1,361 research outputs found

    Standardisation education

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    The importance of standardisation is growing. This might be reflected in a growth of standardisation education. In this paper we will elaborate on education in the field of standardisation

    Brexit – the way out. A business perspective

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    No matter how the Brexit process continues, it will become a disaster for companies both in the UK and in the EU because the British are likely to disappear from the Single Market without proper alternatives being prepared in good time. This is because of the lack of coherence on the British side, but also because of rigidity on the EU side. Leaving the issue to politicians and legal experts could lead to an outcome that is detrimental to business and society on both sides of the Channel. I will attempt to show there is a way out, by taking a business perspective

    Welke normen heb ik nodig voor mijn product of dienst?

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    Inleidend: Toepassing van normen is soms verplicht of bijna verplicht, omdat de wet dat voorschrijft of omdat de klant het eist. Maar het kan ook een eigen keuze van het bedrijf zijn om normen te gebruiken, bijvoorbeeld om kosten te besparen of de klanten beter te bedienen. Normen kunnen bepalen of een product of dienst flopt of een mega-succes wordt (klik hier voor voorbeelden). Normen kunnen een stuurmiddel voor een bedrijf zijn om nieuwe markten te veroveren en betere bedrijfsresultaten te krijgen. Klik hier voor voordelen van normalisatie voor producenten en afnemers. Het belang van normen en normalisatie neemt steeds verder toe. Wil je weten, hoe dat komt, klik dan hier. Normen uitzoeken is lastig, omdat er zo veel zijn. Het gevaar is dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet. Hieronder vind je een systematische benadering om normen voor producten en diensten uit te zoeken. We gaan er van uit dat er al een globaal ontwerp van het product of de dienst is...

    HERODOTUS: an educational site as an integral part of a study book

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    In the Netherlands there is an on-going process of restructuring education. Secondary education is nowbeing restructured into a basic level (the first two/three years) and an upper level (the last two/threeyears). The leading idea behind the upper level is the so-called 'study home' concept. The intention isthat the learners become 'successful independent constructors' of their own study processes instead of'successful dependent victims' of presented instruction. The first secondary schools start in 1996-1997with their 'study home' and educational publishers are working on new appropriate study books in orderto make the 'study-home' concept a success. To reach for success, publishers consider the use ofeducational software as an integral part of these new study books. Such educational software is expectedto make use of the rapid evolving technologies like hypermedia and the Internet

    Integrating standardization into engineering education - The case of forerunner Korea

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    Best Practice In Company Standardisation

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    Though the majority of standards are company standards, scientific standardisation literature pays hardly any attention to them. In this paper we describe results from a research project on company standardisation (Oly & Slob, 1999). The researchers investigated six chemical and petrochemical industries in the Netherlands: Akzo Nobel, Dow Chemical, DSM, Gasunie, NAM and Shell. These companies have numerous standards for their installations. Best practice for developing such standards was developed by examining the companies and using insights from relevant literature. This paper describes the scientific approach used and some of the best practice results

    The Dutch Banking Chipcard Game

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    The banks in the Dutch chipcard market initially agreed on one chipcard system. One system is attractive for companies as well as consumers. Companies, banks and retailers, prevent costs of duplication, while consumers enjoy the benefits of a widespread acceptance of one card and do not face uncertainty regarding the chipcard standard. Two standards could harm the development of the chipcard market. However, one bank withdrew from the initial agreement and introduced its own chipcard system in December 1995. This has resulted in a costly battle between the two banking chipcard standards, duplication costs for retailers, the introduction of a gateway technology in order to establish compatibility for users, and low market acceptance of the chipcards. March 2001, after a struggle of more than five years, the banks decided to return to one chipcard. The rationality of the decision to withdraw, despite the prospect that everybody may be worse off, will be analyzed from the perspective of game theory and the theory regarding standards battles
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