1,336 research outputs found

    Didaktische Bausteine und Übungen zur Klinischen Sozialarbeit in der Lehre

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    Die Bausteine und Übungen zur Klinischen Sozialarbeit sind eine Sammlung praktischer Übungen, die im Rahmen von Seminaren mit Studierenden oder in Fort- und Weiterbildungskursen durchgeführt werden können. Themenbereiche: Veranschaulichung abstrakter Modelle / Konzepte und ihre Umsetzung in anwendungsbezogene Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten und Praxisbezüge; Durchführung von Verfahren der Diagnostik, einschließlich Auswertung und Vermittlung von "Erkenntnissen" an Adressaten; Üben von Methoden der Gesprächsführung / Beratung mit Einzelnen, Paaren, Familien und Gruppen; Veranschaulichen und Üben von aktionalen Interventionen; Einsatz von kreativen Medien und multimedialer Arbeit; Anregung und Strukturierung von Selbstreflexionsprozessen (einschl. Reflexion der Beziehungskompetenzen u. Übertragungs-/ Gegenübertragungsprozesse

    Анализ влияния жидкофазных-огнетушащих составов на человека и окружающую среду

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    Под огнетушащими веществами в пожарной тактике понимаются такие вещества, которые непосредственно воздействуют на процесс горения и создают условия для его прекращения. Актуальность таких средств обусловлена наличием различного рода проблем в области обеспечения пожарной безопасности – противопожарной защите при нарушениях правил устройства и эксплуатации электроустановок, короткими замыканиями в электрооборудовании, перегрузкой проводов, большими переходными сопротивлениями в местах контакта проводников, плохой подготовкой оборудования к ремонту, самовозгоранием неправильно складированных материалов, в бытовых условиях. Целью моего исследования является проведение анализа влияния жидкофазных огнетушащих составов на человека и окружающую среду.Fire extinguishing substances in fire tactics are understood as such substances which directly influence process of burning and create conditions for his termination. Relevance of such means is caused by different existence of problems in the field of ensuring fire safety – fire-prevention protection at violations of the rules of the device and operation of electroinstallations, short circuits in electric equipment, an overload of wires, big transitional resistance in places of contact of conductors, bad preparation of the equipment for repair, self-ignition of incorrectly stored materials, in living conditions. The purpose of my research is carrying out the analysis of influence of liquid-phase fire extinguishing structures on the person and environment

    Karpat dağlarında

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    Carmen Sylva'nın İkdam'da yayımlanan Karpat Dağlarında adlı romanının ilk ve son tefrikalar

    Learning foreign Languages in Adult Education

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    Die Studie widmet sich dem Gebiet des Erlernens von Fremdsprachen im Erwachsenenalter. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf den beiden Ländern Deutschland und Ungarn, deren Besonderheiten nebeneinander gestellt werden. Sie enthält aktuelle Ansätze zum Erlernen einer Fremdsprache und deckt die Motivationen auf, aus welchen Gründen erwachsene Personen eine Sprache erlernen. Im empirischen Teil werden persönliche Interviews mit Lehrkräften sowohl aus Deutschland wie auch aus Ungarn ausgewertet, um zuvor erörterte Denkansätze zu verifizieren. Der dritte Teil bietet einen detaillierteren Einblick in die Methode des E-Learning. Dabei werden dessen Vorzüge und problematische Aspekte beleuchtet. Zudem finden sich Aussagen zur technischen Umsetzung im aktuellen Lehrbetrieb. Das letzte Kapitel bietet u.a. einen Einblick in die aktuelle deutsche Volkshochschulstatistik. Damit wird auch ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft des Fremdsprachenunterrichts für Erwachsene gegeben. Weitere von anderen Gruppen in diesem Zwei-Länder-Projekt untersuchte Fragestellungen waren: o Potenziale des Alterns (http://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=9749) o Bildungsferne Gruppen in Deutschland und Ungarn (http://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=9750) ******************************The study is dedicated to the field of learning foreign languages at the adult age. The focus lies on the two countries Germany and Hungary, whose characteristics are placed next to each other. It contains current approaches for learning foreign languages and uncovers the motivations, on what motivation adult persons learn languages. In the empirical part personal interviews with teachers are evaluated both from Germany as well as from Hungary, in order to verify some discussed points before. The third part offers a more detailed view of the method of e-Learning. Its advantages and problematic aspects are explored. Besides there are given statements for the technical realization in current trainings. The last chapter offers among other things a view of the current German Folk High School statistics. Thus also a view is given on the future of foreign language instruction for adults. Further questions considered throughout this intercultural research project were: o Potentials of Senior Age (http://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=9749) o Groups with Distance to Learning in Germany und Hungary (http://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=9750) **************************

