657 research outputs found

    Potensi Penghematan Energi pada Kompresor di PT. ABC

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    PT. ABC adalah bergerak dalam industri komponen batery yang mengunakan mesin mesin Press/Stamping secara otomatis. Mesin press otomatis ini sebagian besar digerakkan secara mengunakan pneumatic yang sumber tenaganya dari Kompresor. Kompressor (udara tekan) untuk operasi produksi yang dihasilkan oleh unit udara tekan yang berkisar dari 5 horsepower (hp) sampai lebih 50.000 hp. Kompresor dan sistim udara tekan menjadi area penting untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi pada plant industri. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui potret penggunaan energi yang digunakan pada industri stamping adalah bersumber dari PLN dengan kapasitas daya 600 kVA yang salah satunya digunakan untuk Kompresor. Konsumsi energi listrik tahun 2014 adalah sebesar 962.700 kWh/Tahun dengan biaya konsumsi energi listrik adalah Rp 1.632.253.788 per tahun. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui potensi penghematan energi listrik pada Kompresor sebesar 163.675 kWh/Tahun atau potensi penghematan biaya sebesar Rp 310.982.500 per tahun

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Overhead Conveyor di Lini Produksi Electrodeposition Studi Kasus: di PT. Xyz

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    This review discusses how to analyze and calculate the increase in overhead conveyor capacity in the electrodeposition production line in the automotive industry doing halo improvements to meet market needs with Toyoto Business Practices method. Overheat conveyor (conveyor tool above) is a mechanical device that moves to move material from one location to another location which is done by hanging from above. While Electrodeposition is a way to clean the surface in a way. After the analysis is based on two factors causing the overheat conveyor is decided the excessive amount of Overheat Conveyor as much as 4 units of Overheat Conveyor

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Ed Tank di Lini Produksi Electrodeposition Studi Kasus: di PT. Xyz

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    Kajian ini menyajikan cara melakukan analisis dan perhitungan peningkatan kapasitas ED TANK di lini produksi electrodeposition pada industri otomotif melakukan usulan perbaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dengan metode Toyoto Business Practices. ED TANK atau tangki adalah wadah tempat menyimpan (menimbun) cairan yang terbuat dari logam. Pada proses di lini ElectroDeposition ini tank digunakan untuk menyimpan cairan yang digunakan untuk proses ElectroDeposition. Setelah dilakukan analisis berdasarkan dua akar penyebab permasalahan (Mesin dan Metode) yang berdampak terhadap Safety, Quality, Cost diketahui alternatif perbaikan ED TANK yang diputuskan adalah penambahan jumlah ED TANK sebanyak 1 unit lagi

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Samudra Bahari Utama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah 80 responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresu linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kerja dan kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja karyawan. Secara parsial motivasi kerja memberikan pengaruh lebih dominan dari pada kompensasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan

    Tingkat Kepatuhan Penarik Becak Suka Karya terhadap Aturan Organisasi Persatuan Becak Suka Karya (Pbsk) Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    The goal of research is to find out how the compliance level of the rickshaw pullers Sukakarya forthe rules applied by the rickshaw union organizations Suka Karya(PBSK) and what factors affect the rickshaw pullers dutifully forthe existing rules. Research using quantitative methods by means of data capture all members of rickshaw pullers Like existing the way Sukakarya of Tampan Subdistrict of Pekanbaru City. To know the number of members of the rickshaw pullers that are on the road Suka Karya and to know clearly the number of respondents to the census method used in field is the entire population be made respondents. The field data into a population of 107 people towing pedicab so defined the overall respondents made samples. To collect data from respondents used the method of direct observations, interviews, and documentation, and data processing used for cuantitativemethod. This research see humans always want to meet his needs so that respondents who are members of the Organization of the pedicab in general have middle income and above so that the members of the rickshaw pullers have adequate income. Earning members of the rickshaw pullers Suka Karya strongly influenced the level of compliance of the agreed rules. Rickshaw Union Suka Karya members very comply with rules set forth the direction, so all the rules to become a benchmark in the members operate as rickshaw pullers. Members of the rickshaw pullers Suka Karya is always accountable to consumers and always keep the consumer satisfaction. Members of the rickshaw pullers sukakarya very rarely troubled with fellow members, consumers and also the leadership of the rickshaw pullers Suka Karya. The relationship of members with the leaders so close because the leadership is very open with members of the rickshaw pullers Suka Karya.Keywords: degree of Compliance, rules, Rickshaws

