608 research outputs found

    A Guide to Disability Statistics from the National Health Interview Survey

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the information on the population with disabilities in a nationally representative survey conducted by the National Center on Health Statistics called the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The paper provides a description of the disability information available in the NHIS and how the data may be used to assess the employment, economic well being and health of the population. Descriptive statistics from the 2002 NHIS public use files are used to illustrate the type of analysis that will be useful to researchers and policymakers

    A Comparison of some Upland and Valley Soils in the Ungava-Labrador Peninsula

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    Thirteen soil profiles from northern Québec and Labrador, Canada, near the northern tree-line, were sampled and analysed. Five of these, located on poorly to imperfectly drained sites, are strongly cryoturbated soils with permafrost at a shallow depth. Below the surface horizon they have very uniform profile distributions of pH, carbon and extractable iron and aluminum due to the active mixing of the horizons. The eight soils from well-drained sites have profiles similar to those of soils in similar settings in more temperate climatic regions. One of these, developed in one of the most northerly valleys having a black spruce-larch forest vegetation, has the characteristics of a podzol (spodosol) except that the podzolic B (spodic) horizon is too thin. The other seven profiles all have color B horizons, although the coarse texture prevents their classification as cambic horizons; these soils all have carbon-rich A horizons varying in thickness from 1.5 to 20 cm. Soil temperature at 50 cm depth closely follows the elevational and latitudinal distribution of the soils; a range of 0 to 10° C was observed. Soil development, measured as depth of solum, organic carbon accumulation or degree of B horizon development, is closely related to soil temperature and site position. The presence of permanently frozen ice layers at shallow depth has a marked influence on soil genesis and the properties of the resultant soils.Treize profils de sols provenant du Nouveau-Québec et du Labrador, près de la limite septentrionale des arbres, furent échantillonnés et analysés. Aux endroits mal drainés, cinq de ces profils sont fortement cryoturbés et se caractérisent par la présence du pergélisol à de faibles profondeurs. Sous la surface, le brassage des horizons associé à la cryoturbation tend à uniformiser la distribution verticale du pH, du carbone, et du fer et de l'aluminium extractibles. Les huit sols bien drainés possèdent des profils comparables à ceux qui se développent sur des sites bien drainés des régions plus tempérées. Un de ces sols sous couvert forestier, développé dans une des dernières vallées au nord a toutes les caractéristiques d'un podzol (spodosol) si ce n'est que l'horizon B pod-zolique (spodique) est trop mince. Les sept autres sols ont des horizons B identifiables par leur couleur; tous ces sols ont des horizons A riches en carbone dont l'épaisseur varie entre 1,5 et 20 cm. Il existe une étroite relation entre la température des sols à 50 cm de profondeur et la distribution altitudinale et latitudinale de ces sols; des températures variant entre 0 et 100C ont été enregistrées. Il semble également exister une relation entre le développement pédogénétique et la température des sols ainsi que la position des sites. La présence de couches de glace, a faible profondeur, influence la pédogénèse et les différentes propriétés des sols qui en résultent.Von dreizehn Boden-Profilen von Nord-Quebec und Labrador, Kanada, nahe der nôrdlichen Baumgrenze wurden entnommene Proben analysiert. Davon sind fùnf, die von schlecht drânierten Gelànden stammen, stark kryoturbatisch und zeichnen sich durch das Vorkommen von Dauerfrost in geringen Tiefen aus. Unter der Oberflàche fùhrt die Verknetung der Horizonte in Verbindung mit der Kryoturbation zu einer gleichmâBigen vertikalen Verteilung der Sàure, des Kohlenstoffs und des gewinnbaren Eisens und Aluminiums. Die acht gut drânierten Bôden besitzen Profile, die mit denen der gut drânierten Bôden der mehr gemâGigten Gebiete vergleichbar sind. Einer dieser Bôden, der sich in einem der letzten bewaldeten Tàler im Norden entwickelt hat, besitzt aile Eigenschaften eines Podsol, auRer dafi der podsolige B-Horizont zu dùnn ist. Die sieben anderen Bôden haben aile B-Ho-rizonte, identif iziert durch ihre Farben ; ail dièse Bôden besitzen an Kohlenstoff reiche A-Horizonte, deren Dicke zwischen 1,5 und 20 cm variiert. Es besteht eine enge Beziehung zwischen der Bodentemperatur in 50 cm Tiefe und der Hôhen- und Breiten-Verteilung dieser Bôden ; Temperaturen zwischen O0C und 100C wurden registriert. Eine Beziehung scheint auch zu bestehen zwischen der bodengenetischen Entwicklung und der Temperatur der Bôden sowie der Lage der Vorkommen. Das Vorhandensein von Eisschichten in mâfliger Tiefe beeinfluBt die Bodenentwick-lung und die verschiedenen Eigenschaften der Bôden, die sich hieraus ergeben

