44 research outputs found

    In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig

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    X-ray chest radiography is an inexpensive and broadly available tool for initial assessment of the lung in clinical routine, but typically lacks diagnostic sensitivity for detection of pulmonary diseases in their early stages. Recent X-ray dark-field (XDF) imaging studies on mice have shown significant improvements in imaging-based lung diagnostics. Especially in the case of early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), XDF imaging clearly outperforms conventional radiography. However, a translation of this technique towards the investigation of larger mammals and finally humans has not yet been achieved. In this letter, we present the first in-vivo XDF full-field chest radiographs (32 × 35 cm²) of a living pig, acquired with clinically compatible parameters (40s scan time, approx. 80 μSv dose). For imaging, we developed a novel high-energy XDF system that overcomes the limitations of currently established setups. Our XDF radiographs yield sufficiently high image quality to enable radiographic evaluation of the lungs. We consider this a milestone in the bench-to-bedside translation of XDF imaging and expect XDF imaging to become an invaluable tool in clinical practice, both as a general chest X-ray modality and as a dedicated tool for high-risk patients affected by smoking, industrial work and indoor cooking

    A proof-of principal study using phase-contrast imaging for the detection of large airway pathologies after lung transplantation.

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    In this study we aim to evaluate the assessment of bronchial pathologies in a murine model of lung transplantation with grating-based X-ray interferometry in vivo. Imaging was performed using a dedicated grating-based small-animal X-ray dark-field and phase-contrast scanner. While the contrast modality of the dark-field signal already showed several promising applications for diagnosing various types of pulmonary diseases, the phase-shifting contrast mechanism of the phase contrast has not yet been evaluated in vivo. For this purpose, qualitative analysis of phase-contrast images was performed and revealed pathologies due to previous lung transplantation, such as unilateral bronchial stenosis or bronchial truncation. Dependent lung parenchyma showed a strong loss in dark-field and absorption signal intensity, possibly caused by several post transplantational pathologies such as atelectasis, pleural effusion, or pulmonary infiltrates. With this study, we are able to show that bronchial pathologies can be visualized in vivo using conventional X-ray imaging when phase-contrast information is analysed. Absorption and dark-field images can be used to quantify the severity of lack of ventilation in the affected lung

    X-ray dark-field radiography facilitates the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis in a mouse model.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether diagnosing pulmonary fibrosis with projection radiography can be improved by using X-ray dark-field radiograms. Pulmonary X-ray transmission and dark-field images of C57Bl/6N mice, either treated with bleomycin to induce pulmonary fibrosis or PBS to serve as controls, were acquired with a prototype grating-based small-animal scanner. Two blinded readers, both experienced radiologists and familiar with dark-field imaging, had to assess dark-field and transmission images for the absence or presence of fibrosis. Furthermore readers were asked to grade their stage of diagnostic confidence. Histological evaluation of the lungs served as the standard of reference in this study. Both readers showed a notably higher diagnostic confidence when analyzing the dark-field radiographs (p< 0.001). Diagnostic accuracy improved significantly when evaluating the lungs in dark-field images alone (p = 0.02) or in combination with transmission images (p = 0.01) compared to sole analysis of absorption images. Interreader agreement improved from good when assessing only transmission images to excellent when analyzing dark-field images alone or in combination with transmission images. Adding dark-field images to conventional transmission images in a murine model of pulmonary fibrosis leads to an improved diagnosis of this disease on chest radiographs

    Facilitated diagnosis of pneumothoraces in newborn mice using x-ray dark-field radiography.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of x-ray dark-field imaging in projection radiography-based depiction of pneumothoraces in the neonatal murine lung, a potentially life-threatening medical condition that requires a timely and correct diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: By the use of a unique preclinical model, 7-day-old C57Bl/6N mice received mechanical ventilation for 2 or 8 hours with oxygen-rich gas (FIO2 = 0.4; n = 24). Unventilated mice either spontaneously breathed oxygen-rich gas (FIO2 = 0.4) for 2 or 8 hours or room air (n = 22). At the end of the experiment, lungs were inflated with a standardized volume of air after a lethal dose of pentobarbital was administered to the pups. All lungs were imaged with a prototype grating-based small-animal scanner to acquire x-ray transmission and dark-field radiographs. Image contrast between the air-filled pleural space and lung tissue was quantified for both transmission and dark-field radiograms. After the independent expert's assessment, 2 blinded readers evaluated all dark-field and transmission images for the presence or absence of pneumothoraces. Contrast ratios, diagnostic accuracy, as well as reader's confidence and interreader agreement were recorded for both imaging modalities. RESULTS: Evaluation of both x-ray transmission and dark-field radiographs by independent experts revealed the development of a total of 10 pneumothoraces in 8 mice. Here, the contrast ratio between the air-filled pleural space of the pneumothoraces and the lung tissue was significantly higher in the dark field (8.4 ± 3.5) when compared with the transmission images (5.1 ± 2.8; P < 0.05). Accordingly, the readers' diagnostic confidence for the diagnosis of pneumothoraces was significantly higher for dark-field compared with transmission images (P = 0.001). Interreader agreement improved from moderate for the analysis of transmission images alone (κ = 0.41) to very good when analyzing dark-field images alone (κ = 0.90) or in combination with transmission images (κ = 0.88). Diagnostic accuracy significantly improved for the analysis of dark-field images alone (P = 0.04) or in combination with transmission images (P = 0.02), compared with the analysis of transmission radiographs only. CONCLUSIONS: The significant improvement in contrast ratios between lung parenchyma and free air in the dark-field images allows the facilitated detection of pneumothoraces in the newborn mouse. These preclinical experiments indicate the potential of the technique for future clinical applications

    Visualization of neonatal lung injury associated with mechanical ventilation using X-ray dark-field radiography.

