91 research outputs found

    Discard sampling of the Dutch Nephrops fishery in 2007-2008

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    Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van een bemonsteringsprogramme van discards (DCR programma) in de Nederlandse visserij op Noorse kreeft in de Noordzee in 2007 en 2008. Het bemonsteringsprogramma is als "pilot studie" uitgevoerd binnen EU Verordeningen 1543/2000 en 1639/2001. Gedurende deze jaren zijn 6 reizen uitgevoerd, 3 in ieder jaar, aan boord van otter trawl schepen vissend met 80 mm maaswijdte op Nephrops. Het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse visserij op Nephrops vindt plaats in Botney Gut – Silver Pit (functional unit 5). De discards en aanlandingen werden bemonsterd en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per vis uur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaar

    Discard sampling of Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and Cod (Gadus morhua) in the North Sea by the Dutch demersal fleet from 2004 tot 2008

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    The PVis discard data used in the analysis presented in this report clearly shows where and when most discarding takes place. Although previous analysis (Aarts & van Helmond 2007) and the latest Flatfish Benchmark Assessment (2009), indicate that the data cannot be incorporated into the ICES stock assessment, it still provides an important reference points that can be used to evaluate the current DCR discard estimates and methods used. In 2009 Wageningen IMARES started a new DCR sampling program. The most remarkable difference with the previous program is the integration of self-sampling next to a less intensive observer program. We encourage this initiative, since the increase of discard data available over space and time will be of great value, but strongly recommend clarity of sampling procedures, thorough training and intensive communication with fishermen. Hence, inaccurate data on discards will have a significant impact on future management strategies

    Discard sampling of the Dutch beam trawl fleet in 2008

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    Resultaten van het discardbemonsteringsprogramma van de Nederlandse boomkorvisserij in de Noordzee in 2008. In 2008 zijn tien reizen op de Nederlandse boomkorschepen met een motorvermogen groter dan 300 PK vissend met een maaswijdte van 80 mm bemonsterd. De discards en aanlandingen werden geteld en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per vis uur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaar. Andere commercial bodem trawlers zijn niet bemonsterd binnen dit project

    Discard sampling of the Dutch pelagic freezer fishery in 2003-2007

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    This report contains the results of the discard sampling programme on the Dutch pelagic trawl fisheries in the North East Atlantic in the period 2003-2007, which was instigated as part of the EC regulation 1543/2000 and 1639/2001 on data collection in European waters. Five to twelve trips were sampled per year. The present study suggests that, with the exception of mackerel, discarding of target species on an annual level (includes discard data of season) in the pelagic freezer fleet is low. Concluding that this fishery has a high level of efficiency when targeting fis

    Discards monitoring in the Gillnet Sole Fishery

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    The Gillnet Sole Fishery Study Group started discards monitoring. Data were supposed to be collected in three different ways: Self-sampling, catch monitoring by means of onboard cameras (CCTV) and monitoring under the Data Collection Regulation

    Ex-ante evaluation of Seasonal, Real Time and Move-on Closures

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    The Ministry of EL&I asked IMARES to do an ex ante evaluation of temporal / spatial closures based on effort and cod catches by the Dutch demersal, TR1

    Kennisvraag H-AKV-139: Fully documented fisheries Initial Advice

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    This document outlines some initial thoughts on what would be involved in setting up a pilot study for the use of a fully documented fishery (FDF) to allow for a system of catch quota management (CQM) in the North Sea flatfish fishery. Regulatory requirements, practical considerations and some analyses to determine the likely participation within the Dutch beam trawl fleet are also presented

    Discard sampling of the Dutch beam trawl in 2006

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    Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het discardsbemonsteringsprogramma van de Nederlandse boomkorvisserij in de Noordzee in 2006. Het programma wordt sinds 2002 op deze wijze uitgevoerd als invulling van EC regelingen 1543/2000 en 1639/2001 voor gegevensverzameling in Europese visserijen. Nederlandse boomkorschepen met een motorvermogen groter dan 300 PK met 80 mm maaswijdte zijn verantwoordelijk voor de meeste schol en tong aanlandingen uit de Noordzee. De ondermaatse vis en bodemdieren moeten worden teruggezet in de zee, hetgeen discarding genoemd wordt. In 2006 zijn tien reizen met boomkorschepen bemonsterd voor discards. De discards en de aanlandingen werden geteld en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per visuur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaa

    Discard sampling of the Dutch pelagic freezer fishery in 2008 and 2009

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    This report contains the results of the discard sampling programme on the Dutch pelagic trawl fisheries in the North East Atlantic in 2008 and 2009, which was instigated as part of the EC regulation 1543/2000 and 1693/2001 on data collection in European waters. Twelve trips in 2008 and eleven trips in 2009 on board of pelagic vessels were sampled

    Discard sampling of the Dutch pelagic freezer fishery in 2010

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    This report contains the results of the discard sampling programme of the Dutch pelagic freezer trawler fleet in European waters in 2010. The pelagic freezer trawler fishery targets pelagic species, namely herring (Clupea harengus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), greater argentine (Argentina silus), and pilchard (Sardina pilchardus). The annual landings of this fishery illustrates its seasonality; different species are targeted during different parts of the year. The total landings of the Dutch fleet were about 201,000 tonnes in 2010. Horse mackerel and herring were the most abundant landed species. Overall, the discard percentage for the Dutch pelagic fleet in 2010, based on 8 sampled trips, is estimated at 6% in weight. This is consistent with the discard percentages that have been found in previous years. However, in 2010 we did not succeed in sampling the fishery each quarter of the year; no trip was sampled in quarter 3. On board of the pelagic freezer trawlers two different discarding methods are observed, namely discarding after the catch is sorted and discarding prior to sorting. The latter includes catch that is discarded directly or via the conveyer belt from the cooling tanks, and catch that is slipped from the net. Due to practical limitations and safety issues it is not possible to sample these discards. The results show that the estimated amount of unsampled discards represent 30% of the total estimated discards. Motivations for discarding unsampled catch can vary. Anecdotal information implies most incidents of discarding take place when more fish is caught than can be stored in the cooling tanks. In addition, fish-quality issues, unprofitable mixtures of species, or a lack in quota, could also be reasons for this discarding behaviour. The discard composition and length frequency data shown in this report are only based on routinely sorted discards. Discard percentages of target species herring, horse mackerel, and blue whiting are relatively low (1%, 1%, and 4% respectively). For mackerel the discard percentage is significantly higher (18%). The present study therefore suggests that, with the exception of mackerel, this fishery is efficient, when it comes to targeting (marketable) fish