    La genèse des podzols

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    Les podzols sont des sols acides de milieux forestiers caractérisés par l'accumulation de fer (Fe) et d'aluminium (Al) dans l'horizon B (horizon B podzolique). Ils couvrent de vastes étendues des zones boréales et tempérées humides et sont associés à des substrats à texture grossière. La connaissance des mécanismes responsables de la formation des podzols est essentielle à la compréhension, la modélisation et la gestion des écosystèmes forestiers, agricoles et aquatiques et à la prévision de leurs réactions face à des changements des conditions environnementales. Quatre théories majeures, ou modèles conceptuels, ont été proposées afin de représenter la genèse des podzols : la théorie des fulvates (Stobbe et Wright, 1959; McKeague et al., 1978), la théorie de la proto-imogolite (Farmer et al., 1980; Anderson et al., 1982), la théorie des compartiments chimiques (Ugolini et Dahlgren, 1987) et la théorie des polymères d'AI (Browne, 1995). Celles-ci ont mis en relief le rôle de certains processus tels que la création et le transport de complexes organo-métalliques, la synthèse de la proto-imogolite et la néoformation d'imogolite, l'altération des minéraux par l'acide carbonique (H2CO3) ainsi que la formation de complexes polymériques dissouts de type Al-silice (Si). L'importance accordée à chacun de ces processus varie toutefois en fonction de la nature des milieux prospectés lors de la définition d'une théorie particulière. L'absence d'une théorie globale et intégrée de la genèse des podzols est aussi liée à la compréhension incomplète de la dynamique des podzols, à l'omission de certains processus importants et à l'apparente opposition entre les théories.Podzols are acidic soils of forested areas characterized by the pedogenic accumulation of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) in the B horizon (podzolic B horizon). Podzols cover large areas of the wet temperate and boreal zones and are associated to coarse parent materials. Knowledge on podzol genesis is of considerable interest with respect to the understanding, modelling and management of forested, agricultural and aquatic ecosystems and to the forecasting of soil changes in response to environmental perturbations. Four theories, or conceptual models, were formulated to describe podzol formation: the fulvate theory (Stobbe and Wright, 1959; McKeague etal., 1978), the proto-imogolite theory (Farmer et al., 1980; Anderson etal., 1982), the theory of chemical compartments (Ugolini and Dahlgren, 1987) and the Al polymer theory (Browne, 1995). Each theory emphasizes the role of specific processes such as the formation and transport of organo-metallic complexes, proto-imogolite synthesis and imogolite precipitation, mineral weathering by carbonic acid (H2CO3) and the formation of poiynuclear Al-silicate soluble complexes. However, the relative importance attributed to any of these processes varies as a function of the properties of the sites explored by the authors of a given theory. The absence of an integrated theory of podzol genesis also reflects our incomplete understanding of podzol dynamics, the fact that important processes have been left out and the apparent opposition between theories.Podsols sind saure Bôden waldiger Milieus, charakterisiert durch die Anhâufung von Eisen (Fe) und Aluminium (Al) im B-Horizont (podsolischer B-Horizont). Sie bedecken ausgedehnte Flâchen der nôrdlichen und feuchten gemassigten Gebiete und werden mit Substraten grober Textur in Verbindung gebracht. Die Kenntnis der Mechanismen, die zur Bildung der Podsols fuhrt, ist unerlàsslich fur das Ver-stàndnis, die Modellierung und Bewirtschaftung der Forst-, Landwirtschaft- und Wasser-Okosysteme und fur die Vorhersage ihrer Reaktionen auf Verànderungen in den Umweltbedingungen. Vier Haupttheorien oder Denkmodelle wurden zur Darstellung der Genèse der Podsols vorgeschlagen : die Theorie der Fulvate (Stobbe und Wright, 1959; McKeague etal., 1978), die Proto-Imogolit-Theorie (Farmer et al., 1980 ; Anderson et al.,1982), die Théorie der chemischen Abteilungen (Ugolini und Dahlgren, 1987) und die Al-Polymer-Theorie (Browne, 1995). Diese Theorien haben die RoIIe bestimmter Prozesse hervorgehoben, wie die Bildung und den Transport organischmetallischer Einheiten, die Synthèse des Proto-lmogolit und die Neubildung von lmogolit, die Verânderung der Minérale durch die Kohlensâure (H2CO3) sowie die Bildung von aufgelôsten Polymer-Einheiten des Typs Al-Silizium (Si). Die Bedeutung, die jedem dieser Prozesse zugemessen wird, variiert jedoch je nach der Natur der bei der Aufstellung einer bestimmten Théorie untersuchten Milieus. Das Fehlen einer globalen und integrierten Théorie der Entstehung der Podsols hàngt auch mit dem unvollstàndigen Verstândnis der Dynamik der Podsols, dem Weglassen gewisser wichtiger Prozesse und dem offenbaren Gegensatz zwischen den Theorien zusammen

