5 research outputs found

    Graduate Recital: Chad Heltzel, conductor

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    Concert: Ithaca College Sinfonietta

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    The Art of Conviction: A Film-based Study of the Rehearsal Techniques of Herbert von Karajan

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    In order to gain insight into the art of conducting, this dissertation examines the rehearsal techniques of Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan as portrayed in the 1965 filmed rehearsal of the Schumann Fourth Symphony in d minor, Op. 120, with the Vienna Symphony. The film is part of a series entitled Die Kunst des Dirigierens, or The Art of Conducting, a project on which Karajan collaborated with French film director Henri-Georges Clouzot. Observing experienced conductors in rehearsal is a well-established aspect of conducting pedagogy. Likewise, with increased availability of filmed documentation of orchestral performances, students and researchers now commonly turn to film to analyze conducting practice. Notably, most studies (and, indeed, most films) focus on performance, while rehearsal study continues to be done in-person. By focusing on a filmed rehearsal, my analysis not only highlights Karajan’s approach to performance preparation and musical interpretation more broadly, but it also provides a basis for expanding conducting pedagogy through the critical study of film. My video analysis examines Karajan’s rehearsal technique through two analytical lenses: linear and conceptual. The linear approach traces the rehearsal as it unfolds, documenting Karajan’s rehearsal of many of the Symphony’s principal themes and transitions in chronological order. It includes several close analyses of the score situated against his words and gestures while communicating with the musicians in the orchestra. The conceptual analysis approaches Karajan’s rehearsal technique by topic. In so doing this analysis adds to the body of work related to not only Karajan and this particular symphony but also the Central European Conducting Tradition.D.M.A

    The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 30, No. 1

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    Contents: Sarmatian Review Data; Marek Troszyński, "On the shoulders of Giants: Herbert and Miłosz"; Anne Barbeau Gardiner, "Casimir Britannicus" (review); Joanna Rostropowicz Clark, "A Memoir of My Life" (review); Anna Nowicka-Struska, "Anioł w poezji baroku" (review); Chad Heltzel, "The Coming Spring"; Leo Yankevich, “The Birdman of Gdańsk” (poem); Christopher Zakrzewski (translator), "Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz, Book One (The Manor)"; BOOKS and Movies Received; About the Authors; Thank You Not