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    Mechanical ventilation (MV) and supplementation of oxygen-enriched gas, often needed in postnatal resuscitation procedures, are known to be main risk factors for impaired pulmonary development in the preterm and term neonates. Unfortunately, current imaging modalities lack in sensitivity for the detection of early stage lung injury. The present study reports a new imaging approach for diagnosis and staging of early lung injury induced by MV and hyperoxia in neonatal mice. The imaging method is based on the Talbot-Lau x-ray grating interferometry that makes it possible to quantify the x-ray small-angle scattering on the air-tissue interfaces. This so-called dark-field signal revealed increasing loss of x-ray small-angle scattering when comparing images of neonatal mice undergoing hyperoxia and MV-O2 with animals kept at room air. The changes in the dark field correlated well with histologic findings and provided superior differentiation than conventional x-ray imaging and lung function testing. The results suggest that x-ray dark-field radiography is a sensitive tool for assessing structural changes in the developing lung. In the future, with further technical developments x-ray dark-field imaging could be an important tool for earlier diagnosis and sensitive monitoring of lung injury in neonates requiring postnatal oxygen or ventilator therapy

    Small-animal dark-field radiography for pulmonary emphysema evaluation

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of The leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and emphysema is one of its main components. The disorder is characterized by irreversible destruction of The alveolar walls and enlargement of distal airspaces. Despite The severe changes in The lung Tissue morphology, conventional chest radiographs have only a limited sensitivity for The detection of mild To moderate emphysema. X-ray dark-field is an imaging modality That can significantly increase The visibility of lung Tissue on radiographic images. The dark-field signal is generated by coherent, small-Angle scattering of x-rays on The air-tissue interfaces in The lung. Therefore, morphological changes in The lung can be clearly visualized on dark-field images. This is demonstrated by a preclinical study with a small-Animal emphysema model. To generate a murine model of pulmonary emphysema, a female C57BL/6N mouse was Treated with a single orotracheal application of porcine pancreatic elastase (80 U/kg body weight) dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Control mouse received PBS. The mice were imaged using a small-Animal dark-field scanner. While conventional x-ray Transmission radiography images revealed only subtle indirect signs of The pulmonary disorder, The difference between healthy and emphysematous lungs could be clearly directly visualized on The dark-field images. The dose applied To The animals is compatible with longitudinal studies. The imaging results correlate well with histology. The results of This study reveal The high potential of dark-field radiography for clinical lung imaging

    First experiences with in-vivo x-ray dark-field imaging of lung cancer in mice.

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate if x-ray dark-field imaging can help to visualize lung cancer in mice. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed using mutant mice with high-grade adenocarcinomas. Eight animals with pulmonary carcinoma and eight control animals were imaged in radiography mode using a prototype small-animal x-ray dark-field scanner and three of the cancerous ones additionally in CT mode. After imaging, the lungs were harvested for histological analysis. To determine their diagnostic value, x-ray dark-field and conventional attenuation images were analyzed by three experienced readers in a blind assessment. Results radiographic imaging: The lung nodules were much clearer visualized on the dark-field radiographs compared to conventional radiographs. The loss of air-tissue interfaces in the tumor leads to a significant loss of x-ray scattering, reflected in a strong dark-field signal change. The difference between tumor and healthy tissue in terms of x-ray attenuation is significantly less pronounced. Furthermore, the signal from the overlaying structures on conventional radiographs complicates the detection of pulmonary carcinoma. Results CT imaging: The very first in-vivo CT-imaging results are quite promising as smaller tumors are often better visible in the dark-field images. However the imaging quality is still quite low, especially in the attenuation images due to un-optimized scanning parameters. Conclusion: We found a superior diagnostic performance of dark-field imaging compared to conventional attenuation based imaging, especially when it comes to the detection of small lung nodules. These results support the motivation to further develop this technique and translate it towards a clinical environment

    Lung tumors on multimodal radiographs derived from grating-based X-ray imaging - a feasibility study.

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess whether grating-based X-ray imaging may have a role in imaging of pulmonary nodules on radiographs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A mouse lung containing multiple lung tumors was imaged using a small-animal scanner with a conventional X-ray source and a grating interferometer for phase-contrast imaging. We qualitatively compared the signal characteristics of lung nodules on transmission, dark-field and phase-contrast images. Furthermore, we quantitatively compared signal characteristics of lung tumors and the adjacent lung tissue and calculated the corresponding contrast-to-noise ratios. RESULTS: Of the 5 tumors visualized on the transmission image, 3/5 tumors were clearly visualized and 1 tumor was faintly visualized in the dark-field image as areas of decreased small angle scattering. In the phase-contrast images, 3/5 tumors were clearly visualized, while the remaining 2 tumors were faintly visualized by the phase-shift occurring at their edges. No additional tumors were visualized in either the dark-field or phase-contrast images. Compared to the adjacent lung tissue, lung tumors were characterized by a significant decrease in transmission signal (median 0.86 vs. 0.91, p = 0.04) and increase in dark-field signal (median 0.71 vs. 0.65, p = 0.04). Median contrast-to-noise ratios for the visualization of lung nodules were 4.4 for transmission images and 1.7 for dark-field images (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Lung nodules can be visualized on all three radiograph modalities derived from grating-based X-ray imaging. However, our initial data suggest that grating-based multimodal X-ray imaging does not increase the sensitivity of chest radiographs for the detection of lung nodules