1,862 research outputs found

    MP 2008-02

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    This publication is compiled from a three-part series of articles on muskox research in Agroborealis 38.2, 39.1, and 39.2

    Acute flaccid myelitis and enterovirus D68:‘Where neurologist and microbiologist meet’

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    Polio or poliomyelitis has affected many people in the previous century. Through the implementation of an effective vaccine against poliovirus, it nowadays only rarely occurs. However, in the past decade, children were seen with a similar condition caused by other viruses, such as enterovirus D68. This condition, which may be associated with severe paralysis, is called ‘acute flaccid myelitis’ (AFM), independent of the causative virus. In 2016, the first children in the Netherlands were diagnosed with AFM. These children developed severe weakness of their limbs, while respiratory and bulbar muscles were also affected in some. All these children were vaccinated against polio and no poliovirus was found. Instead, enterovirus D68 was detected in respiratory material in several of them. This virus usually causes a respiratory tract infection, which may be severe. However, in rare cases it can damage anterior horn cells in the spinal cord, thereby causing paralysis.AFM is rare, with approximately two cases per year in the Netherlands. For doctors, it is difficult to recognize and differentiate it from other conditions, that also cause rapidly progressive weakness. Therefore, we aimed to find clinical and diagnostic features that may help in making the right diagnosis. Collaboration between neurologists and microbiologists is essential for this. There is currently no effective treatment, but differentiation with conditions that are treatable is important. We must remain aware of AFM and monitor new cases. This will hopefully create opportunities for treatment and possibly prevention through vaccination

    Ion Exchange Kinetics. A Nonlinear Diffusion Problem

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    Ideal limiting laws are calculated for the kinetics of particle diffusion controlled ion exchange processes involving ions of different mobilities between spherical ion exchanger beads of uniform size and a well-stirred solution. The calculations are based on the nonlinear Nernst-Planck equations of ionic motion, which take into account the effect of the electric forces (diffusion potential) within the system. Numerical results for counter ions of equal valence and six different mobility ratios are presented. They were obtained by use of a digital computer. This approach contains the well-known solution to the corresponding linear problem as a limiting case. An explicit empirical formula approximating the numerical results is given

    Electrodialytic processes in solid matrices. New insights into batteries recycling. A review.

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    Electrodialytic Remediation has been widely applied to the recovery of different contaminants from numerous solid matrices solving emerging issues of environmental concern. Results and conclusions reported in studies about real contaminated matrices are summarizes in this work. The influence of the pH value on the treatment effectiveness has been widely proved highlighting the phenomenon “water splitting” in the membrane surface. This dissociation of water molecules is related to the “limiting current” which is desirable to be exceed at the Anion Exchange Membrane in order to produce the entering of protons toward solid matrix. Other important parameters for the optimization of the technique, such as the current density and the liquid to solid ratio, are also discussed through the revision of studies using real solid matrices. This work also focusses on the pioneer proposal of electrokinetic technologies for the recycling of lithium ion batteries considering the relevance of waste properties in the design and optimization of the technique. From a thorough literature revision, it could be concluded that further experimental results are needed to allow an optimal application of the technique to the rising problem of residues from batteries. The main aim of this work is to take the first steps in the recovery of valuable metals from spent batteries, such as Li and Co, incorporating principles of green chemistry.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the “Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga with Project numbers: PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/20 and PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17 and the European project THROUGH H2020-MSCA-RISE- 2017-778045. The first author also acknowledge the postdoctoral contract obtained from University of Malaga

    Reproduktive Kulturen: die Regeln des angemessenen Umgangs mit Fertilität, reproduktiven Technologien und Geschlechterbeziehungen im Lebenslauf

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    "Die individuelle Gestaltung des reproduktiven Lebenslaufs und die Nutzung von reproduktionsbezogenen Technologien dabei, von der Pille über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch bis zur Reproduktionsmedizin, sind untrennbar verbunden mit der Ausgestaltung von Geschlechterbeziehungen im Lebenslauf. In der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen, die reproduktives Handeln unter der Geschlechterperspektive oder in seiner biografischen Dimension analysieren, und auf der Basis von eigenen empirischen (standardisierten und qualitativen) Studien zu Familienplanung im Lebenslauf wurde das Konzept der 'reproduktiven Kulturen' entwickelt (in Anlehnung an die 'Somatischen Kulturen' bei Boltanski). Es enthält eine sozialgruppenspezifische Rekonstruktion der 'Regeln des angemessenen Umgangs mit der Reproduktion' und ebenso der 'Regeln der angemessenen, altersabhängigen Gestaltung der Geschlechterbeziehungen'. Es verspricht zudem sowohl eine Rückbindung an die materiellen Lebensumstände und Modernisierungsprozesse, als auch eine sinnhafte Einbettung der Einstellungen zu und der Anwendungspraxis von reproduktiven Technologien. Sozialgruppenspezifische reproduktive Kulturen beinhalten unter anderem Vorstellungen von der Bedeutung des Übergang in Elternschaft als Markierung des männlichen/ weiblichen Erwachsenenstatus, verbunden z.B. mit einer Verstetigung des Lebenslaufs, Vorstellungen von einem richtigen Zeitpunkt für den Übergang, eine Konzipierung von Elternschaft als biografischem Risiko oder als Absicherung und schließlich die Praxis des Neuarrangements von geschlechtskonnotierten 'Territorien' (Krüger, exemplarisch: Haushalt und Beruf) in diesem Übergang. Darauf lassen sich die Vorstellungen von der Verfügbarkeit der Natur, der Angemessenheit der Nutzung von Reproduktionstechnologien und der Nötigkeit und Möglichkeit der Planung von Kindern beziehen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Gebrochenheit und Begrenztheit solcher Planungsvorstellungen, die über Geburtenkontrolle hinaus auf eine rationale Produktion von Kindern zielen, in den sozialgruppenspezifischen Widersprüchen und Aporien der Gestaltung der Geschlechterbeziehungen im Lebenslauf wurzeln und allgemeiner in der De-Institutionalisierung von Familie als 'entworfenem' und mit 'Langsicht' gestaltetem 'Projekt' als Teil der De-Institutionalisiserung des Lebenslaufs (Kohli)." (Autorenreferat

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, Summer 1941

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    Current comment • President\u27s page • 71st annual commencement • Arthur Leeming \u2723 elected Hoffman Orphanage head • Report on your funds • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club items • Spring sports • Dr. Barnard passes away • About ourselves • 1941 varsity football schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Ursinus College Alumni Journal, Summer 1938

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    Current comment • President\u27s page • 68th annual commencement • Girls turned away as enrollment soars • Seven changes in faculty and administrative staff announced • Spring sports • Seven year record shows Miss Snell best Ursinus coach • Reimert heads two Allentown dailies • Vice-President states case for Omwake memorial scholarship fund • About ourselves • 1938 varsity football schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/alumnijournal/1003/thumbnail.jp