31 research outputs found

    Number of hospital beds : population estimate, installed capacity and performed in two mesoregions of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015

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    Introduction: Planning health resources in a continental country like Brazil demands adapting the structures to different regions and their needs. Objective: To compare the installed hospital structure (number of existing beds) with the health care parameters proposed by the Brazilian national health system (estimated beds) and the beds per activity performed in two mesoregions of the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2015. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis with data obtained from the information systems of the Brazilian national health system. Results: An excess of hospital beds was identified (208.9% of the ideal average, per activity performed), low occupancy rates (24.2% below the ideal average) and irregular distribution between the mesoregions. Conclusions: The unequal division of resources unrelated to population demands results in higher health care costs and undermines the universality of access and integrality of the care

    Compreensão psicodinâmica do ciclo vital de Daenerys Targaryen, personagem da série Game of Thrones

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    Este artigo analisa os aspectos psicológicos da personagem Daenerys Targaryen, da série Game of thrones, buscando essencialmente avaliar sua evolução cognitiva, social e comportamental, bem como os conflitos vivenciados em seu ciclo vital e os respectivos mecanismos de enfrentamento das adversidades. Por meio da interpretação subjetiva das simbologias metafóricas citadas na narrativa, extrapola-se a leitura literal da obra, com vistas a compreender também as representações da esfera inconsciente da personagem. Daenerys tem infância conturbada pela morte dos pais, pela fuga da cidade natal, pelo exílio e pelos maus-tratos cometidos pelo irmão. Ademais, são-lhe impostos casamento e erotização precoces, eventos que desrespeitam seu tempo de amadurecimento psíquico, desencadeando encurtamento das fases do seu ciclo vital e desestabilização do processo de latência e desenvolvimento puberal. Contudo, as experiências que vivencia no período, tais quais a gestação e a emancipação por que passa, associadas a variantes inatas da sua personalidade – a exemplo do temperamento dócil, inteligência e autoconfiança na capacidade de resolução de vicissitudes –, permitem a expressão de uma figura icônica de resiliência, com ativação de defesas maduras frente a crises vitais ou acidentais. O estudo permitiu discutir aspectos da realidade contemporânea do desenvolvimento humano e proceder à observação de diversos mecanismos de funcionamento psíquico, além da interação entre variantes intrínsecas e extrínsecas moduladoras da expressão de resiliência frente às dificuldades. Este artigo visa a contribuir para o estudo da teoria psicodinâmica e deve interessar a profissionais da medicina e da psicologia.This article analyzes the psychological aspects of character Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones’ series, seeking essentially to evaluate her cognitive, social and behavioral evolution, as well as the conflicts experienced to each stage of her life cycle and related adversity coping mechanisms. Through subjective interpretation of metaphoric symbols mentioned in the narrative, the literal reading of the story is extrapolated in order to also comprehend representations of the character’s unconscious domain. Daenerys goes through a troubled childhood due to her parents’ death, fleeing from her home city, exile and mistreatment committed by her brother. Furthermore, events like marriage and early erotization are imposed to her, which disrespect her psychic development timing, causing shortening of her life cycle’s stages, and destabilization of the latency phase process and her pubertal development. Nevertheless, the experiences she goes through in this period, such as pregnancy and emancipation, associated to innate variants of her personality – docile temperament, high cognition and self-confidence in the ability of resolving difficulties –, allow the expression of a resilient iconic figure, with the activation of mature defenses when facing vital or accidental crises. The study allows transpositions to contemporaneous reality of human development and observation of several mechanisms of psychic functions, besides the interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic variants, which modulate the expression of resilience when confronting distress. It contributes to the study of psychodynamic theory and may be of interest to doctors and psychologists, especially those directly involved in psychic development