24 research outputs found

    Fokus på robusthed i økologisk slagtekyllingeproduktion

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    Naturlig modstandskraft er vigtig i fremtidens økologiske produktionssystemer for at opfylde markedets krav og forbedre den overordnede produktivitet. Men udviklingen af et robust immunsystem vil sandsynligvis være på bekostning af andre funktioner såsom vækst og reproduktion. I Organic RDD projektet SUMMER har man undersøgt tarmsundhed og immunsystem hos forskellige afstamninger af slagtekyllinger med forskellige vækstpotentialer Deimmunologiske undersøgelser viser, at der er forskel på de basale immunfunktioner mellem afstamningerne. Den afstamning med det laveste vækstpotentiale SU51 ser ud til at have et mere robust immunsystem end den afstamning med det største potentiale JA757

    Immune gene expression in the spleen of chickens experimentally infected with Ascaridia galli

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    Ascaridia galli is a gastrointestinal nematode infecting chickens. Chickens kept in alternative rearing systems or at free-range experience increased risk for infection with resulting high prevalences. A. gall infection causes reduced weight gain, decreased egg production and in severe cases increased mortality. More importantly, the parasitised chickens are more susceptible to secondary infections and their ability to develop vaccine-induced protective immunity against other diseases may be compromised. Detailed information about the immune response to the natural infection may be exploited to enable future vaccine development. In the present study, expression of immune genes in the chicken spleen during an experimental infection with A. galli was investigated using the Fluidigm (R) BioMark (TM) microfluidic qPCR platform which combines automatic high-throughput with attractive low sample and reagent consumption. Spleenic transcription of immunological genes was compared between infected chickens and non-infected controls at week 2, 6, and 9 p.i. corresponding to different stages of parasite development/maturation. At week 2 p.i. increased expression of IL-13 was observed in infected chickens. Increased expression of MBL, CRP, IFN-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-8, IL-12 beta and IL-18 followed at week 6 p.i. and at both week 6 and 9 p.i. expression of DEF beta 1 was highly increased in infected chickens. In summary, apart from also earlier reported increased expression of the Th2 signature cytokine IL-13 we observed only few differentially expressed genes at week 2 p.i. which corresponds to the larvae histotrophic phase. In contrast, we observed increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins in infected chickens, by week 6 p.i. where the larvae re-enter the intestinal lumen. Increased expression of DEF beta 1 was observed in infected chickens at week 6 p.i. but also at week 9 p.i. which corresponds to a matured stage where adult worms are present in the intestinal lumen. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Correlation in chicken between the marker LEI0258 alleles and Major Histocompatibility Complex sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The LEI0258 marker is located within the B region of the chicken Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), and is surprisingly well associated with serology. Therefore, the correlation between the LEI0258 alleles and the MHC class I and the class II alleles at the level of sequences is worth investigating in chickens. Here we describe to which extent the LEI0258 alleles are associated with alleles of classical class I genes and non-classical class II genes, in reference animals as well as local breeds with unknown MHC haplotypes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For the class I region, in an exploratory project, we studied 10 animals from 3 breeds: Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn and Fayoumi chickens, by cloning and sequencing <it>B-F1</it> and <it>B-F2</it> cDNA from exon 1 to 3’UTR. For the class II region, we reconstructed haplotypes of the 8.8 kb genomic region encompassing three non-classical class II genes: <it>B-DMA</it>, <it>B-DMB1</it> and <it>B-DMB2</it>, for 146 animals from more than 50 breeds including wild species of jungle fowls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall we found that the LEI0258 marker genotypes gave good indications of the MHC haplotypes, and a very good predictions (>0.95) of the heterozygosity of an animal at the MHC locus.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that the LEI0258 alleles are strongly associated with haplotypes of classical class I genes and non-classical class II genes, unravelling the reasons why this marker is becoming the reference marker for MHC genotyping in chickens.</p