167 research outputs found

    The Role of Sea-ice Processes on the Probability of AMOC Transitions

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    Recent simulations performed with the Community Earth System Model (CESM) have suggested a crucial role of sea-ice processes in AMOC hysteresis behaviour under varying surface freshwater forcing. Here, we further investigate this issue using additional CESM simulations and a novel conceptual ocean-sea-ice box model. The CESM simulations show that the presence of sea ice gives rise to the existence of statistical equilibrium states with a weak AMOC strength. This is confirmed in the conceptual model, which captures the same AMOC hysteresis behaviour as in the CESM simulation and where steady states are computed versus forcing parameters. In the conceptual model, transition probabilities between the different equilibrium states are determined using rare event techniques. The transition probabilities from a strong AMOC state to a weak AMOC state increase when considering sea-ice processes and indicate that sea ice promotes these transitions. On the other hand, sea ice strongly reduces the probabilities of the reverse transition from a weak AMOC state to a strong AMOC state and this implies that sea ice also limits AMOC recovery. The results here indicate that sea-ice processes play a dominant role in AMOC hysteresis width and influence transition probabilities between the different equilibrium states

    Helix engineering: Combining the power of 3DM with AI to disrupt protein engineering

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    Chondrodysplasia, enchondromas and a chest deformity causing severe pulmonary morbidity in a boy with a PTHLH duplication:A case report

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    Parathyroid hormone-like hormone (PTHLH) plays an important role in bone formation. Several skeletal dysplasias have been described that are associated with disruption of PTHLH functioning. Here we report on a new patient with a 898 Kb duplication on chromosome 12p11.22 including the PTHLH gene. The boy has multiple skeletal abnormalities including chondrodysplasia, lesions radiographically resembling enchondromas and posterior rib deformities leading to a severe chest deformity. Severe pulmonary symptoms were thought to be caused by limited mobility and secondary sputum evacuation problems due to the chest deformity. Imaging studies during follow-up revealed progression of the number of skeletal lesions over time. This case extends the phenotypic spectrum associated with copy number variation of PTHLH

    Аксіологічні виміри душпастирства у творах Іоана Золотоустого

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    Стаття Світлани Білоус "Аксіологічні виміри душпастирства у творах Іоана Золотоустого" присвячена пошуку джерел духовної опіки над людиною, витоки яких автор бачить у християнському середньовіччі. Життя і творча спадщина Іоана Золотоустого – яскравий приклад пояснення сутності й визначення ціннісної природи душпастирювання крізь призму поняття священства.Статья Светланы Билоус "Аксиологические измерения душпастирства в произведениях Іоана Золотоустого" посвящена поиску источников духовной опеки над человеком, истоки которіх автор видит в христианском средневековье. Жизнь и творческое наследство Иоанна Золотоустого – яркий пример объяснения сущности и определение ценностной природы душпастирства сквозь призму понятия священства.The article by Svitlana Bilous "Axiological dimensions of priesthood in the Ioan Zolotoustyi’s works" is dedicated to finding sources of spiritual care over a human, the origin of which the author sees in the Christian Middle Ages. The life and literary heredity of Ioan Zolotoustyi is a brilliant pattern of explaining the essence and definition of valuable ​​nature of pastoral care through the prism of the concept of the priesthood