4 research outputs found

    Patient and provider delay in tuberculosis suspects from communities with a high HIV prevalence in South Africa: A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) results in excess morbidity and mortality, particularly among HIV-infected individuals. This study was conducted at a secondary level hospital serving communities with a high HIV prevalence in Cape Town, South Africa. The aim was to describe patient and provider delay in the diagnosis of TB in patients with suspected TB requiring admission, and to determine the risk factors for this delay and the consequences. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Patients admitted who were TB suspects were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to assess history of their symptoms and health seeking behaviour. Data regarding TB diagnosis and outcome were obtained from the medical records. Bivariate associations were described using student's T-tests (for means), chi-square tests (for proportions), and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests (for medians). Linear regression models were used for multivariate analysis. RESULTS: One hundred twenty-five (125) patients were interviewed. In 104 TB was diagnosed and these were included in the analysis. Seventy of 83 (84%) tested were HIV-infected. Provider delay (median = 30 days, interquartile range (IQR) = 10.3-60) was double that of patient delay (median = 14 days, IQR = 7-30). Patients had a median of 3 contacts with formal health care services before referral. Factors independently associated with longer patient delay were male gender, cough and first health care visit being to public sector clinic (compared with private general practitioner). Patient delay [greater than or equal to] 14 days was associated with increased need for transfer to a TB hospital. Provider delay [greater than or equal to] 30 days was associated with increased mortality. CONCLUSION: Delay in TB diagnosis was more attributable to provider than patient delay, and provider delay was associated with increased mortality. Interventions to expedite TB diagnosis in primary care need to be developed and evaluated in this setting

    Costs of measures to control tuberculosis/HIV in public primary care facilities in Cape Town, South Africa.

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    OBJECTIVE: To measure the costs and estimate the cost-effectiveness of the ProTEST package of tuberculosis/human immunodeficiency virus (TB/HIV) interventions in primary health care facilities in Cape Town, South Africa. METHODS: We collected annual cost data retrospectively using ingredients-based costing in three primary care facilities and estimated the cost per HIV infection averted and the cost per TB case prevented. FINDINGS: The range of costs per person for the ProTEST interventions in the three facilities were: US7−11forvoluntarycounsellingandtesting(VCT),US 7-11 for voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), US 81-166 for detecting a TB case, US92−183forcompletingisoniazidpreventivetherapy(IPT)andUS 92-183 for completing isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) and US 20-44 for completing six months of cotrimoxazole preventive therapy. The estimated cost per HIV infection averted by VCT was US67−112.ThecostperTBcasepreventedbyVCT(throughpreventingHIV)wasUS 67-112. The cost per TB case prevented by VCT (through preventing HIV) was US 129-215, by intensified case finding was US323−664andbyIPTwasUS 323-664 and by IPT was US 486-962. Sensitivity analysis showed that the use of chest X-rays for IPT screening decreases the cost-effectiveness of IPT in preventing TB cases by 36%. IPT screening with or without tuberculin purified protein derivative screening was almost equally cost-effective. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the ProTEST package is cost saving. Despite moderate adherence, linking prevention and care interventions for TB and HIV resulted in the estimated costs of preventing TB being less than previous estimates of costs of treating it. VCT was less expensive than previously reported in Africa