% glycyrrhizic acid) demonstrated a decrease in the frequency of complaints, clinical and laboratory markers, stabilization of the species composition of Lactobacillus, and a decrease in facultative anaerobe concentration in the vaginal microbiome as compared to group without anti-recurrence treatment

    The modern approach to the correction of menopausal disorders in women with physiological menopause and after ovariectomy

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    The problem of menopause attracts attention for many decades of not only gynecologists, but urologists, cardiologists, psychiatrists and other doctors. This is related to systemic complications of estrogen deficiency. The objective of our work is to establish clinical and hormonal changes in women of menopausal age with physiological menopause and after ovariectomy and also assess the effectiveness of the offered treatment. During the examination and treatment the women were divided as follows: I – main group – 48 women with physiological menopause: Ia (n=27) – within three months received a complex of non-hormonal treatment, Ib (n=21) – hormone replacement therapy (HRT); II group – 34 women after total ovariectomy: IIa (16) with therapeutic purpose received a complex of non-hormonal treatment for three months, IIb (18) – HRT. The offered complex of non-hormonal treatment included Cimicifuga, Menopace, Noophen. This treatment was used in women with early menopause who have contraindications to HRT or refused to take hormones. The degree of severity of menopausal syndrome was judged according to the menopausal index of Kuperman. In the study of hormonal status the determination of a set of hormones by immunochemical method was performed. During study we obtained results that indicate the inverse dynamics of menopausal disorders in both study groups. For the prevention and treatment of individual selection of treatment of climax manifestations it is appropriate the dynamic definition of hormonal mirrors of the patients.

    Specific Activity of Radionuclides in Soils Disturbed by Forest Fires

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    Fires in natural ecosystems have a detrimental effect on all biota components. In the global scale, many scientific studies of prominent scientists are devoted to this topic. It should be noted that scientists have always been interested in the influence of thermal destruction of soil genetic horizons on the specific activity of radionuclides. Most of these studies began after the Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) radiation disasters. The conducted research is focused on the specific activity of radionuclides due to the thermal effects of fires in natural ecosystems. It has been established that the edaphotopes affected by fires are naturally restored causing the restoration of soil formation processes. The specific activity of radionuclides decreases with the duration of the ground fire. Comparing the obtained data with the regulatory documentation, it was found that they do not exceed the minimum significant activity of radionuclides in the workplace. However, the increased activity of radionuclides in soils has a detrimental effect on the ecological condition and flora and fauna development. During the fire season in natural ecosystems and forests, careless handling of fire should be avoided and preventive measures should be taken to inform the public about the harmful effects of wildfire