623 research outputs found

    Implementing Generalized Empirical Method in Neuroscience by Functionally Ordering Tasks

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    This article outlines a method of collaboration that will manifest a high probability of cumulative and progressive results in science. The method will accomplish this through a division of labour grounded in the order of occurrence of human cognitional operations. The following article explores the possibility of a method known as functional specialization, distinct tasks presently operative in neuroscience. Functional specialization will enhance collaboration within a science as well as initiate implementation of generalized empirical method. Implementation of generalized empirical method will be achieved through the focus of individual specialties on specific mental operations

    Ecological validity of a simplified version of the multiple errands shopping test

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    Shallice and Burgess (1991) reported the utility of the Multiple Errands Test (MET) in discriminating executive deficits in three frontal lobe patients with preserved high IQ, who were otherwise unimpaired on tests of executive function. The aim of this study was to ascertain the value of a simplified version of the MET (MET-SV) for use with the range of people more routinely encountered in clinical practice. Main findings were as follows: 1) The test discriminated well between neurological patients and controls, and the group effects remained when the difference in current general cognitive functions (WAIS-R FSIQ) was taken into account. 2) The best predictors of performance in the healthy control group (n = 46) were age and the number of times participants asked for help (with more requests associated with poorer performance). 3) In the neurological group, two clear patterns of failure emerged, with performance either characterized by rule breaking or failure to achieve tasks. These two patterns were associated with different dysexecutive symptoms in everyday life. 4) The patients not only made more errors than controls, but also different ones. A scoring method that took this into account markedly increased test sensitivity. 5) Many patients passed traditional tests of executive frontal lobe function but still failed the MET-SV This pattern was strongly associated with observed dysexecutive symptoms in everyday life. The results demonstrate the clinical utility of the test, and suggest that there are two common and independent sources of failure on multitasking tests in a general neurological population: memory dysfunction, and initiation problems

    Gulliver and other monkeys : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English Literature at Massey University

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    The distinctions between tragedy, satire and comedy, as with the lines severing madness from genius, are blurred and uncertain. The purpose of this essay is to further smudge, and where possible to erase, the artificial divisions within these two sets of notions, and thereby create more confusion. Throughout I shall refer to the life and work of Swift, and in particular Gulliver's Travels, as neat examples of the chaos intrinsic in these diverse, yet related, concepts. As Aristotle exemplified the principle of the tragic, using Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannos, saving why it is sad or tragic in his opinion, so I hope to say why I feel Gulliver's Travels to be predominantly funny or comic, and attempt to explain the principle of the comic in a like manner, with digression upon other works as has seemed appropriate to the illustration of the subject. Throughout I shall use the term 'comedy' in its broader sense, as referring to the comic, rather than in its technical sense of comic drama

    E-government and the electronic transformation of modes of rule: The Case of partnerships

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    This paper critically examines some aspects of the discursive and material transformation of government as a result the deployment of the internet and new information technologies. Particular attention is given to the constitution of partnerships and network forms of governing. The paper illustrates the dynamics of egovernment through two case studies of e-government projects in Australia’s social security/welfare system

    Generalized Empirical Method: is it needed?

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    In responding to my article, Quinn raises the question of development in science and scientific method. He picks up on the topic of the last section of my paper, and suggests that “generalized empirical method” will be “coherent with the essential dynamics of scientific progress.” He points out that, if implemented, such an extended method “promises to be a way toward new and practical results”

    Neuroscience and generalized empirical method: a response to A. Rastogi

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    Thank you to Mr. Rastogi for responding to my article on generalized empirical method. It is not possible to respond to all of Rastogi’s comments in a dialogue-form article so I limit myself to central features of his response

    Ist die Reform der Handwerksordnung zu begrĂŒĂŸen?

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    Mit der Liberalisierung der Handwerksordnung wird nur noch fĂŒr eine gegrenzte Anzahl von Handwerksberufen der Meisterbrief als Zugangsvoraussetzung fĂŒr die berufliche SelbstĂ€ndigkeit verlangt. Dr. Barbara Henman, UniversitĂ€t zu Köln, sieht darin »einen Gewinn fĂŒr den BĂŒrger«. Denn ihrer Meinung nach war es notwendig und ĂŒberfĂ€llig, die bisher geltenden Regelungen zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen und zu vereinfachen.Handwerk, Deutschland, Reform, Handwerksberufe, QualitĂ€tsmanagement, Berufsausbildung

    Dietary energy density and the performance characteristics of growing pigs

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    Optimal nutritional management of growing pigs is constrained by lack of quantitative information on the response of animals between 30 and 110 kg live weight to dietary energy content. Under 'ideal' conditions modern genotypes appear to adjust feed intake to maintain a constant DE intake over a much wider range of dietary energy concentrations than previously thought (Mullan et al, 1998). However, under commercial pen conditions, voluntary feed intake is lower, pigs respond in terms of both growth rate and feed conversion to dietary DE density considerably above the levels currently thought to maximise biological and economic responses. The present study was designed to provide information on the response of growing pigs to dietary energy content under ideal and commercial housing conditions for two growth periods 30-60kg liveweight and 60-100kg liveweight. The results of the pigs kept under individual (ideal) housed conditions were consistent with the literature in that they adjusted their voluntary feed intake with digestible energy density to maintain a constant energy intake. The results of the pigs kept in groups (commercial) housing conditions tended to increase their daily energy intake as the energy density of the feed increased. This increase in energy intake improved the growth rate of the pigs and increased the fat deposition of those pigs. Economic analysis of the experiments involving pigs in groups indicates that formulating diets to a least cost per megajoule of digestible energy is not the most profitable point to set the digestible energy density. Modelling programs need to be used to determine where the least cost per unit of growth of the pig occurs. This is the most economical digestible energy density to formulate too. This will have major impact on the cost of production of piggery operations as the cost of energy is the single most important parameter in the cost of producing a pig

    Models of governance in long-term disability care and support: A framework for assessing and reforming social policy

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    Abstract Over the last three decades, the financing and provision of care and support services for disabled adults has undergone profound and ongoing change in advanced welfare states. Despite national variations in contemporary care and support systems, common characteristics of the ‘mixed economy of care’ are its complexity, diversity and inequality of outcomes. Different policy and service delivery models for the delivery of care and support services have been developed, implemented and promoted as ways in which to enhance the governance of these services. In helping to advance research and evaluation into these varied policy and service delivery models, this paper outlines four distinct ideal type models of governance of care and support: uncoordinated; case manager coordinated; dwelling coordinated and user coordinated. In presenting each governance model, their relative strengths and weaknesses are articulated. Each governance model is further illustrated by empirical case studies drawn from research conducted in Australia with adults with an acquired disability. Such models provide a conceptual, analytical and methodological tool for critically thinking about and engaging with policy debate and research into this domain
