9 research outputs found

    Part-Time Farming in the United States; A Selected List of References

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography consists of references to material on part-time farming and subsistence homesteads in the United States from approximately 1900 through October 1938. In this bibliography the term part-time farming is used to designate farming for purposes of home consumption, supplemented by income from another source. References to publications on allotment gardens and subsistence gardens for the unemployed have been included. The following subjects have been omitted: Marginal or subsistence farming by full-time farmers; the Little Landers' Movement in California; farm laborers' allotments; garden cities and greenbelt communities; and war time gardens for increased production

    Tax Delinquency on Rural Real Estate, 1928-1941; Selected References

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography contains selected references to books, pamphlets, and periodical articles published since 1928 on the subject of tax delinquency on rural real estate in the United States, including its extent, causes and remedies, forfeiture of lands, tax sales, and redemption procedure. It brings to date similar material included in the bibliography, Taxation and the Farmer, by Margaret T. Olcott, issued in 1928 as Agricultural Economics Bibliography no. 25. References on tax delinquency of forest and cut-over lands have been included when found, as have references to general studies on tax delinquency and urban studies which seemed general in application, but an exhaustive search has not been made for such material. Although books on public finance, as a rule, were not examined, a few references to such publications containing chapters on tax delinquency have been included. References to newspaper articles, governors’ messages, and, with a few exceptions, articles in farm papers have been omitted. The references are arranged by states, groups of states, and territories, preceded by a general section and followed by the list of sources for legislation. A subject and author index is appended. Call numbers following the citations are those of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Library, unless otherwise noted. "Libr. Cong.” preceding a call number indicates that the publication is in the Library of Congress

    Bibliography on the Poultry Industry in Countries other than Canada and the United States

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    This bibliography relates mainly to the economic and administrative aspects of the poultry industry in countries other than Canada and the United States, 1900 to date. References on the overseas territories and possessions of the United States are included. Legislation, egg-laying contests, advice to producers, and studies of poultry diseases not specifically related to conditions in the country have been omitted. Numerous references to publications containing statistical material have been included, but no attempt has been made to examine the official statistical reports and yearbooks of the various foreign governments. Items are arranged alphabetically by country; those dealing with more than one country are listed in the general and continental sections. The index brings together all the material on each country. Items marked with an asterisk (*) have not been examined. Call numbers following the citations are those of the United States Department of Agriculture Library

    The Peanut Industry: A Selected List of References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry, 1920-1939

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography supersedes and brings to date a typewritten list by Vajen E. Hitz issued in 1931 entitled "The Peanut Industry; Selected References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry…1920 to Date." It contains references to hooks, pamphlets and periodical articles relating to the economic aspects of the peanut industry in the United States and in foreign countries, from 1920 through the first five months of 1939. It includes references on the Agricultural Adjustment program for peanuts, cost of production and labor requirements, grading aid standardization, legislation, markets and marketing, mechanization of the industry, statistics, storage of the crop, and its utilization as feed, in peanut butter and as an oil. A few references on oil extraction and on the nutritive value of the nut have been included. Except when they occur in publications included for other reasons, references on culture, diseases and pests, and analyses of commercial feeding stuffs have been omitted. Periodicals which are organs of the peanut trade have been cited in a special periodicals section. Articles in those periodicals have been listed only when specific reference to them was found in the sources checked, since they contain articles and current notices which are too numerous or too sight

    Anthropology and Agriculture: Selected References on Agriculture in Primitive Cultures

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography is a selected list of references to general books and articles in the field of anthropology and to works on the culture of individual peoples and communities, particularly those in which their agriculture is discussed and the man-land relationship is brought out. Its purpose is to lead research workers to sources dealing with the total culture of these peoples so that they may see the part that agriculture and food-getting activities play in it. The bibliography falls broadly into two sections. In the first a general list of books, selected from the most widely known, is given as an introduction to anthropology, cultural anthropology, and primitive economics. The second, or main section, includes two types of material: ethnographies which are entirely descriptive in character, but which contain something on agriculture; and analytical works, which show the relationship between the various elements in a culture and indicate agriculture's place in it. Aside from the general section, the items are classified geographically. A subject and author index is appended

    The Soybean Industry: A Selected List of References on the Economic Aspects of the Industry in the United States, 1900-1938

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This bibliography contains references to material published on the economic aspects of the soybean industry in the United States, from 1900 through June 1938. References have been included to material dealing with the utilization of the soybean in industry, in agriculture, and in nutrition; with the cost of production, harvesting, storing, marketing, and grading; and with the oil, protein and moisture content of the bean. References on the botany, chemistry and culture of soybeans and on varieties have been omitted except where they have appeared incidentally with other material. Recipes, where food value is not a part of the content; articles on processing methods and refining of soybean oil and the factors affecting them have also been omitted. Works in foreign languages and works published abroad have not been included except where the material relates to the industry in the United States. A list of patents relating to soybean products and processes has been included. This list is as comprehensive as it was possible to make it from a search made in the U. S. Patent Office under Soybeans and related headings

    Bibliography on the Japanese in American Agriculture

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    Excerpts from the Preface: This bibliography shows the place which the Japanese have held in North American agriculture during the past 50 years. References deal mainly with Japanese farmers in continental United States and include their land holdings, crops, characteristics as farm laborers, alien land legislation, and problems arising from their evacuation from the West Coast States following the declaration of war with Japan in December 1941. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by author and followed by an author and subject index

    Distribution of Farm Income by Size; A Selected Bibliography

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    Excerpts from the Foreword: This is a selected list of references on the distribution of farm income by. income groups. Although it covers the years 1931-1941, inclusive, a very few references to publications of an earlier date have been included. As the emphasis throughout is on the distribution of income by size, or income groups, the list does not contain references on the income of the average or the individual farm. No attempt has been made to include references to all of the numerous farm business and farm, management reports which have been issued, many in mimeographed form. A few general references and a few on the distribution of urban income are given in a separate list at the end of the main part of the bibliography, pp. 66-73. Call numbers following the citations are those of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Library, unless otherwise noted. "Libr. Cong." preceding a call number indicates that the publication is in the Library of Congress. An author and brief subject index is appended

    Valuation of Real Estate, with Special Reference to Farm Real Estate

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    Excerpt from the Foreword: This bibliography entirely supersedes and brings to date a bibliography with the same title compiled by Emily L. Day and issued as Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 29. It is a compilation of selected references to what has been published on the valuation of real estate, particularly farm real estate in the United States. Since principles and methods of valuation have received more attention for urban than for rural property, at least in this country, references to some studies of urban valuation have been included