    Influence of alloying elements on the mechanical properties, especially fracture toughness, of the WB2-z base system

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    Transition metal diborides are an emerging class of thin film materials with promising properties ranging from ultra-low compressibility, high thermal stability, super hardness to superconductivity. These properties allow an application as protective coating in harsh environments. Our recent ab initio calculations suggest an attractive combination of both, high hardness and relatively high fracture toughness, for WB2. This is enabled by a stabilization of the α-structure (space group 191, AlB2-prototype, P6/mmm) over the intrinsic more stable ω-structure due to omnipresent point defects in physical vapor deposited coatings (i.e. boron and metal vacancies) [1]. However, those point defects in turn lower the thermal stability as the are affected by recovery events, leading to phase transformation into the ω-type. Further calculations point towards a stabilization of the α-type with the addition of Ta (which diboride is stabilized in the α-structure without the need of vacancies) at—compared to other transition metals investigated—low cost on ductility. Within this study we deposited various W1-xMxB2-z solid solution coatings with different alloying element contents and examined them for mechanical properties and thermal stability. It was found for M=Ta that the hardness increases ~4 GPa (from 40.8±1.5 to 45.0±2.0 GPa) together with an improvement of the thermal stability (a change of the phase transformation temperature from ~800-1000 °C to over 1400 °C was observed) [2,3]. Besides these characteristics, in various applications a certain amount of damage tolerance (crack initiation and propagation) is required to prevent premature failure. To assess this behavior, we determined the fracture toughness of these coatings by performing micromechanical experiments by means of single cantilever bending tests within the framework of specifications given by Matoy et al. and Brinckmann et al. [4–6]. At the same time of the increase in hardness and thermal stability, we observe a decrease (in agreement with our DFT calculations) in fracture toughness (from 3.7±0.3 MPaÖm for to 3.0±0.2 MPaÖm) with the addition of tantalum up to a maximum content of 26 at% on the metal sublattice. [1] V. Moraes, H. Riedl, C. Fuger, P. Polcik, H. Bolvardi, D. Holec, P.H. Mayrhofer, Sci. Rep. (2018). [2] V. Moraes, C. Fuger, V. Paneta, D. Primetzhofer, P. Polcik, H. Bolvardi, M. Arndt, H. Riedl, P.H. Mayrhofer, Scr. Mater. 155 (2018) 5–10. [3] C. Fuger, V. Moraes, R. Hahn, H. Bolvardi, P. Polcik, H. Riedl, P.H. Mayrhofer, MRS Commun. (2019) 1–6. [4] K. Matoy, H. Schönherr, T. Detzel, T. Schöberl, R. Pippan, C. Motz, G. Dehm, Thin Solid Films 518 (2009) 247–256. [5] S. Brinckmann, C. Kirchlechner, G. Dehm, Scr. Mater. 127 (2017) 76–78. [6] S. Brinckmann, K. Matoy, C. Kirchlechner, G. Dehm, Acta Mater. 136 (2017) 281–287

    Fracture properties of CrN hard coatings: Influence of the microstructure, alloying elements, and coating architecture

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    Transition metal nitrides are well known and applied as protective coating materials based on their unique refractory characteristics, such as high hardness or Young’s modulus. However, for long-term applications, the fracture toughness KIC is an essential factor as the integrity of the coating-substrate interface is impaired by cracking and subsequent environmental attacks. Please click Download on the upper right corner to see the full abstract