    Health and Functional Status

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    Identification des compartiments responsables de la qualité des eaux de surface d'un petit bassin versant du centre du Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada): application et analyse du modèle hydrochimique EMMA

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    Cette étude a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet multidisciplinaire sur la gestion et la protection de l'habitat des salmonidés et sur l'évaluation des perturbations que subissent les habitats de ces poissons dans les eaux courantes suite aux coupes forestières et à la construction de routes. Afin d'identifier les voies d'écoulement responsables de la qualité des eaux de surface d'un petit bassin versant forestier, une étude approfondie a été entreprise sur l'évolution de la qualité de l'eau de pluie lors de son passage à travers la phytocénose et la couverture pédologique jusqu'au ruisseau. La signature chimique des compartiments du bassin versant servira d'intrant quant à l'application et l'analyse du modèle EMMA (end-members mixing analysis).La signature chimique de l'eau du ruisseau s'explique par un graphe x-y (graphe de mélange) sur lequel la composition chimique des compartiments et celle du ruisseau sont reportées. Si trois compartiments circonscrivent la signature chimique du cours d'eau, alors on peut émettre l'hypothèse que ces compartiments se mélangent de façon conservatrice pour donner la qualité des eaux de surface du bassin versant. Plusieurs traceurs (conductivité électrique, SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, K+, Alt et Fet) naturels n'ont pas servi à l'identification des compartiments parce que le modèle ne tient pas compte de certaines conditions, tels l'activité biologique, l'état hydrique des profils, etc. Seuls le pH, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ et SiO2 se sont avérés des traceurs utiles. La nappe phréatique a été incluse par défaut dans le modèle puisqu'il était connu qu'elle assurait la base de l'écoulement du cours d'eau en tout temps de l'année. Les sols de la plaine d'inondation semblent également prendre part à la qualité de l'eau du ruisseau, particulièrement les horizons B podzoliques, lesquels sont saturés d'eau pendant toute la période sans gel. C'est donc dire que l'écoulement de l'eau souterraine et l'écoulement hypodermique au niveau des horizons B de la plaine d'inondation sont les voies d'écoulement qui expliquent le mieux la qualité des eaux de surface du bassin versant.Toutefois, la séparation de l'hydrogramme par l'équation du bilan massique a montré qu'un modèle à trois réservoirs (nappe phréatique, horizons B des versants sud et nord) ne peut pas donner des résultats satisfaisants quant à la simulation de la charge chimique des eaux de surface. Le modèle élimine systématiquement trop de compartiments pouvant s'avérer explicatifs de la qualité de l'eau du ruisseau. Un modèle mécaniste développé à partir des variations du niveau de la nappe phréatique, de la conductivité hydraulique et de la composition chimique des solutions de sol permettrait de reproduire plus rigoureusement l'hydrogramme du ruisseau. Le modèle EMMA demeure tout de même un bon outil pour réfuter ou confirmer une hypothèse de recherche car il met clairement en relation la composition chimique des compartiments à celle du ruisseau et enlève parfois tout doute quant à l'action d'un processus susceptible d'alimenter le cours d'eau.Intense forest harvesting is suspected as a cause of soil acidification. Inputs of acidity into the soil system may lead to high concentrations of metal ion species in the soil solution and surface waters. Some of these metal ions, e.g., Al3+, can cause toxic responses to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Timber-induced soil and surface water acidification is considered to be a short-lived phenomenon during the growing season following the cut. Vegetation loss could mean increased frequency of high Al3+ and H+concentrations in stream water rather than increased mean levels.Many types of tracers are useful for hydrograph separation. Isotopic (e.g., deuterium and tritium) and natural chemical tracers (e.g., pH, Cl-, SiO2) have been used extensively to interpret chemical data gathered in catchment studies. The ability of computer simulation models to reproduce the hydrograph and chemical species in streamwater varies. In some cases, the use of too many hydrological parameters (i.e., over-parameterization) can make the validation of reactions responsible for streamwater chemistry almost impossible. Recently, advances in hydrological modelling have been made by considering that streamwater chemistry is a mixture of groundwater and soil solutions at different depths. One model that originates from this hypothesis is EMMA (end-member mixing analysis). Chemical species that are variable with depth within a same soil profile were shown to be highly correlated with streamwater discharge. Generally, chemical species that show high concentrations in surface horizons increase in streamwater during high flow, whereas chemical species found in high concentrations in lower horizons are higher during low flow. In order to identify end-members that can potentially contribute to streamwater chemistry of a small catchment in central New Brunswick, we investigated the chemistry changes of rainwater entering the