    Perancangan Pembuatan Aplikasi Penjualan Tiket Berbasis Desktop Pada Family Tour & Travel Menggunakan Visual Basic .Net

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    The sales process and recording of transaction data in the CV Family Tour & Travel is still done manually, so often found errors in recording transaction data and preparing the report. The problems that arise in CV Family Tour & Travel behind the construction of a system that can help in overcoming the problems that exist today. Then designed a system of ticket sales information using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio 2012-based desktop with SDLC development method is expected to help the processing of the transaction process and preparing reports on the CV Family Tour & Travel. The function of the application program for the sale of tickets, print E-Ticket, transaction point member (with redeem point), the financial statements: Details, Transportation and Annual. Tests performed on CV Family Tour & Travel where the test results were possesing some problems and issues that still need to be improved as the data on the member can't be replaced, all the member data erased with one click without confirmation, can't perform data input ticket number with character, and others. Results of testing the application program CV Family Tour & Travel has been repaired and running well and smoothly without any obstacles or problems in the program

    Analisis Kinerja Perangkat Kecamatan dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus Kantor Camat Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir)

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    Performance analysis for Public Service. Measurements in a performance that is very necessary with a view to identify and improve the effectiveness of performance on a system. In this research, performance analysis and performance measurement focused on the sub-districts in the district of Tanah Putih in providing services. in this case because according to the information extracting and growing issue that is problematic dikecamatan public services such convoluted, complicated, confusing and do not have a clear time accuracy. While the principles of the ideal of public service does not comply with the conditions of service are held. Departing from the researchers were interested in examining these issues and attempt to provide solutions for improving public services in the district of Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir regency of Riau province.The purpose of this study to investigate the performance of the device districts in providing public services, in addition to knowing the factors that hinder the performance of the districts in providing public services in the Tanah Putih district of Rokan Hilir. The results showed that the performance of the device has not been effective Tanah Putih districts and the factors that hinder them not maketh Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines in carrying out the performance of labor services is not yet fully understands its obligations and duties and principles of public service ideal.Kata Kunci : Performance analysis, Public Service, productifity, service quality, responcivity, akuntability

    Analisis Regresi Non Linier (Polinomial) dalam Pembentukan Kriteria Visibilitas Hilal di Indonesia

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    Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa koefisien determinasi terbesar diperoleh dari hubungan semidiameter toposentrik dengan fraksi iluminasi bernilai 0,945; disusul kemudian altitude toposentrik dengan lebar hilal bernilai 0,915; lebar hilal-elongasi bernilai 0,912; elongasi-altitude toposentrik bernilai 0,9066 dan nilai koefisien terendah diperoleh dari hubungan selisih azimut dengan altitude toposentrik dan elongasi berturut-berturut bernilai 0,352 dan 0,318. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi ini juga terlihat bahwa azimut tidak begitu signifikan mempengaruhi altitude toposentrik dan elongasi karena nilai koefisien yang rendah. Namun di sisi lain, lebar hilal, umur hilal elongasi dan ketinggian hilal saling memengaruhi satu sama lain dengan begitu signifikan karena nilai koefisien yang cukup besar mendekati. Kriteria terbaik dibentuk berdasarkan altitude toposentrik dan elongasi atau altitude toposentrik dengan lebar hilal toposentrik. Kriteria Altitude-Elongasi dengan persamaan h ≥ 0,0445 ARCL2 – 0,6065 ARCL+ 4,0165° memiliki titik Balik minimum pada 6,815° untuk elongasi dan 1,950° untuk altitude. kriteria Altitude-Lebar Hilal dengan persamaan h ≥ 0,9373W'3 – 3,6892W'2 + 11,596W' + 1,4057° memiliki titik belok pada 1,312 menit busur untuk lebar hilal dan 12,386° untuk altitude
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