13 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Sekolah Luar Biasa di Kota Padang Berbasis Web

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      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi geografis Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) di kota Padang yang diharapkan dapat membantu user mencari dan menemukan lokasi SLB dengan pemetaan dan mendapatkan detail informasi yang dibutuhkan secara cepat dan tepat. Perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat pengembangan sistem seperti: Context Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram dan perancangan database menggunakan Database Management System (DBMS), serta menggunakan Bahasa Pemograman Hypertext PreProcessor (PHP), Framework CodeIgniter dan Google Map API. Sistem informasi geografis yang dibuat menyediakan pemetaan lokasi SLB dengan Google Map, List SLB dan detail informasi SLB di Kota Padang pada halaman visitor, dan beberapa fitur yang disediakan untuk Operator masing-masing SLB dapat menginput, mengupdate dan report data sekolahnya diantaranya alamat, visi misi, profil, komite, struktur organisasi, status, jumlah tenaga pendidik, foto, dan data jumlah siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini tersedianya sistem Informasi Geografis SLB berbasis web di Kota Padang

    Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Memilih Jurusan pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

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    This research aims to design a Decision Support System (DSS) to choose a major in public universities. The system can be used asr consultation tool for prospective students in determining the choice of majors and colleges that match their interests and academic abilities. The input data used are interest test results and academic ability test then the data will be processed using Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to match the psychology and a passing grade score in appropriate department at public universities. This system is designed using  the Unified Modelling Language (UML) design model, the PHP programming language with laravel framework, and MySQL as the database. Results from this study is an application that can be used prospective students or class XII students in SMA / SMK to consult in determining by of majors in higher education

    Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Produk Dan Jasa Berbasis Web Pada Universitas Negeri Padang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi yang dapat mengakomodir manajemen aset Universitas Negeri Padang, baik dalam bentuk produk / hasil kerja dari civitas dan layanan yang diselenggarakan secara internal maupun dari pihak luar yang bekerjasama dengan Universitas Negeri Padang.. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi civitas academica dalam pengembangan bisnis dan untuk mempromosikan produk dan layanan berdasarkan kategori mereka. Desain produk dan layanan sistem informasi manajemen dibangun menggunakan model waterfall dan pola desain e-commerce dengan pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language). Bahasa pemrograman utama yang digunakan PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), serta CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) dan Javascript sebagai bahasa tambahan dengan MySQL sebagai Database Management System (DBMS). Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan framework codeigniter dengan arsitektur MVC (Model View Controller). Hasil dari sistem dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan produk dan layanan, manajemen pemesanan sewa, kerjasama pemangku kepentingan, pengelolaan kualitas pengujian, hingga pengelolaan transaksi. Seluruh aktivitas yang terjadi pada sistem dapat didokumentasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Pemrograman Visual dengan Menggunakan Project Based Learning

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    This study aims to produce products that are teaching material that are learning modules for students who take the Visual Programming course. So that later students will carry out lectures with more ease and direction. The research methods used are development research methods (research and development), with the development designs chosen are using the Project Based Learning model. The steps of learning model Project Based Learning are as follows: (1) start with the big question, (2) design a plan for the project, (3) create a schedule, (4) monestudents and the progress of the project, (5) assess the outcome, and (6) evaluate the experience. The teaching materials for students and students are expected to be able to help students for more understanding of lectures Visual Programming. Over a period of time, it increased the students' learning outcomes that took the Visual Programming cours

    Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Tutorial

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the need for developing video tutorials at Data Mining. This research is descriptive exploratory research. The subjects of this study were students of the Information Engineering Education Study Program in the Electronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, 2016. Samples were randomly selected as many as 30 students. Data was collected using observation sheets in the lecture process of Data Mining and student questionnaires. The results of the observation show that the learning material in the Data Mining course is in the form of presentation slides/power points and handbooks/texts both face to face and e-learning. The results of the needs questionnaire analysis show that students need learning media that can guide them to be able to learn independently by repeating lessons anytime and anywhere in the form of learning media in the form of video tutorials

    Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    The main purpose of this paper is to uncover the results of a survey study regarding teacher opinions on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in learning. For this purpose, marker-based cellular augmented reality applications have been developed and computer hardware is used as training material. In addition, teachers are given training for four days to get to know the basics of augmented reality technology, the software used, the environment to create marker-based AR objects. The data was collected through surveys and open-ended questions on teachers who are members of the English MGMP Kab. 50 cities. The tools and technology needed to develop AR and development experience are also shared. According to the survey results teachers are very enthusiastic about using augmented reality in their learning. The result of this article is the perception of the use of Augmented Reality technology for the development of instructional media by English teachers in the positive category

    Perancangan E-report Financial System Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Toko Kripik Balado Mahkota)

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    The purpose of this article is to contrive the e-report financial system that will be use on kripik balado mahkota store like the sales reporting, purchase reporting, profit and loss, and transaction of sales and purchases from suppliers or buyers. the method of design that will be used in the e-report financial system is using architectural MVC (model, view, and controller)techniques, combined with framework yii2 and PHP, storage media with database tool MySQL, and UML's model design use case diagram, activity diagram, and class diagram. The results of e-report financial's design are the electronic report will be available, easily accessible everywhere and every time, also minimize the redundant data and overlap data. So the design of the e-report financial system making the report so easily with the model, method, and supporting media that be used in the system


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    Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru atau dosen tidak bisa lepas dari pendekatan, metode, dan media yang diterapkan guru atau dosen dalam proses pembelajaran, mengembangkan video dan media pembelajaran baik guru, mahasiswa, dosen, ataupun praktisi pendidikan lainnya bisa menggunakan aplikasi filmora 9. Ketepatan dalam memilih pendekatan, metode, dan media sangat besar pengaruhnya bagi guru, mahasiswa, dosen, dan praktisi pendidikan. Dalam buku ini membahas terkait wondershare filmora yang di lanjutkan dengan instal & projek pertama wondershare filmora, mengenali user interface dari wondershare filmora dan tutorial belajar filmora serta membuat video media pembelajaran pemula dan membuat video profil universitas negeri padang