289 research outputs found
En kostholdsundersøkelse av norske toppidrettsutøvere i utholdenhetsidretter
Det stilles høye krav til kostholdet for at idrettsutøvere skal prestere på trening og i konkurranse og for at de skal restituere seg tilstrekkelig mellom treningsøktene. Utøvere i utholdenhetsidretter har spesielt stort behov for energi og karbohydrat som følge av stor treningsbelastning.
Med bakgrunn i sammenhengen mellom ernæring, prestasjon, restitusjon og helse foreligger det norske og internasjonale anbefalinger for kostholdet til idrettsutøvere. Internasjonale studier har vist at mange utøvere i utholdenhetsidretter ikke imøtekommer disse anbefalingene.
Flere har rapportert at det ikke er samsvar mellom rapportert energiinntak og estimert eller målt energiforbruk blant idrettsutøvere. Mange utholdenhetsutøvere har lavere karbohydratinntak enn anbefalt. Studier viser at de fleste utøvere i utholdenhetsidretter har tilstrekkelig proteininntak og at deres inntak av vitaminer og mineralstoffer overskrider næringsstoffanbefalingene med god margin. Prevalensen av kosttilskudd er vist å være høy blant toppidrettsutøvere.
Formålet med studien var å vurdere kostholdet til norske toppidrettsutøvere i utholdenhetsidretter og sammenlikne deres kosthold med de anbefalinger for inntak av energi og næringsstoffer som er gitt til utøvere i utholdenhetsidretter. Formålet var også å veilede utøverne til et mer hensiktsmessig kosthold hvis de ikke imøtekom anbefalingene.
Tjuetre kvinnelige og 61 mannlige landslagsutøvere fra utholdenhetsidretter deltok i studien. Idrettene var roing, padling, friidrett langdistanseløp, skøyter hurtigløp, langrenn, skiskyting, kombinert, skiorientering og hundekjøring.
Utøverne registrerte kostholdet med vekt i syv dager, 3+4 dager i løpet av to uker. For de samme 14 dagene registrerte de all trening som ble gjennomført. Antropometriske mål ble tatt for å beskrive utvalget. Samtlige deltakere fullførte alle undersøkelsene.
Energiinntaket til de kvinnelige og mannlige utøverne var henholdsvis 11.8 og 16.0 MJ. Toppidrettsutøverne hadde lavere energiinntak enn forventet ved stor treningsbelastning. De kvinnelige utøverne imøtekom ikke anbefalt energiinntak per kg kroppsvekt per dag.
Energifordelingen i kostholdet til toppidrettsutøverne var i samsvar med anbefalingene for protein, karbohydrat og fett totalt, men utøverne hadde for høy andel mettet fett og for lav andel umettet fett i kosten. Halvparten av utøverne hadde høyere andel sukker enn anbefalt.
Proteininntaket til de kvinnelige og mannlige utøverne var henholdsvis 1.5 og 1.9 gram per kg kroppsvekt per dag, og innenfor anbefalt inntak på 1.2-1.6 gram per kg for utholdenhetsutøvere.
Karbohydratinntaket til de mannlige utøverne var 6.9 gram per kg kroppsvekt per dag, og i nedre grense av anbefalt karbohydratinntak for utøvere i utholdenhetsidretter, 7-10 gram per kg kroppsvekt per dag. De kvinnelige utøverne hadde lavere karbohydratinntak enn anbefalt med 6.2 gram per kg, som følge av det lave energiinntaket.
Toppidrettsutøverne hadde generelt tilstrekkelig inntak av alle vitaminer og mineralstoffer unntatt vitamin D i kosten. Inntaket av de fleste vitaminer og mineralstoffer overskred de norske næringsstoffanbefalingene med 150%. Enkelte av de kvinnelige utøverne hadde for lavt inntak av kalsium og jern i kosten, som følge av lavt energiinntak.
De kvinnelige toppidrettsutøverne hadde et kosthold med lavere andel sukker og høyere næringstetthet enn de mannlige utøverne. Utøvernes inntak av vitaminer og mineralstoffer hadde sammenheng med totalt energiinntak og forbruk av matvarer. Det var ingen sammenheng mellom utøvernes treningsmengde og energiinntak. Det ble ikke påvist noen forskjeller i kostholdet til utøverne fra de ulike idrettene.
Åttito prosent av toppidrettsutøverne brukte kosttilskudd. De mest brukte kosttilskuddene var multivitaminmineraler, tilskudd av omega-3 fettsyrer og vitamin C. Noen av kosttilskuddsbrukerne hadde inntak av vitamin A, jern og sink over referanseverdiene for vurdering av høye inntak. Bruk av kosttilskudd var ikke nødvendig for at toppidrettsutøverne skulle få dekket sitt behov for næringsstoffer.
Resultatene i studien er i overensstemmelse med funn i internasjonale studier av kostholdet til toppidrettsutøvere i utholdenhetsidretter.
De metodiske utfordringene ved kostholdsundersøkelser må tas i betraktning ved vurdering av resultatene. Dette gjelder spesielt underrapportering av energiinntak og de konsekvenser det får for inntak av næringsstoffer.
