504 research outputs found

    Draft Genome Sequence of Ardenticatena maritime 110S, a Thermophilic Nitrate- and Iron-Reducing Member of the Chloroflexi Class Ardenticatenia

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    We report here the draft genome sequence of Ardenticatena maritima 110S, the first sequenced member of class Ardenticatenia of the phylum Chloroflexi. This thermophilic organism is capable of a range of physiologies, including aerobic respiration and iron reduction. It also encodes a complete denitrification pathway with a novel nitric oxide reductase

    Draft Genome Sequence of Ornatilinea apprima P3M-1, an Anaerobic Member of the Chloroflexi Class Anaerolineae

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    We report the draft genome sequence of Ornatilinea apprima P3M-1, a strictly anaerobic member of the Chloroflexi class Anaerolineae. This genome provides insight into the diversity of metabolism within the Anaerolineae, and the evolution of respiration within the Chloroflexi

    Draft Genome of Thermanaerothrix daxensis GNS-1, a Thermophilic Facultative Anaerobe from the Chloroflexi Class Anaerolineae

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    We present the draft genome of Thermanaerothrix daxensis GNS-1, a thermophilic member of the Chloroflexi phylum. This organism was initially characterized as a nonmotile, strictly anaerobic fermenter; however, genome analysis demonstrates that it encodes genes for a flagellum and multiple pathways for aerobic and anaerobic respiration

    Draft Genome Sequence of Herpetosiphon geysericola GC-42, a Nonphototrophic Member of the Chloroflexi Class Chloroflexia

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    We report here the draft genome sequence of Herpetosiphon geysericola GC-42, a predatory nonphototrophic member of the class Chloroflexia in the phylum Chloroflexi. This genome provides insight into the evolution of phototrophy and aerobic respiration within the Chloroflexi

    Interferência de plantas daninhas em diferentes cultivares de feijão do grupo carioca.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a habilidade competitiva de cultivares de feijão do grupo carioca com plantas daninhas. As perdas de produtividade de grãos em cultivares de feijão carioca, decorrentes da interferência exercida pelas plantas daninhas, variaram de 42,2 a 61,2 %, sendo que as cultivares que apresentaram as menores perdas de produtividade também suprimiram em maior grau o crescimento das plantas daninhas. Não foi possível identificar, de forma consistente, características de plantas associadas à redução de produtividade de grãos em função da interferência de plantas daninhas

    Draft Genome Sequence of Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, a Member of the Chloroflexi Class Anaerolineae

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    We report the draft genome sequence of Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, a facultative anaerobic member of the Chloroflexi class Anaerolineae. While L. saccharolytica was characterized as an obligate anaerobe, genome analysis provides evidence for the presence of both aerobic respiration and partial denitrification pathways

    Stakeholder perspectives on nature, people and sustainability at Mount Kilimanjaro

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    Effective approaches towards sustainability need to be informed by a diverse array of stakeholder perspectives. However, capturing these perspectives in a way that can be integrated with other forms of knowledge can represent a challenge. Here we present the first application of the conceptual framework of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to a participatory assessment of local perspectives on nature, people and sustainability on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This assessment was organized in the form of a participatory workshop with five different groups of stakeholders. Following this framework, we assembled information on the state of and trends in species diversity, Nature's Contributions to People (NCP), and on the main drivers of changes in species and habitats. Additionally, we gathered perspectives on the needs and opportunities for the sustainable management and conservation of natural resources from the individual to the international level. The various stakeholders agreed that both the condition and extent of the various habitats and NCP are declining. In line with available knowledge, the key direct drivers of change mentioned by the workshop participants were land use and climate change, whereas human population growth was singled out as the most important indirect driver. The most frequently suggested measures to address the observed decline in species diversity and its drivers were related to land and water management and to education and awareness raising. Yet, the stakeholder groups differed in the measures they suggested. The willingness of a diversity of knowledge holders to systematically engage in a structured discussion around all the elements of the IPBES framework provides support for its applicability in participatory workshops aimed at capturing nuanced and context-based perspectives on social–ecological systems from informed stakeholders. The application of the IPBES framework enabled the comparability needed for developing narratives of stakeholder visions that can help identify new pathways towards sustainability and guide planning while retaining the context-based nuances that remain unresolved with non-participatory methods