867 research outputs found

    Supremasi Hukum dalam Proses dan Mekanisme Impeachmentmenurut UUD Tahun 1945

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    Impeachment merupakan proses pemberhentian Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden dalam masa jabatannya yang melibatkan tiga lembaga negara yaitu DPR, Mahkamah Konstitusi, dan MPR dimana hasil dari impeachment yang dilakukan salah satu dari ketiga lembaga tersebut saling memiliki hubungan hukun dan saling mempengaruhi antara satu dengan yang lain. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi bersifat memberikan tafsir yuridis atas tuduhan DPR mengenai pelanggaran hukum serta perbuatan tercela yang dilakukan presiden dan/atau wakil presiden dan/atau terbukti bahwa presiden dan/atau wakil presiden tidak lagi memenuhi syarat sebagai presiden dan/atau wakil presiden

    The time evolution of gaps in tidal streams

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    We model the time evolution of gaps in tidal streams caused by the impact of a dark matter subhalo, while both orbit a spherical gravitational potential. To this end, we make use of the simple behaviour of orbits in action-angle space. A gap effectively results from the divergence of two nearby orbits whose initial phase-space separation is, for very cold thin streams, largely given by the impulse induced by the subhalo. We find that in a spherical potential the size of a gap increases linearly with time for sufficiently long timescales. We have derived an analytic expression that shows how the growth rate depends on the mass of the perturbing subhalo, its scale and its relative velocity with respect to the stream. We have verified these scalings using N-body simulations and find excellent agreement. For example, a subhalo of mass 10^8 Msun directly impacting a very cold thin stream on an inclined orbit can induce a gap that may reach a size of several tens of kpc after a few Gyr. The gap size fluctuates importantly with phase on the orbit, and it is largest close to pericentre. This indicates that it may not be fully straightforward to invert the spectrum of gaps present in a stream to recover the mass spectrum of the subhalos.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    One large blob and many streams frosting the nearby stellar halo in Gaia DR2

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    We explore the phase-space structure of nearby halo stars identified kinematically from Gaia DR2 data. We focus on their distribution in velocity and in "integrals of motion" space as well as on their photometric properties. Our sample of stars selected to be moving at a relative velocity of at least 210 km/s with respect to the Local Standard of Rest, contains an important contribution from the low rotational velocity tail of the disk(s). The VRV_R-distribution of these stars depicts a small asymmetry similar to that seen for the faster rotating thin disk stars near the Sun. We also identify a prominent, slightly retrograde "blob", which traces the metal-poor halo main sequence reported by Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018d). We also find many small clumps especially noticeable in the tails of the velocity distribution of the stars in our sample. Their HR diagrams disclose narrow sequences characteristic of simple stellar populations. This stream-frosting confirms predictions from cosmological simulations, namely that substructure is most apparent amongst the fastest moving stars, typically reflecting more recent accretion events.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Kontribusi Pajak Reklame dan Pajak Perhotelan terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    This study aimed to determine the contribution of advertisement tax and hospitality tax on revenue West Kutai. As this study were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis models were performed with SPSS version 11.5 software with data retrieval based on secondary data advertisement tax, hotel tax and local revenues from the Department of Revenue West Kutai District 2003 to 2011.Based on the model of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the independent variable (advertisement tax and motel tax) together give a significant effect on revenue as it shows that the probability of the F-statistic value is smaller than the significance level used (0.032 0.05). Furthermore hospitality tax also has a significant influence but not on revenue because it shows that the probability value of t-statistic greater than the significance level used is (0.867>0.05)

    Analysis of Soil Quality for Hydrological Disaster Mitigation in Sub-Watershed of Krueng Jreue, Aceh Besar Regency-Indonesia

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    Land conversion of forest to non-forest has led to a reduction in soil fertility, exhibited by a lower soil quality index value (SQI) in the Sub-Watershed of Krueng Jreue. This study aimed to determine soil quality associated with various land uses using the SQI value approach. SQI is calculated based on the criteria proposed by Mausbach & Seybold (1998), which is suitable for field conditions using analysis of Minimum Data Set (MDS). The parameters analyzed include rooting depth, soil texture, bulk density, total porosity, pH of the soil, C-organic, N-total, P-available, K-exchangeable and soil respiration. The result showed that the quality criteria of the soil in the study area consists of three classes, namely: low, medium and high, which have soil quality index values of 0.27, 0.52, and 0.64 respectively. Based on the study's soil quality criteria, the area of research was mapped accordingly by class: (1) high, covering an area of 14016.98 ha (60.38%); (2) medium, covering an area of 8542,90 ha (36.79%); and low, covering an area of 658,18 ha (2.83%). Types of land use categorized as having high quality, were primary forest, secondary forest and residential area with respective values of 0.66; 0.64, and 0.63. Open land, grassland, moor, rice field and shrubs were of medium quality, with respective values of 0.47; 0.48; 0.52; 0.51 and 0.55. The main and additional components affecting the hydrological disaster vulnerability on soil quality parameters are land use change, and soil properties. The findings of this research have implications structural efforts to mitigate hydrological disasters (dams, catchment wells, biopori, tillage conservation, terracing), and non-structural efforts (maps of soil quality, agroforestry, cover crops, materials of soil conditioner, organic matter). These efforts are necessary to improve and maintain soil quality longitudinally

    Penegasan Peran Negara Dalam Pemenuhan Hak Warga Negara Atas Air

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    This writing analyses access to water not merely as a right but as human rights. Since the right to water constitues human rights, then constitutionally, the state, mainly the government, is obliged to respect, fulfil and protect that right. In order that the government can perform its obligation to fulfil the right of citizens to water, the sate should put control of water under the power of the state. Thus, there are two perspectives in fulfilling the rights of citizens to water, human rights perspective and the perspective of state control. From the perspective of human rights, the 1945 Constitution has stipulated the obligation of the state in fulfilling the human rights of citizens including the right to water as stated in Article 28I paragrahp (4). From the perspective of state control over water resources, the 1945 Constitution has also determined constitutional standard as stipulated in Article 33. This concept of state control based on Article 33 has been interpreted by the Constitutional Court in its decisions. Specifically, in the decision concerning the law on water resources, the Court returned control over water to the state. The Court set some limitations on how to utilize water resources. Private corporations are still allowed to participate in water management with strict conditions. The enhancement of this control by the state over water is intended to guarantee the fulfilment of the right of citizens to water. As an idea, monopoly of the state over water resources might be also be considered just like monopoly of state over electricity
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