9 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of The McMaster Toronto Arthritis patient preference questionnaire (MACTAR): a methodological study of reliability and minimal detectable change after a 6 week-period of acupuncture treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Individual MACTAR data on all 8 participants. A celeration line is drawn through the two median values during the six A-phase assessments. The celeration line is then extended through the 10 B-phase assessments. A statistically significant change is defined as 9/10 assessments in the B-phase over or under the celeration line. BL = baseline interview, A1–A5 = assessments 1–5 during the A-phase, B1–B10 = assessments during the interventional B-Phase

    Additional file 1: of Targeted lipidomics analysis identified altered serum lipid profiles in patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis

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    Table S1. Lipid profiles in serum from patients with PM/DM and healthy individuals. Table S2. Lipid profiles in serum from patients with PM or DM before and after immunosuppressive treatment. (DOCX 44 kb

    Overview of the data analysis of exercised and non-exercised myositis patients.

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    <p>The above work plan was used to the identify exercised-induced microRNA interactions in myositis patients. (A) Total RNA was extracted from baseline (pre) and exercised (post) muscle biopsies from the exercise group and the control group. (B) After pre values were subtracted from post values as an internal control measure, a total of 39 microRNAs were identified. Ingenutiy Pathway Analysis (IPA) MicroRNA Target Filter identified that 8 of these microRNAs had predicted transcript targets. (C) A gene expression microarray was run to identify if any of these transcript targets were altered in the patients after exercise. (D) Expression pairing between the microRNA and mRNA data sets was performed using IPA to determine biological relevance. (E) Protein was extracted from pre and post exercised muscle for SuperSILAC mass spectrometry. Expression pairing was again performed with microRNA and protein data sets since microRNAs are known to inhibit translation.</p

    Validation of miR-196b expression after exercise and its associated effect on classical NF-κB signaling.

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    <p>(A) RT-qPCR validated that miR-196b was increased after exercise. For normalization, pre Ct values were first subtracted from post Ct values from both miR-196b and the housekeeper, U47. Double delta Ct method was then used to calculate the average fold change (2^-((Normalized Target-Housekeeper)-(Average(Normalized Control-Housekeeper)). (B) Western blot in pre-and post exercised skeletal muscle shows an average increase of 42% in total IκBα protein after exercise.</p