catchment, passing through vegetation and soils and reaching the stream channel. The chemical composition of the catchment's end-members will serve as input in order to run and analyse the EMMA model. Furthermore, a better knowledge of water flowpaths that dominate in the catchment could be valuable information for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, who, in 1990, initiated a multidisciplinary project on 1) the protection and management of the salmonid habitat, and 2) the effects of forest harvesting and road construction on the freshwater habitats of these fish. Harvest operations are planned from 1996 until 1999.Streamwater chemistry is explained by a x-y graph (mixing diagram) on which the end-members and streamwater chemical composition are plotted. Because end-member chemistry is stable over time and space, mean values of tracers are plotted on the mixing diagram. Streamwater chemical compositions have all been plotted on the graph since they vary significantly with flow. If the chemical composition of three end-members enclose the streamwater chemical composition, then it can be assumed that these end-members mix conservatively to produce streamwater chemistry. If two chemical species mix non-conservatively, then the model will not accurately indicate the relative contribution of each end-member. Generally, the mixing diagram does not validate conservative mixing, but it can be used to test a mixing hypothesis. For example, if streamwater chemistry falls largely outside the end-members chemical composition, then at least one end-member is incorrectly characterized (or missing), or the end-members do not mix conservatively. The relative contribution of selected end-members are obtain from the mass balance equation: CtQt=C1Q1 + C2Q2 + C3Q3, where 1, 2 and 3 refer to the three end-members, C1,2 and 3 are the soil water concentrations of conservative elements for each end-member, and Q1,2 and 3 are the amounts of soil water for a given end-member. With this equation, the concentrations of a number of elements for each end-member (C1, C2, C3) are used simultaneously to estimate a single value for each Q1, Q2 and Q3. Since we want to quantify the contribution of each end-member to the total stream discharge, i.e., the mix of the three end- members, Qt is set to 1. Once values for Q1, Q2 and Q3 are calculated, the results are interpreted in terms of a hydrograph separation to show the contribution from each end-member to the overall stream discharge. Two soil toposequences that correspond to typical soil profiles along the northern and southern hillslopes were selected. From June to November 1995, wet deposition, throughfall, soil solutions at four depths and streamwater were collected. Samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, SiO2 , Alt and Fet.Many natural tracers (electrical conductivity, SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, K+, Alt and Fet) have not been used to identify end-members because the model does not always consider adequately some conditions or processes that go on in the catchment, e.g., biological activity and Eh. Because they vary considerably with depth, solution pH, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and SiO2 have been shown to be useful tracers. Groundwater has been included in every diagram as one of the three end-members mixing conservatively to produce streamwater since it is certain that it contributes a large portion to the total discharge under any hydrological condition. Soils along the stream seem to contribute the rest of the streamwater chemistry, particularly B horizons which are submerged all summer by groundwater. Thus, groundwater and subsurface flow at the base of the soil profiles along the stream seem to be the principal flow mechanisms that control streamwater chemistry in the catchment. However, hydrograph separation shows that a three end-member model (i.e., groundwater, B horizons from the northern and southern hillslopes) is not enough to simulate streamwater chemistry. Saturated subsurface flow in the B horizons from both sides of the stream should contribute approximately the same amount to the total discharge since groundwater affects both end- members throughout the growing season. In that respect, groundwater level fluctuations at this depth of the soil profiles should not be considered as a cause of this discrepancy. What can be said at this point is that one end-member that is incorrectly defined in space, and that has a similar chemical composition to saturated subsurface flow coming from the southern hillslope, is the primary source (with groundwater) of stream discharge during events. It is thus better to interpret this information in terms of solution type rather than in terms of physical origin (northern or southern hillslope). In this manner, the stream water is provided by both hillslopes.In conclusion, the model eliminates systematically too many end-members that could partially explain streamwater chemistry. Results show that a more complex mixture is necessary to reproduce streamwater chemistry. A mechanistic model based on groundwater level fluctuations, hydraulic conductivity and soil solution chemistry would possibly have better success in reproducing the stream hydrograph. However, EMMA remains a useful tool to refute or confirm the possible action of a flow mechanism by correlating the chemical composition of end-members with streamwater chemistry

