5 research outputs found

    Alternative protein crops in diets of organically housed weanling pigs

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    De effecten van voeding voor gespeende biggen met daarin drie verschillende niveaus van drie biologische eiwithoudende gewassen werden onderzocht op prestaties en gezondhei

    Effect van temperatuur tijdens de opfok op de slachtkwaliteit van biologisch gehouden vleesvarkens

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    Advantages of maintaining piglets at a low temperature during the suckling and weaning period are the higher feed intake and daily gain of the piglets during the suckling and weaning period and the higher yield of the piglets. Besides, the use of energy is lower. Disadvantages of maintaining piglets at a low temperature during the suckling and weaning period are the higher number of crushed piglets by the sow and the higher backfat thickness, lower meat percentage and lower yield of the growing and finishing pigs

    Effect van temperatuur tijdens de opfok op de slachtkwaliteit van biologisch gehouden vleesvarkens = Effect of temperature during weaning on performance of organic pigs

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    Het voordeel van koud huisvesten van biggen is dat ze meer voer opnemen tijdens zowel de zoog- als opfokperiode, dat ze sneller groeien en 5,00 Euro meer opbrengen aan het einde van de opfok dan warm gehuisveste biggen. Bovendien levert het een energiebesparing op van 0,80 Euro per afgeleverde big. Nadelen zijn dat in koude kraamafdelingen meer biggen worden doodgelegen door de zeug en dat de vleesvarkens bij afleveren dikker spek en een lager vleespercentage hebben waardoor ze minder opbrengen aan de slachtlijn

    Benutting najaarssnede grasklaver in biologische melkveerantsoenen = Utilization of autumn cut grassclover in organic dairy cow rations

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    The possibilities to optimally utilise protein-rich autumn grass with clover in organic dairy farming were investigated extensively. Drying grass clover artificially improves the nutritional value and has more prospects as feed than if ensiled. An experiment with grass pellets yielded comparable results with concentrates. Thanks to the current subsidy for drying it is economically interesting to have grass clover dried to spare the purchase of concentrates. In organic farming, various farms dry part of their roughage surplus to grass (clover) pellets annually

    Alternative protein crops in diets of organically housed weanling pigs

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    The effects of feeding weanling piglets diets with three different levels of three organic protein crops on performance and health were studied. Diets with 10, 20 or 30% field beans (Vicia faba, variety Aurelia, tannin-free), 10, 20 or 30% white lupins (Lupinus albus, variety Dieta, alkaloid-low) and 20, 40 or 60% quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, variety Atlas, saponin-free) were compared with a control diet containing 15% soybean expeller and 2.2% soybeans. Besides, the apparent ileal digestibility and the apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients of the control diet and the diets with 30% field beans, 30% lupins and 40% quinoa were assessed. At weaning, 1,055 weanling piglets were assigned to one of the 10 experimental treatments. The piglets were monitored from weaning till four weeks after weaning. Piglets were housed in groups of 14 piglets. Diets were fed ad libitum by single-space dry feeders. At the end of the performance trial, 40 piglets were selected for the digestibility trial. At day 4 after the end of the performance trial, the 40 piglets were killed and ileal digesta and the contents of the rectum were collected. The ileal digesta of two piglets per pen were pooled and analysed for dry matter, ash, nitrogen, amino acids, crude fat, starch, sugar and chromium. The contents of the rectum, which is regarded to be similar to faeces, of two piglets per pen were pooled and analysed for dry matter, ash, nitrogen, crude fat, crude fibre, gross energy and chromium