8 research outputs found

    Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy: historical aspects.

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    This study aims to present the origins and the historical evolution of fine-needle aspiration biopsy and to also underline its importance in the history of modern cytology. The article focuses on the advances made in the 20th century that have led to the modern techniques associated with the procedure. The authors conducted a thorough review of early reports on needle biopsy, particularly those published during 19th and 20th century, examining in brief also the origins of the needle biopsy. The first report on the use of needle puncture is referred in early writings of Arab medicine. In the early 20th century, Martin and Ellis are considered to be the founders of modern needle aspiration techniques. The German doctor Mannheim was the first to publish reports suggesting the use of fine needles with a small gauge. The establishment and world-wide expansion of FNA should be attributed to the representatives of the Swedish School of Cytopathology. The school embraced FNA in the second half of the 20th century while serving as a training ground for doctors around the world. The history of needle biopsy spans ten centuries. However, the development and establishment of the technique in its modern form took place primarily during the twentieth century. Today, FNA is considered an important cytologic technique with sufficient diagnostic accuracy, especially when applied in cases of lung and prostate cancer


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    The purpose of this review article is to summarise the scientific work of George Nicholas Papanicolaou, one of the most eminent figures in the 20th century history of clinical cytology and medicine. Fifty years after his death, his work still remains invaluable, from the early steps in biology and zoology to the application of the Pap test as the most important advancement in the prevention of cervical cancer. The publication of his Atlas was the first important step for the foundation of a new branch in medicine, that of exfoliative cytology. His contribution to cytology undoubtedly earned him the title of the “father of exfoliative cytology” and saved the lives of many women worldwide.Cilj je članka dati kratak pregled znanstvenog djelovanja Georgea Nicholasa Papanicolaoua, jednog od najznačajnijih ličnosti u povijesti kliničke citologije i medicine XX. stoljeća. Pedeset godina nakon njegove smrti, njegova je ostavština i dalje neprocjenjiva, od prvih koraka u biologiji i zoologiji pa do primjene Papa-testa, kao najznačajnijeg napretka u sprječavanju raka vrata maternice. Izdavanje njegova Atlasa bio je prvi važan korak u stvaranju nove grane medicine – eksfolijativne citologije. Doprinos koji je dao citologiji osigurao mu je naziv “oca eksfolijativne citologije”, a mnogim ženama diljem svijeta spasio je život

    Expression of DNA mismatch repair gene MSH2 in cytological material from lung cancer patients

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    Mismatch repair genes encode for proteins responsible for the correction of bases incorrectly paired in the DNA. Loss of DNA mismatch repair activity has been associated with various cancers including tumors of the lung. In the present study, we have analyzed by immunocytochemistry the expression of MSH2 DNA repair gene in cytological material obtained by fine needle aspiration from a panel of 42 primary lung cancer patients. Specimens included 13 adenocarcinomas, 11 small cell carcinomas and 18 squamous cell carcinomas. Loss of expression or low expression was detected in 6 out of 13 (46%) adenocarcinomas and in 7 out of 18 (39%) of squamous cell carcinomas, although all 11 small cell carcinomas expressed MSH2. Our results suggest that loss of MSH2 expression is frequent in nonsmall cell carcinomas of the lung (P < 0.01, chi(2) test). Evaluation of MSH2 expression can be applied for the screening of cytological material from fine needle aspirations from the lung

    Expression of ERp29, an endoplasmic reticulum secretion factor in basal-cell carcinoma

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    The role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress proteins in the pathogenesis of neoplasia remains obscure. ERp29 encodes for an ER protein that is thought to facilitate the transport of secretory proteins in the early secretory pathway. ERp29 is expressed at varying levels in virtually every tissue tested, yet its precise role remains obscure. To test if ERp29 is associated with the pathogenesis of skin cancer, in the present study we have assessed the expression of ERp29 in basal-cell carcinoma of the skin. A bank of 104 basal skin carcinoma, including 50 nodular, 29 infiltrating, 15 superficial, 7 sclerosing, 2 fibroepithelial, and 1 pigmented cell carcinoma, were assessed by immunohistochemistry for ERp29 expression. Thirty-nine (37.5%) of the samples tested expressed ERp29 with the infiltrating carcinomas displaying more intense (++,+++) immunoreactivity (6/29, P < 0.05) and the superficial carcinomas exhibiting the less intense anti-ERp29 staining (1115, P < 0.05). Collectively our results suggest that ERp29 is expressed in a subset of basal-cell carcinoma of the skin with the infiltrating carcinomas exhibiting the highest incidence of immunopositivity. The role of ERp29 in the pathogenesis of the disease and its potential diagnostic value should be explored in future investigations