    Analysis and design of a slotless tubular permanent magnet actuator for high acceleration applications

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    This paper presents the design of a linear actuator for high acceleration applications. In the analysis, a slotless tubular permanent magnet actuator is modeled by means of semianalytical field solutions. Several slotless topologies are modeled and compared to achieve the highest acceleration. A design has been proposed and built, and measurements are conducted to verify the model

    Forages for Horses Revamped

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    The Forages for Horses program began in Ohio in1998 as a collaboration between the Ohio Forages & Grasslands Council and Ohio State University Extension. Over time, additional collaborations with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Department of Agriculture and local Soil and Water Conservation Districts expanded the program. At its inception, one to three educators would partner to provide eight hours of in-person lectures followed by a pasture walk to better the management practices of equine enthusiasts. From 2021 through 2022, the curriculum was adapted for a hybrid classroom and included three 90-minute live webinars featuring nine different presentations followed by online social events. The modifications to the curriculum were made to improve access to equine resources and grazing education across Ohio. The Forages for Horses resources were also updated as part of the process. Learning modules posted in Canvas (an online learning management system) provided additional information that expanded upon the original curriculum. In 2022, 41 students from Ohio and surrounding states registered for the online course and webinars. Participants were able to hear directly from educators - more than in past iterations of the program– to expand their depth of knowledge and increase opportunities for participation without the location of the class posing a barrier for attendance. This program will continue to be revised over the coming years to remain relevant and accessible to Ohioans

    Retargeted adenoviruses for radiation-guided gene delivery

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    The combination of radiation with radiosensitizing gene delivery or oncolytic viruses promises to provide an advantage that could improve the therapeutic results for glioblastoma. X-rays can induce significant molecular changes in cancer cells. We isolated the GIRLRG peptide that binds to radiation-inducible 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), which is overexpressed on the plasma membranes of irradiated cancer cells and tumor-associated microvascular endothelial cells. The goal of our study was to improve tumor-specific adenovirus-mediated gene delivery by selectively targeting the adenovirus binding to this radiation-inducible protein. We employed an adenoviral fiber replacement approach to conduct a study of the targeting utility of GRP78-binding peptide. We have developed fiber-modified adenoviruses encoding the GRP78-binding peptide inserted into the fiber-fibritin. We have evaluated the reporter gene expression of fiber-modified adenoviruses in vitro using a panel of glioma cells and a human D54MG tumor xenograft model. The obtained results demonstrated that employment of the GRP78-binding peptide resulted in increased gene expression in irradiated tumors following infection with fiber-modified adenoviruses, compared with untreated tumor cells. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of adenoviral retargeting using the GRP78-binding peptide that selectively recognizes tumor cells responding to radiation treatment
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