5,551 research outputs found

    Analisis Usaha Keramba Jaring Apung, Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangannya di Nagari Tanjung Sani Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Sani Maninjau Nagari was conducted in May 2013 with a goal of research is to know the size of investments and the income derived from the business of tilapia KJA 10 and 20 bags by using some index investment criteria. The results showed for KJA businesses with 10 pockets for Rp.163.840.000 and investment required to invest Rp 20 bags. 322 140 000. profits each harvest for KJA 10 bags of Rp. 51,594,200 and for KJA 20 bags of Rp.107.589.300. invest-ment criteria based index values obtained BCR from 1.61 to 1.63, FRR 31.49 to 33.39, 2.29 PPC period - the period of 3.17, FCR from 1.29 to 1.31. The problem in the development KJA Maninjau is KJA number has exceeded the carrying capacity of the environment so necessary arrangements

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nelayan Danau Pulau Besar dan Danau Bawah di Kecamatan Dayun Kabupaten Siak Propinsi Riau

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    This research was conducted at Dayun Sub District Siak Regency Riau onFebruary 2010. This research aimed to analyze the income and the distributionoutcome fisherman household Pulau Besar Lake and Bawah Lake also to describewalfare fisherman society. The method use was survey method. The respondentswere 36 fisherman and data was callected as primary and secondary data.The research results showed that the income of fisherman household whouse the boat engine around about Rp 1.500.000-3.000.000, with the incomeaverage Rp 2.305.055/month. Where as the income of fisherman household whouse the boat around about Rp 1.000.000-2.000.000, with the income average Rp1.582.833/month. The outcome of fisherman household who used the boat engineabout Rp 1.500.000-1.900.000, with the outcome average Rp 1.719.000/month.Where as the outcome of fisherman household who used the boat Rp 1.100.000-1.500.000, with the income average Rp 1.328.500/month.According to BPS criterion, there were six household respondent un walfareand according to Bappenas there is four house hold respondent that walfare stilllow/poor, and according to Regional Minimum Salary so all of respondents theyearn upper UMR Siak Regency (Rp 976.000/month

    Pengukuran Kualitas Hidup Pasien Tuberkulosis Menggunakan Instrumen St George Respiratory Questionnaire (Sgrq) Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It typically affects the lungs but can affect other sites as well. TB disease could influence the TB patients\u27 quality of life such as psychology of health, physical function and the leading role in society. The purpose of this research is to measure the differed TB patients\u27 quality of life before and during the treatment using Indonesian version of St George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) instruments that have been validated. The research used a cross-sectional design conducted prospectively in 91 new patients diagnosed as lung TB in BP4 province of Yogyakarta in November 2013 until April 2015. Patients filled out the questionnaires, and its obtained Total Score values were analyzed with Friedman\u27s test to understand the quality of life. The results from this research showed that the quality of life of TB patient before, and during the treatment differed significantly. The Total score on the first month treatment was 43.57% and the second until the sixth months treatment was 30.40%; 25.22%; 20.50%; 18.45% and 16.51% respectively (p<0.05). The worst of quality of life was occurred in the first month treatment as the initial period before the treatment and continues to improve until the sixth-month treatment. In conclusion, the quality of life TB patients\u27 before and during the treatment is more increasing

    Potensi Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Tingkat Eksploitasi (Kajian terhadap Danau Pulau Besar dan Danau Bawah Zamrud Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau)

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-April 2010 di DanauPulau Besar dan Danau Bawah Zamrud Desa Dayun Kecamatan DayunKabupaten Siak. Pemilihan lokasi dilakukan dengan sengaja (purposive).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulansebagai berikut: 1) Perkembangan jumlah alat tangkap setiap tahunnya mengalamipeningkatan 2,3% dan penurunan CPUE sebesar 4,6%, 2) Jumlah produksiperikanan pada tahun 2010 sebesar 38.300 kg dengan Maximum SuistainableYield (MSY) sebesar 43.148,24 kg/tahun. Artinya telah terjadi kelebihan tangkap(over fishing), 3) Tingkat eksploitasi telah mencapai 89% dari MSY, dimanaeffort optimal sebesar 502,18 unit, sedangkan pada tahun 2010 jumlah effort telahmencapai angka 679,76 unit

    Analisis Usaha Pengolahan Ikan Asin di Kecamatan Pandan Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengolahan ikan asin sertapermasalahannya di Kecamatan Pandan Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. Berdasarkanhasil penelitian didapatkan ikan asin yang diolah rata-rata untuk setiap kalipengolahan sebanyak 600 kg dalam sebulan sebanyak 6 kali. Pendapatan bersihsetiap kali pengolahan sebesar Rp 710.900. Berdasarkan berbagai kriteriakelayakan dapat dikatakan usaha pengolahan ikan asin layak dikembangkan.Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengolah ikan asin adalah semakinberkurangnya bahan baku dan rendahnya kualitas ikan yang diolah terutamaditinjau dari segi kemasan

    The Application of Agri-fishery System in Farmer Groups of Ar-rahman Talang's Village District West Payakumbuh Payakumbuh City West Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted in February 2014 held at the farmer group of Ar-Rahman. The research location was determined intentionally, the method that used was asurvey by analyzing primary data, the respondents in this research were selected bypurposive sampling with the number of respondents as many as 7 peoples. The purpose ofthis research was to knowing the application of agri-fishery system in farmer group of Ar-Rahman, knowing the development of each subsystem, and knowing the constraints in theimplementation of each subsystem in farmer group of Ar-Rahman.Application of agri-fishery system in farmer group of Ar-Rahman on the inputsupply subsistem has been running well, the farming subsystem is not good, theagroindustry subsystem is not bad, and the marketing subsystem is good. The developmentof agri-fishery system at a standing start in 2007 to 2010 has been running well, but in2011 the start of the conflict in the farmer group has made the farmer group of Ar-Rahmandeclined in each of subsystems until the 2014's. Constraints in the input supply subsystemis a farmer group can not make food of the fish. Constrainst in the farming subsystem isthe irrigation which is often problematic when the rains come and the limited skills ofmembers to handling cultivation. In the agroindustry subsystem are constrainst on the lackof skills to use a fish processing tool. In the marketing subsystem does not happenconstraints, but is highly dependent on the production of farming and agroindustry

    Business Analysis Of Enlargement Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus And Chromileptes Altivelis In Floating Net (Kja) In Tapian Nauli 1 Villages Tapian Nauli Subdistrict Tapanuli Tengah Regency North Sumatera Province

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    This study was conducted on January 2016. The purpose of this study to determine the cost of investment, gross income, net income and feasibility of fish rearing in floating net in the Tapian Nauli 1 village. The method used is a survey method to determine the respondents conducted purposive sampling.Based on the results of this research that result of financial analysis and feasibility of fish farmers as follows: 10 slots of floating net, the total investment is Rp 325. 981 .000, gross income is Rp 516.6 million, net income is Rp 201.099.500, RCR 1.64 and FRR 61.69. 8 slots of floating net, the total investment is Rp 269.130.000 , gross income is Rp 396.550.000 , net income is Rp 136.251. 500, RCR 1.52 and FRR 50.63. 5 slots of floating net, the total investment is Rp 192.691 000, gross income is Rp 281.4 million, net income is Rp 95.063.500, RCR 1.51 and FRR 49.34. Businesses of fish rearing in floating net in the Tapian Nauli 1 village has great prospect can be seen of the revenue generated, but for the business sustainability of fish farmers in the village of Tapian Nauli first confronted the problem of limited seed due to the absence of a hatchery in this village
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