35 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Matematika Humanis Dengan Metaphorical Thinking Untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa

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    This research uses experimental method pretest posttest disign. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the confidence of students in mathematics in mathematics learning with metaphorical thinking humanist. This research was conducted at the Junior High School level. The instrument used in this study is the achievement test and questionnaire about students' confidence. The results showed that mathematics humanists with metaphorical thinking (MT) is superior to conventional learning in enhancing the confidence of students, viewed as a whole and based on the level of the school and the beginning of students' mathematical abilities. There is a high association between KAM and confidence in the classroom with learning metaphorical thinking, and the conventional class association between KAM and confidence quite enough. The confidence of students whose learning approach metaphorical thinking (MT) is better than using the normal way (CB), students gain confidence to approach learning MT and CB are in qualifying was

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Shalat terhadap Kontrol Glikemik Penderita DM Tipe 2 di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism disorders, which is characterized by elevated chronic blood glucose (hyperglycemia) levels. The sustainable hyperglycemia is able to cause disruption of the entire system of body. This research aimed at finding out the influence of the five-time prayer implementation on the decrease of fasting blood glucose level of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The study employed a quasi experimental research by one group pre and post test design without control group. The number of samples of 15 respondents was determined by purposive sampling technique. The result of statistical analysis showed that there was the significant influence between the five-time prayer implementation and the decrease of fasting blood glucose, the average decrease was 93,113 and p value=0,000. The decrease in fasting blood glucose after the intervention of prayer activity in the form of the implementation of five-day prayers for 3 days caused by the body's physiological effects enhanced GLUT 4 translocation and increase the psychological effects of mind relaxation that occurred during the five-time prayer practic

    Analisis Kesantunan Berbahasa Menurut Leech Pada Tuturan Berbahasa Arab Guru Pondok Pesantren Ibnul Qoyyim Putra YOGYAKARTA Tahunajaran 2016/2017 (Kajian Pragmatik)

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    This research is aimed to find out the structure of Arabic speech that is used by the teacher and the politeness aspects of language in Arabic speech which is used by Ibnul Qoyyim Boarding School For Boys when teaching santri in classroom. This research is a qualitative research by collecting data by interacting with people in place of research. The method that researchers use in this study is divided into three namely the method of data provision, data analysis, and methods of data analysis results. After analyzing the direct speech by the subject teacher of Tamrin Lugah in Ibnul Qoyyim Boarding School For Boys with the theory of politeness of Geoffey Leech, it resulted in the tact maxim of 17 speeches, the generosity maxim of 4 speeches, the approbation maxim of 14 speeches, the agreement maxim of 25 speeches, and the sympathy maxim of 4 speeches. Whereas in practice the teacher also violated the language-assisted language with the tact maxim of 13 speeches, the approbation maxim of 2 speeches, and the aggrement maxim of 7 speeches, and researchers did not find the modesty maxim

    Efektifitas Foot Care Education terhadap Praktik Perawatan Kaki dalam Upaya Pencegahan Risiko Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Penderita Diabetes di Wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Kejadian ulkus kaki diabetik memiliki kecenderungan mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan meningkatnya diabetisi dan sering kali berakhir dengan kecacatan dan kematian. Kabupaten Kuningan menempatkan diabetes pada urutan pertama penyakit yang paling banyak menjalani perawatan inap di Rumah Sakit dengan jumlah kasus 968 penderita pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas foot care education terhadap perbaikan praktik perawatan kaki dalam upaya pencegahan ulkus kaki diabetik pada diabetisi di Wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 jenis rancangan penelitian yakni cross sectional dan quasi experimental yang melibatkan 317 diabetisi (cross sectional) dan 220 diabetisi yang tidak pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang perawatan kaki (quasi experimental) sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) status foot care education merupakan faktor yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan praktik perawatan kaki diabetisi dan perkembangan risiko ulkus kaki dengan p-value 0,01; 0,02 (Chi Square Test). (2) Terdapat perbedaan status praktik perawatan kaki yang signifikan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol pada posttest dengan p-value 0,000 < ? 0,05 (Mann Whitney U Test). Dengan hasil ini, diharapkan pelayanan edukasi perawatan kaki pada tatanan pelayanan kesehatan dapat dioptimalkan guna meningkatkan praktik perawatan kaki oleh diabetisi untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi ulkus kaki terutama pada mereka yang berisiko tinggi

    Metaphorical Thinking Learning and Junior High School Teachers\u27 Mathematical Questioning Ability

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    This control-group posttest-only experimental design study aims to investigate the role of learning that teaches metaphorical thinking in mathematical questioning ability of junior high school teachers. The population of this study was mathematics junior high school teachers in West Java province. The samples were 82 mathematics junior high school teachers selected using random purposive sampling for experimental class and control class. It was concluded that: 1) the teacher‘s mathematical questioning ability who received metaphorical thinking learning is better than those who received conventional learning; 2) learning factors and KAM (Kemampuan Awal Matematis = Prior Mathematical Ability) affect the achievement of teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability; there is an interaction effect between learning and KAM in developing teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability; 4) teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability does not reach optimal for submitting non-routine and open-ended questions indicator

    Students' Performance Skills in Creative Mathematical Reasoning

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    This study aims to examine mathematics teacher-candidate students' mathematical creative reasoning ability based on the level of Adversity Quotient (AQ). This study uses a mixed method of sequential type by combining quantitative and qualitative methods in order. Population in this study is all students attending the course of Calculus in Mathematics Education of Master Program at STKIP Siliwangi that consist of 270 students divided into six classes. The results are AQ gives effect to the achievement of students' mathematical creative reasoning abilities based on the whole and the type of AQ climber, champer, and quitter. The achievement of students' mathematical creative reasoning abilities and based on AQ, the champer and climber fall into the medium category, while on the quitter type, it falls into the category of low. On the other hands, the achievement of students' mathematical creative reasoning abilities is yet to be achieved well at the indicator of novelty

    Percepatan Recovery dengan Indikator Denyut Nadi : Kaitannya dengan Latihan yang Telah Dilakukan

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    Kebugaran setidaknya dapat dilihat dari kemampuan untuk kembali pulih ke kondisi awal. Salah satu cara untuk melihat orang telah pulih atau mengalami istirahat yang cukup adalah dari pemantauan denyut nadi. Ketika denyut nadi mengalami penurunan dapat diartikan telah turun intensitas/beban yang diterima oleh tubuh. Proses ini dikenal dengan recovery. Kemampuan tubuh untuk recovery menjadi indikator agar mampu memulai kembali aktivitas dengan intensitas tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat percepatan recovery yang terjadi sampai 6 menit setelah melakukan latihan. Latihan yang dilakukan dengan trisep dengan beban 27,2 kg, rowing 20,4 kg, benchpress 20 kg, dan leg press 54 kg dengan cara repetisi maksimal dan empat set. Pengukuran denyut nadi dilakukan dalam waktu 20 detik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi Perubahan denyut nadi. Setelah 48 dan di menit ke enam menjadi 33. Berdasarkan pada data ini dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi percepatan recovery selama proses enam menit cukup cepat sampai 15 detak per 20 detik