48 research outputs found

    Philosophy and the Turn to Religion

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    Originally published in 1999. If religion once seemed to have played out its role in the intellectual and political history of Western secular modernity, it has now returned with a vengeance. In Philosophy and the Turn to Religion, Hent de Vries argues that a turn to religion discernible in recent philosophy anticipates and accompanies this development in the contemporary world. Though the book reaches back to Immanuel Kant, Martin Heidegger, and earlier, it takes its inspiration from the tradition of French phenomenology, notably Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, and, especially, Jacques Derrida. Tracing how Derrida probes the discourse on religion, its metaphysical presuppositions, and its transformations, de Vries shows how this author consistently foregrounds the unexpected alliances between a radical interrogation of the history of Western philosophy and the religious inheritance from which that philosophy has increasingly sought to set itself apart.De Vries goes beyond formal analogies between the textual practices of deconstruction and so-called negative theology to address the necessity for a philosophical thinking that situates itself at once close to and at the farthest remove from traditional manifestations of the religious and the theological. This paradox is captured in the phrase adieu (à dieu), borrowed from Levinas, which signals at once a turn toward and a leave-taking from God—and which also gestures toward and departs from the other of this divine other, the possibility of radical evil. Only by confronting such uncanny and difficult figures, de Vries claims, can one begin to think and act upon the ethical and political imperatives of our day

    Minimal Theologies

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    Originally published in in 2004. What, at this historical moment "after Auschwitz," still remains of the questions traditionally asked by theology? What now is theology's minimal degree? This magisterial study, the first extended comparison of the writings of Theodor W. Adorno and Emmanuel Levinas, explores remnants and echoes of religious forms in these thinkers' critiques of secular reason, finding in the work of both a "theology in pianissimo" constituted by the trace of a transcendent other. The author analyzes, systematizes, and formalizes this idea of an other of reason. In addition, he frames these thinkers' innovative projects within the arguments of such intellectual heirs as JĂĽrgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida, defending their work against later accusations of "performative contradiction" (by Habermas) or "empiricism" (by Derrida) and in the process casting important new light on those later writers as well. Attentive to rhetorical and rational features of Adorno's and Levinas's texts, his investigations of the concepts of history, subjectivity, and language in their writings provide a radical interpretation of their paradoxical modes of thought and reveal remarkable and hitherto unsuspected parallels between their philosophical methods, parallels that amount to a plausible way of overcoming certain impasses in contemporary philosophical thinking. In Adorno, this takes the form of a dialectical critique of dialectics; in Levinas, that of a phenomenological critique of phenomenology, each of which sheds new light on ancient and modern questions of metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. For the English-language publication, the author has extensively revised and updated the prize-winning German version

    Das Wunder des tanzenden Balls:Walter Benjamins mechanischer Mystizismus

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    Der Philosoph Hent de Vries untersucht das Verhältnis von Technik und Religion in Benjamins Text Rastelli erzählt. Im Zentrum der Interpretation steht die Erfahrung des Wunders, die Benjamin häufig in einen Zusammenhang mit technischen Apparaturen bringt. Rastelli erzählt behandelt das Verhältnis von Religion und Materialismus mit erzählerischen Mitteln. Die Unmöglichkeit, die Entstehung des Wunders und das Wunder selbst zu erklären, steht ihm zufolge im Zentrum von Benjamins Überzeugung, dass Religion und Materialismus sich nicht ausschließen müssen. Im Gegenteil. Vielmehr steht die Unauflösbarkeit des Wunders bei Benjamin paradigmatisch für die moderne Erfahrung von Religion, die keine Antworten mehr gibt, sondern neue Fragen aufwirft

    Religious revelation, secrecy and the limits of visual representation

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    This article seeks to contribute to a more adequate understanding of the adoption of modern audiovisual mass media by contemporary religious groups. It does so by examining Pentecostal-charismatic churches as well as the Christian mass culture instigated by its popularity, and so-called traditional religion in Ghana, which develop markedly different attitudes towards audiovisual mass media and assume different positions in the public sphere. Taking into account the complicated entanglement of traditional religion and Pentecostalism, approaching both religions from a perspective of mediation which regards media as intrinsic to religion, and seeking to avoid the pitfall of overestimating the power of modern mass media to determine the world, this article seeks to move beyond an unproductive recurrence to oppositions such as tradition and modernity, or religion and technology. It is argued that instead of taking as a point of departure more or less set ideas about the nexus of vision and modernity, the adoption of new mass media by religious groups needs to be analyzed by a detailed ethnographic investigation of how these new media transform existing practices of religious mediation. Special emphasis is placed on the tension between the possibilities of gaining public presence through new media, and the difficulty in authorizing these media, and the experiences they induce, as authentic. Copyright © 2006 SAGE Publications

    Un/making difference through performance and mediation in contemporary Africa

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    This special issue of the Journal of African Cultural Studies grew out of a panel we organized at the European Conference on African Studies in Lisbon in June 2013. Our starting point was the observation of a massive revival of cultural and religious identities across the African continent, stretching from post-apartheid South Africa to Islamist groups in parts of West Africa. In the early twenty-first century, Africa appears to be witnessing a historical moment characterized by a resurgence of a politics of difference that, regardless of the heterogeneous forms in which it materializes, shares an uncanny ability to produce and sustain identities based on a politics of difference

    Un/making difference through performance and mediation in contemporary Africa

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    This special issue of the Journal of African Cultural Studies grew out of a panel we organized at the European Conference on African Studies in Lisbon in June 2013. Our starting point was the observation of a massive revival of cultural and religious identities across the African continent, stretching from post-apartheid South Africa to Islamist groups in parts of West Africa. In the early twenty-first century, Africa appears to be witnessing a historical moment characterized by a resurgence of a politics of difference that, regardless of the heterogeneous forms in which it materializes, shares an uncanny ability to produce and sustain identities based on a politics of difference

    Religion and Violence: Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida

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    Das Wunder des tanzenden Balls : Walter Benjamins mechanischer Mystizismus

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    Der Philosoph Hent de Vries untersucht das Verhältnis von Technik und Religion in Benjamins Text "Rastelli erzählt". Im Zentrum der Interpretation steht die Erfahrung des Wunders, die Benjamin häufig in einen Zusammenhang mit technischen Apparaturen bringt. "Rastelli erzählt" behandelt das Verhältnis von Religion und Materialismus mit erzählerischen Mitteln. Die Unmöglichkeit, die Entstehung des Wunders und das Wunder selbst zu erklären, steht ihm zufolge im Zentrum von Benjamins Überzeugung, dass Religion und Materialismus sich nicht ausschließen müssen. Im Gegenteil. Vielmehr steht die Unauflösbarkeit des Wunders bei Benjamin paradigmatisch für die moderne Erfahrung von Religion, die keine Antworten mehr gibt, sondern neue Fragen aufwirft