2 research outputs found

    Differences between car drivers 1993,1995

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    Characteristics of r's car/ ownership: private, employer or lease / who pays costs / making use of other vehicles: bicycle, public transport/ purposes of car use, frequency, distances, travelling times, exposure to traffic-jams/ car pooling/ r's standards of driving p1346b: r's practical possibilities to reduce his use of car and his sensitivity to possible measures by the government to reduce car use: higher road taxes, better, cheaper public transport, closing of inner towns, higher fuel prices, toll on motorways, lower maximum speed etc. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / household characteristics / place of work / occupation / employment / education / consumption of durable

    Verschillen tussen groepen automobilisten met betrekking tot milieu-relevant gedrag en hun gevoeligheid voor beleidsmaatregelen 1993,995

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    Characteristics of r's car/ ownership: private, employer or lease / who pays costs / making use of other vehicles: bicycle, public transport/ purposes of car use, frequency, distances, travelling times, exposure to traffic-jams/ car pooling/ r's standards of driving p1346b: r's practical possibilities to reduce his use of car and his sensitivity to possible measures by the government to reduce car use: higher road taxes, better, cheaper public transport, closing of inner towns, higher fuel prices, toll on motorways, lower maximum speed etc. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / household characteristics / place of work / occupation / employment / education / consumption of durable