12 research outputs found

    Remarques à propos du système prépositionnel de l’acadien en Nouvelle-Écosse

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    Le but de cet article est de donner une brève vue d’ensemble de quelques phénomènes propres au système prépositionnel du français acadien tel qu’il est parlé à l’Isle Madame en Nouvelle-Ecosse (Canada). A côté de différences lexicales (dans le mitan de) et phonétiques (chus ou sus), ce sont surtout des écarts morphologiques (dans un → d’un) et la variation sémantique (une dizaine de prépositions exprimant le sens de « à côté de ») du système prépositionnel qui retiennent l’intérêt. A partir d’un corpus de communication informelle recueilli à l’Isle Madame en 2005 et 2007, nous illustrerons des tendances au sein de ce sous-système morphosyntaxique et essaierons de les interpréter en relation avec d’autres variétés de français parlées en Amérique du Nord.The goal of this article is to give a short overview over some phenomena which are typical for the preposition system of Acadian French such as it is spoken on Isle Madame / Nova Scotia (Canada). Apart from lexical (dans le mitan de) and phonetic (chus or sus) differences, the prepositional system of Acadian is particularly interesting for morphological discrepancies (dans un → d’un) and semantic variation (about ten prepositions expressing the meaning of “à côté de”). Basing the analysis on a corpus of informal communications collected by myself on Isle Madame in 2005 and 2007, I will show some tendencies within this morpho-syntactical subsystem. Furthermore I will try to interpret those particularities against the background of other French varieties spoken in North America

    Zur Standardisierung der Perinealsonographie : Evaluation etablierter und neuer Referenzsysteme

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    Perineal ultrasound is facing the development of a standardization process. One important aspect in this process is the choice of an appropriate reference line for the evaluation of the urogenital anatomy. For this purpose, two major reference lines have been proposed in international literature: a horizontal line by Dietz and a central pubic line by Schaer. Inspired by the advantages and being aware of the disadvantages of these two lines, we created a new reference line, which can be drawn between the hyperechoic contours of os pubis and ligamentum arcuatum. The image orientation is set as usual in Germany. As a first step towards the implementation of the new method, we chose to compare the reliability of the three reference lines. Before this could be done, however, the central pubic line had to be excluded from the analysis because of a very low rate of possible assessment. This problem is already known in literature. Especially inexperienced examiners should therefore avoid the use of this reference line. Concerning the resulting values, there is a marked difference between the two remaining reference lines: The new line produces much greater values, which is why the two lines should not be in parallel use. In literature, there is evidence that the new line produced more realistic values than the horizontal line. This, however, has to be verified by validation studies. The reliability analysis revealed – despite of some major outliers – a trend towards a better reproducibility with the horizontal line by Dietz. Nevertheless, both reference lines definitely showed very good repeatability. Probably, minor differences may be neglected, which depends on the result of validation studies. Furthermore, it was observed that for the measurement of parameters during rest, any rest can be chosen, no matter if right at the beginning or after Valsalva, pelvic floor contraction or coughing. This does not influence the result. It could also be shown that there is no significant difference between resulting values during coughing and Valsalva. Concerning this issue, literature presents diverging opinions. To sum up, the newly generated reference line attains similar reliability parameters compared to the horizontal reference line by Dietz, which is already established. The new line is compatible with the standard image orientation of Germany. Particularly for inexperienced examiners, both reference lines are more suitable than the central pubic line by Schaer. Before using the new reference line in routine, validation studies should be performed. As mentioned earlier, a parallel use cannot be recommended

    Zur Standardisierung der Perinealsonographie : Evaluation etablierter und neuer Referenzsysteme

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    Perineal ultrasound is facing the development of a standardization process. One important aspect in this process is the choice of an appropriate reference line for the evaluation of the urogenital anatomy. For this purpose, two major reference lines have been proposed in international literature: a horizontal line by Dietz and a central pubic line by Schaer. Inspired by the advantages and being aware of the disadvantages of these two lines, we created a new reference line, which can be drawn between the hyperechoic contours of os pubis and ligamentum arcuatum. The image orientation is set as usual in Germany. As a first step towards the implementation of the new method, we chose to compare the reliability of the three reference lines. Before this could be done, however, the central pubic line had to be excluded from the analysis because of a very low rate of possible assessment. This problem is already known in literature. Especially inexperienced examiners should therefore avoid the use of this reference line. Concerning the resulting values, there is a marked difference between the two remaining reference lines: The new line produces much greater values, which is why the two lines should not be in parallel use. In literature, there is evidence that the new line produced more realistic values than the horizontal line. This, however, has to be verified by validation studies. The reliability analysis revealed – despite of some major outliers – a trend towards a better reproducibility with the horizontal line by Dietz. Nevertheless, both reference lines definitely showed very good repeatability. Probably, minor differences may be neglected, which depends on the result of validation studies. Furthermore, it was observed that for the measurement of parameters during rest, any rest can be chosen, no matter if right at the beginning or after Valsalva, pelvic floor contraction or coughing. This does not influence the result. It could also be shown that there is no significant difference between resulting values during coughing and Valsalva. Concerning this issue, literature presents diverging opinions. To sum up, the newly generated reference line attains similar reliability parameters compared to the horizontal reference line by Dietz, which is already established. The new line is compatible with the standard image orientation of Germany. Particularly for inexperienced examiners, both reference lines are more suitable than the central pubic line by Schaer. Before using the new reference line in routine, validation studies should be performed. As mentioned earlier, a parallel use cannot be recommended

    Visualization of Polypropylene and Polyvinylidene Fluoride Slings in Perineal Ultrasound and Correlation with Clinical Outcome

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    Introduction and Hypothesis. Complications and malfunctioning after TOT can occur due to several factors, such as the material of the sling. The aim of the present study is to evaluate morphology and functionality of two types of slings (PVDF; polypropylene) in vivo using perineal ultrasound (PUS). Materials. In n=47 women with TOT four criteria for PUS were taken and checked for possible differences: vertical stability of the sling position during Valsalva manoeuvre and contraction; distance “sling to urethra”; width of the sling and condition of the selvedges. Results. We observed an increased vertical displacement of the PP-slings, a significantly smaller variance to the extent of the displacement in PVDF-slings (P<0.01), a significantly larger distance between sling and urethra (P<0.001) in PVDF-slings, and a significantly smaller width of the PP-slings (P<0.0001). Conclusion. Significant differences were found between the slings according to the four criteria. There was no difference established between the slings in the improvement of continence and no significant influence of the parameters was found for the resulting state of continence. In future studies, PUS may help to link differences in the morphology and functionality of in vivo slings to their material properties