14 research outputs found

    Økonometrien og Nobelprisen i økonomi

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    Forfatteren ser her nærmere på økonometrien, den teoretiske økonomi, de matematiske modeller og kombinationen med statistiske analyser – som var fagområderne for en række af de første økonomer, der fik tildelt Nobelprisen. Artiklen ser også på feltet over til de empiriske undersøgelser, som grundlag for økonomiske modeller og årsagssammenhænge, der blev mere og mere fremherskende i takt med adgang til stadig øget regnekraft og tilstedeværelsen af flere og flere data

    Employment Reallocation over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Danish Data

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    We present new evidence on how employment growth varies across firm types (size, productivity, and wage) and over the business cycle using Danish data covering almost 30 years. We decompose net employment growth into two recruitment margins: net hirings from/to employment (poaching) and net hirings from nonemployment. High-productivity firms are the most growing firms due to poaching. High wage firms poach almost as many workers, but shed an almost equal amount to non-employment. Large firms do not poach workers from smaller firms. In terms of employment cyclicality, we find that low-productive and low-wage firms shed proportionally more jobs in recessions. We relate our findings to recent models of employment fluctuations that jointly analyze worker and firm dynamics

    Udviklingslinier i Oekonometrien

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    Recent Developments in Econometrics (In Danish) survey and assess the developments within econometric theory, microeconometrics, time series econometrics, financial econometrics, and latent variables.Econometrics