336 research outputs found

    Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Pipeline for CO2 Transport with Water as Surrounding Substance

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    AbstractThe heat transfer characteristics of pipelines for transport of CO2 is crucial for the events following a depressurization or a crack formation, involving rapid cooling. In this work, we present and analyze recent experiments from an experimental facility tailored to investigate these phenomena. With stagnant water as the surrounding substance, we quantify the contribution to the heat transfer from the surroundings, the insulation and the CO2 boiling inside the pipeline, for a large set of operating conditions. We discuss whether empirical expressions in the literature can describe the outer heat transfer coefficient and analyze the experimental results in detail using computational fluid dynamical simulations. The work gives insight into and quantifies the heat transfer characteristics of a CO2-pipeline. In particular, the outer heat transfer coefficient was between 80 and 210W/m2K, the thermal conductivity of the insulation was well described by a linear temperature relation and the mean value of the overall heat transfer coefficient was 44.7W/m2K. The work lays the foundation for future work on this subject, which will involve other surrounding substances such as clay and gravel as well as the forming of ice

    Added insight from image-based wettability characterization

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    Microtomographic rock and fluid imaging under in-situ conditions is applied for reservoir wettability characterization. The investigation entails careful sample preparation and cleaning of mini-plugs, operation with reservoir fluids, wettability restoration, centrifuge wettability testing cycles, repeated sample scanning and image analysis, parametrization of wettability and digital rocks simulation for input into reservoir modeling. The results are compared to conventional Amott testing performed in core laboratories. Determination of saturations from image analysis, instead of centrifuge production, allows the use of stock tank crude, rather than exchanged mineral oil. Doping of the synthetic formation water (here with 1 M sodium iodide) was applied for enhancement of the X-ray contrast. The digital imaging workflow offers insight on the liquid distributions from the plug scale down to the pore-scale, linked to applied pressure gradients and resulting pore fluid occupancies in the sequence of displacement states. An example is given with the investigation of a North-German oil field, where the image-based workflow led to a revised view of the reservoir conditions for spontaneous imbibition and drainage, and the overall wetting behavior

    First Testing of Literature-Based Models for Predicting Increase in Body Weight and Adipose Tissue Mass After Kidney Transplantation

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    Introduction: Weight gain is a risk factor for poor clinical outcomes following kidney transplantation. Research Question: This study's aim was a first testing of 2 models to identify patients early after kidney transplantation who are at risk for weight gain and increase in adipose tissue mass in the first year after kidney transplantation. Design: The literature-based models were evaluated on longitudinal data of 88, respectively 79 kidney transplant recipients via ordinary and Firth regression, using gains ≥ 5% in weight and adipose tissue mass respectively as primary and secondary endpoints. Results: The models included physical activity, smoking cessation at time of kidney transplantation, self-reported health status, depressive symptomatology, gender, age, education, baseline body mass index and baseline trunk fat as predictors. Area under the curve was 0.797 (95%-CI 0.702 to 0.893) for the weight model and 0.767 (95%-CI 0.656 to 0.878) for the adipose tissue mass model-showing good, respectively fair discriminative ability. For weight gain ≥ 5%, main risk factors were smoking cessation at time of transplantation (OR 16.425, 95%-CI 1.737-155.288) and better self-reported baseline health state (OR 1.068 for each 1-unit increase, 95%-CI 1.012-1.128). For the adipose tissue mass gain ≥ 5%, main risk factor was overweight/obesity (BMI ≥ 25) at baseline (odds ratio 7.659, 95%-CI 1.789-32.789). Conclusions: The models have potential to assess patients' risk for weight or adipose tissue mass gain during the year after transplantation, but further testing is needed before implementation in clinical practice. Keywords: addictive; behavior; cardiovascular disease; clinical outcomes; depression; exercise outcomes; nutrition; performance improvement; quality; quality of life; quantitative methods; regression; research


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    Potkoljenični vrijed je učestala bolest u općoj populaciji koja ima za posljedicu znatan morbiditet. Poseban problem je široka diferencijalna dijagnoza što se etiologije tiče tako da uzrok može biti metabolički, imunološki, vaskularni, onkološki ili miješani. Pristup liječenju je multidisciplinaran. Uz niz uključenih medicinskih struka kirurgija je bitan faktor u liječenja komplikacija vrijeda, postoji niz učinkovitih zahvata koji uz pravu indikaciju imaju za ishod cijeljenje . Uz plastično rekonstrukcijske metode postoji i niz komplementarnih metoda uglavnom iz domene vaskularne kirurgije kojima se optimizira lokalno i regionalno stanje te poboljšava rezultat liječenja.Lower leg ulcers have a high in incidence in general population and are associated with a significant morbidity rate. Wide differential diagnosis considering their etiology poses considerable problem, as the causes are diverse including metabolic, immune, oncologic, vascular and mixed ones. Approach to treatment should be multidisciplinary, and among various medical specialties surgery plays an important role. There are numerous efficient procedures that require proper indication to be successful. Along with reconstructive methods, there are complementary methods, mainly from the field of vascular surgery; when combined, they produce good results

