29 research outputs found

    Temporal structure in spiking patterns of ganglion cells defines perceptual thresholds in rodents with subretinal prosthesis.

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    Subretinal prostheses are designed to restore sight in patients blinded by retinal degeneration using electrical stimulation of the inner retinal neurons. To relate retinal output to perception, we studied behavioral thresholds in blind rats with photovoltaic subretinal prostheses stimulated by full-field pulsed illumination at 20 Hz, and measured retinal ganglion cell (RGC) responses to similar stimuli ex-vivo. Behaviorally, rats exhibited startling response to changes in brightness, with an average contrast threshold of 12%, which could not be explained by changes in the average RGC spiking rate. However, RGCs exhibited millisecond-scale variations in spike timing, even when the average rate did not change significantly. At 12% temporal contrast, changes in firing patterns of prosthetic response were as significant as with 2.3% contrast steps in visible light stimulation of healthy retinas. This suggests that millisecond-scale changes in spiking patterns define perceptual thresholds of prosthetic vision. Response to the last pulse in the stimulation burst lasted longer than the steady-state response during the burst. This may be interpreted as an excitatory OFF response to prosthetic stimulation, and can explain behavioral response to decrease in illumination. Contrast enhancement of images prior to delivery to subretinal prosthesis can partially compensate for reduced contrast sensitivity of prosthetic vision

    Interactions of prosthetic and natural vision in animals with local retinal degeneration

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    Prosthetic restoration of partial sensory loss leads to interactions between artificial and natural inputs. Ideally, the rehabilitation should allow perceptual fusion of the two modalities. Here we studied the interactions between normal and prosthetic vision in a rodent model of local retinal degeneration.  Implantation of a photovoltaic array in the subretinal space of normally sighted rats induced local degeneration of the photoreceptors above the chip, and the inner retinal neurons in this area were electrically stimulated by the photovoltaic implant powered by near-infrared (NIR) light. We studied prosthetic and natural visually evoked potentials (VEP) in response to simultaneous stimulation by NIR and visible light patterns.  We demonstrate that electrical and natural VEPs summed linearly in the visual cortex, and both responses decreased under brighter ambient light. Responses to visible light flashes increased over 3 orders of magnitude of contrast (flash/background), while for electrical stimulation the contrast range was limited to 1 order of magnitude. The maximum amplitude of the prosthetic VEP was three times lower than the maximum response to a visible flash over the same area on the retina.  Ambient light affects prosthetic responses, albeit much less than responses to visible stimuli. Prosthetic representation of contrast in the visual scene can be encoded, to a limited extent, by the appropriately calibrated stimulus intensity, which also depends on the ambient light conditions. Such calibration will be important for patients combining central prosthetic vision with natural peripheral sight, such as in age-related macular degeneration

    Optimization of pillar electrodes in subretinal prosthesis for enhanced proximity to target neurons

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    OBJECTIVE: High-resolution prosthetic vision requires dense stimulating arrays with small electrodes. However, such miniaturization reduces electrode capacitance and penetration of electric field into tissue. We evaluate potential solutions to these problems with subretinal implants based on utilization of pillar electrodes. APPROACH: To study integration of three-dimensional (3D) implants with retinal tissue, we fabricated arrays with varying pillar diameter, pitch, and height, and implanted beneath the degenerate retina in rats (Royal College of Surgeons, RCS). Tissue integration was evaluated six weeks post-op using histology and whole-mount confocal fluorescence imaging. The electric field generated by various electrode configurations was calculated in COMSOL, and stimulation thresholds assessed using a model of network-mediated retinal response. MAIN RESULTS: Retinal tissue migrated into the space between pillars with no visible gliosis in 90% of implanted arrays. Pillars with 10 μm height reached the middle of the inner nuclear layer (INL), while 22 μm pillars reached the upper portion of the INL. Electroplated pillars with dome-shaped caps increase the active electrode surface area. Selective deposition of sputtered iridium oxide onto the cap ensures localization of the current injection to the pillar top, obviating the need to insulate the pillar sidewall. According to computational model, pillars having a cathodic return electrode above the INL and active anodic ring electrode at the surface of the implant would enable six times lower stimulation threshold, compared to planar arrays with circumferential return, but suffer from greater cross-talk between the neighboring pixels. SIGNIFICANCE: 3D electrodes in subretinal prostheses help reduce electrode-tissue separation and decrease stimulation thresholds to enable smaller pixels, and thereby improve visual acuity of prosthetic vision

    Characteristics of prosthetic vision in rats with subretinal flat and pillar electrode arrays