Alle toppidrettsutøverne fikk skriftlig tilbakemelding på egne resultater fra kostregistreringen. De fikk også tilbud om kostveiledning hvis deres kosthold ikke imøtekom anbefalingene for idrettsutøvere
Maternal mental health is associated with children's frequency of family meals at 12 and 24 months of age
Diet during the child's first years is important for growth and development. In toddlerhood, higher diet quality is reported among children eating meals together with family. Although previous literature has documented several associations between maternal mental health and early child feeding practices, less is known about the relationship between maternal mental health and child frequency of shared family meals. This study explores associations between maternal symptoms of anxiety and depression, measured by The Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (SCL-8), and toddler participation in family meals. We used cross-sectional data from the Norwegian study Early Food for Future Health, in which participants responded to questionnaires at child age 12 (n = 455) and 24 months (n = 295). Logistic regression was used to explore associations between maternal mental health and child having regular (≥5 per week) or irregular (<5 per week) family meals (breakfast and dinner), adjusting for relevant child and maternal confounding variables. Children of mothers with higher scores of anxiety and depression had higher odds of Irregular family meals at both timepoints; (OR: 2.067, p = 0.015) and (OR: 2.444, p = 0.023). This is one of few studies exploring associations between maternal mental health and child frequency of shared family meals in early childhood, a period where the foundation for life-long health is shaped. Given the high prevalence of mental ailments and disorders, these findings are important and may inform future public health interventions. Further exploration of this relation is needed, including longitudinal research to test predictive associations and qualitative studies to increase insight and understanding.publishedVersio
In situ prebiotics for weaning piglets: In vitro production and fermentation of potato galactorhamnogalacturonan
Postweaning diarrhea (PWD) in pigs is a leading cause of economic loss in pork production worldwide. The current practice of using antibiotics and zinc to treat PWD is unsustainable due to the potential of antibiotic resistance and ecological disturbance, and novel methods are required. In this study, an in vitro model was used to test the possibility of producing prebiotic fiber in situ in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the piglet and the prebiotic activity of the resulting fiber in the terminal ileum. Soluble fiber was successfully produced from potato pulp, an industrial waste product, with the minimal enzyme dose in a simulated upper GI tract model extracting 26.9% of the initial dry matter. The fiber was rich in galactose and galacturonic acid and was fermented at 2.5, 5, or 10 g/liter in a glucose-free medium inoculated with the gut contents of piglet terminal ileum. Fermentations of 5 g/liter inulin or 5 g/liter of a purified potato fiber were used as controls. The fibers showed high fermentability, evident by a dose-dependent drop in pH and an increase in the organic acid content, with lactate in particular being increased. Deep sequencing showed a significant increase in the numbers of Lactobacillus and Veillonella organisms and an insignificant increase in the numbers of Clostridium organisms as well as a decrease in the numbers of Streptococcus organisms. Multivariate analysis showed clustering of the treatment groups, with the group treated with purified potato fiber being clearly separated from the other groups, as the microbiota composition was 60% Lactobacillus and almost free of Clostridium. For animal studies, a dosage corresponding to the 5-g/liter treatment is suggested
Vitamin A supplementation and risk of atopy:long-term follow-up of a randomized trial of vitamin A supplementation at six and nine months of age
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends high-dose vitamin A supplementation (VAS) for children above six months of age in low-income countries. VAS has been associated with up-regulation of the Th2 response. We aimed to determine if VAS is associated with atopy in childhood. METHODS: Infants in Guinea-Bissau were randomly allocated VAS or placebo, either at six and nine months of age, or only at nine months of age. At six months of age, children were furthermore randomized to measles vaccine or inactivated polio vaccine. At nine months of age all children received measles vaccine. Children were revisited seven years later and skin prick testing was performed. Atopy was defined as a skin prick reaction ≥3 mm. RESULTS: 40 of 263 children (15%) were atopic. Overall VAS had no significant effect on the risk of atopy (Prevalence Ratio 1.23; 95% CI 0.69-2.18). The Prevalence Ratio was 1.60 (0.66-3.90) for males and 1.00 (0.46-2.15) for females. CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant effect of VAS in infancy on atopy later in childhood. The role of infant VAS in the development of atopy is still unclear
Timing of complementary feeding and associations with maternal and infant characteristics: A Norwegian cross-sectional study
Mandatory requirements for pediatric drug development in the EU and the US for novel drugs-A comparative study
Mandatory pediatric legislation has been implemented in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) to increase research and the availability of drugs for the pediatric population. Differences in the legislative framework can cause different pediatric requirements for similar indications granted for similar drugs across jurisdictions. This cross-sectional study compares the pediatric requirements for therapeutic indications granted at the time of initial approval for novel drugs approved in the two regions from 2010 to 2018. We collected the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decisions to grant a waiver and/or to agree on a pediatric development plan and deferrals hereof at marketing authorization (MA) from publicly available documents. An agreed pediatric development plan was required for 66% ( N = 188/285) and 63% ( N = 134/212) of the indications granted in the EU and the US at the time of approval, respectively. Almost all (EU; 98%, US; 89%) were deferred until after MA. Based on the broad scope of the EU Pediatric Regulation, an additional 36 PIPs originated from the indications granted at MA. In the subset of indications granted for drugs approved in both the EU and the US ( N = 232), significantly more indications resulted in an agreed pediatric development plan for one or more subsets of the pediatric population in the EU ( N = 185) as compared to the US ( N = 82). This was based on the exemption of orphan designated drugs in the US and the broader scope of the EU Pediatric Regulation. However, indications subject to the mandatory pediatric legislation in both regions ( N = 131) most often had similar regulatory requirements for the inclusion of the pediatric population from the EMA and the US FDA (83%, N = 109). In conclusion, when comparing mandatory pediatric requirements, more pediatric development plans were agreed upon in the EU than in the US, in line with the broader mandates of the EU Pediatric Regulation. However, authorities most often had similar regulatory requirements when an indication was subject to pediatric legislation in both regions
Early food for future health: a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of an eHealth intervention aiming to promote healthy food habits from early childhood
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