    Mutational Analysis of the SOX9 Gene in Campomelic Dysplasia and Autosomal Sex Reversal: Lack of Genotype/Phenotype Correlations

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    It has previously been shown that, in the heterozygous state, mutations in the SOX9 gene cause campomelic dysplasia (CD) and the often associated autosomal XY sex reversal. In 12 CD patients, 10 novel mutations and one recurrent mutation were characterized in one SOX9 allele each, and in one case, no mutation was found. Four missense mutations are all located within the high mobility group (HMG) domain. They either reduce or abolish the DNA-binding ability of the mutant SOX9 proteins. Among the five nonsense and three frameshift mutations identified, two leave the C-terminal transactivation (TA) domain encompassing residues 402-509 of SOX9 partly or almost completely intact. When tested in cell transfection experiments, the recurrent nonsense mutation Y440X, found in two patients who survived for four and more than 9 years, respectively, exhibits some residual transactivation ability. In contrast, a frameshift mutation extending the protein by 70 residues at codon 507, found in a patient who died shortly after birth, showed no transactivation. This is apparently due to instability of the mutant SOX9 protein as demonstrated by Western blotting. Amino acid substitutions and nonsense mutations are found in patients with and without XY sex reversal, indicating that sex reversal in CD is subject to variable penetrance. Finally, none of 18 female patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome) showed an altered SOX9 banding pattern in SSCP assays, providing evidence that SOX9 mutations do not usually result in XY sex reversal without skeletal malformation


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    Prikazani rezultati kirurškog liječenja dekubitusa na Klinici za plastičnu, rekonstrukcijsku i estetsku kirurgiju KB Dubrava u vremenu od 2011. do 2016. nisu bitno različiti u odnosu na rezultate kirurškog liječenja iste patologije u studiji iz vremena 2003.-2008., što dokazuje i dalje odličnu planiranost i izvedivost kirurških zahvata, odgovarajuću pripremu bolesnika i adekvatnu postoperacijsku skrb. Unatoč manjem broju hospitaliziranih bolesnika s dekubitusom u studiji 2011.-2016. (31 bolesnik; 42 rekonstrukcijska zahvata) i dalje je učinjen sličan broj rekonstrukcijskih zahvata uspoređujući sa studijom 2003.-2008. (47 bolesnika; 57 rekonstrukcijskih zahvata). Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa na sakralnoj regiji kod naših bolesnika najbolje rekonstrukcijske rezultate postigli smo i dalje kliznim fasciokutanim, odnosno mišićnokutanim režnjevima. Kada je god to moguće, ovisno o kliničkoj slici defekta trebalo bi dati prednost mišićnokutanim režnjevima, posebno u slučajevima recidiva dekubitusa. Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa u području ishijadičnih zona vrlo dobri rezultati postignuti su uporabom mišićnih režnjeva semimembranozusa i /ili semitendinozusa koji se mobiliziraju u defekt, dok za područje trohanterne regije koristimo transpozicijski režanj fascije late. Liječenje bolesnika s dekubitusom je multidisciplinarno s naglaskom na kirurško liječenje koje se sastoji od radikalnog debridmana, ostektomije i egzaktno planirane i učinjene rekonstrukcije. Konzervativno liječenje mora biti podrška kirurškom liječenju s naglaskom na njegu i visoke higijenske mjere bolesnika. U novije vrijeme (studija 2011.-2016.) sve kvalitetnija uporaba konzervativnog načina tretmana dekubitalnih rana realno je dovela do smanjenja potrebe za hospitalizacijom i kirurškim liječenjem. Daljnjim edukacijama medicinskih sestara u smislu „wound care“-a u zdravstvenim učilištima i bolnicama trebalo bi dati posebno značenje što bi dovelo do prevencije, ali i pravodobnog početka liječenja bolesnika s dekubitusom.Results of this clinical study on surgical treatment of pressure ulcers at Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Dubrava University Hospital showed that there was no difference between the 2011-2016 and 2003-2008 periods, indicating continuation of good surgical treatment planning and appropriate postoperative care. Despite the smaller number of hospitalized patients in the 2011-2016 period (31 patients and 42 reconstructive procedures), the number of reconstructive procedure was similar to the recent 2003-2008 period (47 patients and 57 reconstructive procedures). The best results of reconstruction of sacral region pressure ulcer were achieved with fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps. Whenever possible, depending on the extent of the defect, musculocutaneous flaps should be preferred for reconstruction. It is especially suitable for pressure ulcer recurrence. For ischial region reconstruction, good results can be obtained by mobilizing the semimembranosus and/or semitendinosus in defect gap. For trochanteric region, the tensor fascia lata flap is a good choice. For maximal functional and reconstructive results, a multidisciplinary approach in pressure ulcer treatment has the leading role in the modern concept of wound healing. Surgical treatment should always include radical debridement, ostectomy and well planned defect reconstruction. Conservative treatment should be support to surgical treatment with a focus on patient health care and high hygiene measures. In recent years (2011-2016), the usage of better conservative treatment led to reduction of patient hospital stay and surgical treatment of pressure ulcer. Further ‘wound care’ nurses training in Croatia can lead the trend towards advanced practice nursing in pressure ulcer prevention and conservative treatment