33 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Effects of indacaterol/glycopyrronium (QVA149) on lung hyperinflation and physical activity in patients with moderate to severe COPD: a randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover study (The MOVE Study)

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    Raw mean peak inspiratory capacity after 21 days, overall and for each treatment period (full analysis set). Figure presenting peak inspiratory capacity data, for the full analysis set and for treatment periods 1 and 2. Figure S2. Raw mean activity-related energy expenditure, overall and for each treatment period (full analysis set). Figure presenting activity-related energy expenditure, for the full analysis set and for treatment periods 1 and 2. Figure S3. LS mean change from baseline in activity-related energy expenditure, by median baseline FEV1 and IC (full analysis set). Figure presenting the change from baseline in activity related energy expenditure for four subgroups: Patients with baseline FEV1 < 62.2 % and ≥62.2 % (the median baseline value was 62.2 %); and patients with baseline IC <72.9 % and ≥72.9 % (the median baseline value was 72.9 %). (PDF 259 kb

    Additional file 5: of Human alveolar epithelial cells type II are capable of TGFÃŽË›-dependent epithelial-mesenchymal-transition and collagen-synthesis

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    Table S3. Enriched GO terms. Spreadsheet containing results from network analysis using Cytoscape and the Reactome FIViz app for discovery of interaction modules. Significant enriched GO terms for Biological Process for each module are presented. (XLSX 79 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Assessing health-related quality of life in COPD: comparing generic and disease-specific instruments with focus on comorbidities

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    Correlations between HRQL instruments and with GOLD grade and BODE as clinical measures: Spearman Correlation Coefficients. Table S2. Adjusted mean EQ-5D utilities, EQ-5D VAS, CAT score, SGRQ total scores for COPD grade 1–4 stratified for group with low (≤3) or high (>3) number of comorbidities. Table S3. Results of regression models considering interactions between COPD grades and low/high number of comorbidity. Figure S1. Lifetime prevalence of self-reported comorbidities (%) in the study population. Figure S2. HRQL scores by FEV1 % pred.: non-parametric quantile regression: quantile fit plots for FEV1 % pred. (DOC 258 kb

    Additional file 9: of A GATA3-specific DNAzyme attenuates sputum eosinophilia in eosinophilic COPD patients: a feasibility randomized clinical trial

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    Figure S2. Displayed are the individual data of the relative sputum eosinophil count before and after 28 days treatment with placebo or SB010. The corresponding deltas are displayed in B, demonstrating that all relative sputum counts decreased under SB010 treatment while this was not the case in placebo-treated patients. We performed an outlier-analysis removing the very high eosinophils patient from panel B, showing the reduction in relative sputum eosinophils still being significant (p = 0.008; Wilcoxon signed rank test). (TIFF 178 kb

    Additional file 6: of A GATA3-specific DNAzyme attenuates sputum eosinophilia in eosinophilic COPD patients: a feasibility randomized clinical trial

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    Table S5. Supplement table 5 provides a detailed overview of all adverse events that occurred after first administration of IMP, counted once per patient (highest grade). 12 patients (five placebo, seven SB010) experienced at least one AE, three of these patients experienced one AE repeatedly (twice). N (number of patients who experienced the specified AE and grade in each group), percentages refer to n (number of patients in each group); N_SOC (minimum number of AEs occurring in the specified system organ class in both groups; N_PT (number of patients in both groups who experienced the specified AE). (TIFF 209 kb