19 research outputs found

    Diagnostic SNP markers

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    A total of 2,015 species-specific SNPs to monitor hybridization between sika deer and wapit

    Sumstats file produced from STACKs pipeline

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    Various genetic parameter statistics for four groups.<br

    stmulate and produce ddRAD-seq restriction fragments on genome

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    stmulate and produce ddRAD-seq restriction fragments on genome according to fragment size<br


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    The <a></a><a>cloupe files </a>were <a>generated from the Cell Ranger pipeline</a> version 1.3.1 based on 10x genomics platform at the single-cell level from antler stem cells.<a></a


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    A comprehensive transcriptome gene-barcodes matrix dataset based on 10x genomics platform at the single-cell level from antler stem cells. These data were <a>generated from the Cell Ranger pipeline</a> version 1.3.1

    VCF file produced from STACKs pipeline

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    The VCF file including SNP information

    Development of Diagnostic SNP Markers To Monitor Hybridization Between Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) and Wapiti (Cervus elaphus)

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    Sika deer (Cervus Nippon) and wapiti (Cervus elaphus) are closely related species and their hybridization can result in significant allele-shift of their gene pool. Additive genetic effects and putative heterotic effects of their hybridization on growth performance could confer considerable economic advantage in deer farming. Here, we used double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing technology (ddRAD-seq) and detected ∼320,000 genome-wide SNPs from 30 captive individuals: 7 sika deer, 6 wapiti and 17 F1 hybrids (reciprocal cross). By screening observed heterozygosity of each SNP across four taxonomic groups, we report for the first time a resource of 2,015 putative diagnostic SNP markers (species-specific SNPs for sika deer and wapiti), which can be used to design tools for assessing or monitoring the degree of hybridization between sika deer and wapiti. These ddRAD-seq data and SNP datasets are also valuable resources for genome-wide studies, including trait discovery for breeders of domestic deer

    iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of the Potentiated and Dormant Antler Stem Cells

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    As the only known organ that can completely regenerate in mammals, deer antler is of real significance in the field of regenerative medicine. Recent studies have shown that the regenerative capacity of the antlers comes from the pedicle periosteum and the cells resident in the periosteum possess the attributes of stem cells. Currently, the molecular mechanism of antler regeneration remains unclear. In the present study, we compared the potentiated and dormant antler stem cells using isobaric tags for the relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) labeling of the peptides, coupled with two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to compare the proteome profiles. Proteins were identified by searching against the NCBI nr database and our own Cervine transcriptome database, and bioinformatics analysis was conducted to identify the differentially expressed proteins. Based on this searching strategy, we identified 169 differentially expressed proteins in total, consisting of 70 up- and 99 down-regulated in the potentiated vs. dormant antler stem cells. Reliability of the iTRAQ was confirmed via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to measure the expression of selected genes. We identified transduction pathways through the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database, such as HIF-1 and PI3K-AKT signaling pathways that play important roles in regulating the regeneration of antlers. In summary, the initiation stage of antler regeneration, a process from dormant to potentiated states in antler stem cells, is regulated by multiple proteins and complicated signal networks

    Proteomic Analysis of Plasma Membrane Proteins of Antler Stem Cells Using Label-Free LC–MS/MS

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    Deer antlers are unusual mammalian organs that can fully regenerate after annual shedding. Stem cells resident in the pedicle periosteum (PPCs) provide the main cell source for antler regeneration. Central to various cellular processes are plasma membrane proteins, but the expression of these proteins has not been well documented in antler regeneration. In the present study, plasma membrane proteins of PPCs and facial periosteal cells (FPCs) were analyzed using label-free liquid chromatography&#8315;mass spetrometry (LC&#8315;MS/MS). A total of 1739 proteins were identified. Of these proteins, 53 were found solely in the PPCs, 100 solely in the FPCs, and 1576 co-existed in both PPCs and FPCs; and 39 were significantly up-regulated in PPCs and 49 up-regulated in FPCs. In total, 226 gene ontology (GO) terms were significantly enriched from the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). Five clusters of biological processes from these GO terms comprised responses to external stimuli, signal transduction, membrane transport, regulation of tissue regeneration, and protein modification processes. Further studies are required to demonstrate the relevancy of these DEPs in antler stem cell biology and antler regeneration

    Transcriptomic analysis of different tissue layers in antler growth Center in Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

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    Abstract Background With the unprecedented rapid growth rate (up to 2.75 cm/day), velvet antler is an invaluable model for the identification of potent growth factors and signaling networks for extremely fast growing tissues, mainly cartilage. Antler growth center (AGC) locates in its tip and consists of five tissue layers: reserve mesenchyme (RM), precartilage (PC), transition zone (TZ), cartilage (CA) and mineralized cartilage (MC). The aim of this study was to investigate the transcription dynamics in the AGC using RNA-seq technology. Results Five tissue layers in the AGC were collected from three 3-year-old male sika deer using our previously reported sampling method (morphologically distinguishable). After sequencing (15 samples; triplicates/tissue layer), we assembled a reference transcriptome de novo and used RNA-seq to measure gene expression profiles across these five layers. Nine differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were selected from our data and subsequently verified using qRT-PCR. The results showed a high consistency with the RNA-seq results (R2 = 0.80). Nine modules were constructed based on co-expression network analysis, and these modules contained 370 hub genes. These genes were found to be mainly involved in mesenchymal progenitor cell proliferation, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis and angiogenesis. Combination of our own results with the previously published reports, we found that Wnt signaling likely plays a key role not only in stimulating the antler stem cells or their immediate progeny, but also in promoting chondrogenesis and osteogenesis during antler development. Conclusion We have successfully assembled a reference transcriptome, generated gene expression profiling across the five tissue layers in the AGC, and identified nine co-expressed modules that contain 370 hub genes and genes predorminantly expressed in and highly relevant to each tissue layer. We believe our findings have laid the foundation for the identification of novel genes for rapid proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of antler cells