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    Objective. Retinal prostheses aim to restore sight by electrically stimulating the surviving retinal neurons. In clinical trials of the current retinal implants, prosthetic visual acuity does not exceed 20/550. However, to provide meaningful restoration of central vision in patients blinded by age-related macular degeneration (AMD), prosthetic acuity should be at least 20/200, necessitating a pixel pitch of about 50 µm or lower. With such small pixels, stimulation thresholds are high due to limited penetration of electric field into tissue. Here, we address this challenge with our latest photovoltaic arrays and evaluate their performance in-vivo. 
Approach. We fabricated photovoltaic arrays with 55 and 40 µm pixels (a) in flat geometry, and (b) with active electrodes on 10 µm tall pillars. The arrays were implanted subretinally into rats with degenerate retina. Stimulation thresholds and grating acuity were evaluated using measurements of the visually evoked potentials (VEP). 
Main Results. With 55 μm pixels, we measured grating acuity of 48±11 μm, which matches the linear pixel pitch of the hexagonal array. This geometrically corresponds to a visual acuity of 20/192 in a human eye, matching the threshold of legal blindness in the US (20/200). With pillar electrodes, the irradiance threshold was nearly halved, and duration threshold reduced by more than 3-fold, compared to flat pixels. With 40 μm pixels, VEP was too low for reliable measurements of the grating acuity, even with pillar electrodes. 
Significance. While being helpful for treating a complete loss of sight, current prosthetic technologies are insufficient for addressing the leading cause of untreatable visual impairment - AMD. Subretinal photovoltaic arrays may provide sufficient visual acuity for restoration of central vision in patients blinded by AMD.&#13

    Photovoltaic restoration of sight with high visual acuity

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    Patients with retinal degeneration lose sight due to the gradual demise of photoreceptors. Electrical stimulation of surviving retinal neurons provides an alternative route for the delivery of visual information. We demonstrate that subretinal implants with 70-μm-wide photovoltaic pixels provide highly localized stimulation of retinal neurons in rats. The electrical receptive fields recorded in retinal ganglion cells were similar in size to the natural visual receptive fields. Similarly to normal vision, the retinal response to prosthetic stimulation exhibited flicker fusion at high frequencies, adaptation to static images and nonlinear spatial summation. In rats with retinal degeneration, these photovoltaic arrays elicited retinal responses with a spatial resolution of 64 ± 11 μm, corresponding to half of the normal visual acuity in healthy rats. The ease of implantation of these wireless and modular arrays, combined with their high resolution, opens the door to the functional restoration of sight in patients blinded by retinal degeneration

    Photovoltaic restoration of sight with high visual acuity

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    Development of Animal Models of Local Retinal Degeneration.

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    Réhabilitation visuelle (augmentation de la résolution spatiale et temporelle grâce à des implants tridimensionnels et un capteur visuel asynchrone neromorphique)

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    La cécité est l une des atteintes sensorielles les plus handicapantes dans notre société et touche plus de 39 millions de personnes à travers le monde. Pour certaines de ces pathologies, il n existe aucune stratégie thérapeutique et le seul espoir pour les patients est la réhabilitation prosthétique. Le principe est de stimuler les neurones du système visuel afin de fournir les informations nécessaires pour retrouver une certaine autonomie et accomplir des taches de tous les jours comme la reconnaissance d objets, de visages, la lecture ou la navigation spatiale. Cette thèse présente le développement de deux principaux outils pour améliorer la réhabilitation visuelle chez les patients implantés. Dans une première partie, nous présentons le développement de structures tridimensionnelles pour les implants rétiniens. Cette configuration permet l intégration du tissu nerveux cible au plus près des électrodes de stimulation et en augmente la résolution en limitant les interactions entre pixels voisins. De tels implants ont été réalisés et testés chez un modèle animal de dégénérescence rétinienne. La seconde partie de ce travail décrit le développement d un système d encodage dont le but est de transformer le signal visuel en pattern de stimulation des cellules de la rétine. Cet encodage est nécessaire pour fournir un signal pertinent au cerveau. Ce système d encodage est basé sur une caméra asynchrone qui fournit la résolution temporelle nécessaire pour modéliser le traitement de l information effectué par la rétine. Ces deux principales technologies seront intégrées dans une future génération d implants rétiniens et testées chez des patients aveugles dans les années à venirPARIS-BIUSJ-Biologie recherche (751052107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The spinal cord facilitates cerebellar upper limb motor learning and control; inputs from neuromusculoskeletal simulation.

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    Complex interactions between brain regions and the spinal cord (SC) govern body motion, which is ultimately driven by muscle activation. Motor planning or learning are mainly conducted at higher brain regions, whilst the SC acts as a brain-muscle gateway and as a motor control centre providing fast reflexes and muscle activity regulation. Thus, higher brain areas need to cope with the SC as an inherent and evolutionary older part of the body dynamics. Here, we address the question of how SC dynamics affects motor learning within the cerebellum; in particular, does the SC facilitate cerebellar motor learning or constitute a biological constraint? We provide an exploratory framework by integrating biologically plausible cerebellar and SC computational models in a musculoskeletal upper limb control loop. The cerebellar model, equipped with the main form of cerebellar plasticity, provides motor adaptation; whilst the SC model implements stretch reflex and reciprocal inhibition between antagonist muscles. The resulting spino-cerebellar model is tested performing a set of upper limb motor tasks, including external perturbation studies. A cerebellar model, lacking the implemented SC model and directly controlling the simulated muscles, was also tested in the same. The performances of the spino-cerebellar and cerebellar models were then compared, thus allowing directly addressing the SC influence on cerebellar motor adaptation and learning, and on handling external motor perturbations. Performance was assessed in both joint and muscle space, and compared with kinematic and EMG recordings from healthy participants. The differences in cerebellar synaptic adaptation between both models were also studied. We conclude that the SC facilitates cerebellar motor learning; when the SC circuits are in the loop, faster convergence in motor learning is achieved with simpler cerebellar synaptic weight distributions. The SC is also found to improve robustness against external perturbations, by better reproducing and modulating muscle cocontraction patterns