8 research outputs found

    Investigação de mudanças do status salino do solo pelo emprego de análise multivariada Investigation of the changes in the status of soil salinity using multivariable analysis

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    Objetivou-se investigar a aplicabilidade da técnica de estatística multivariada, análise de agrupamento, como ferramenta para identificar a similaridade nas concentrações de sais em campos irrigados. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três áreas, sendo uma Mata Nativa e duas irrigadas do Distrito de Irrigação Jaguaribe-Apodi (DIJA), nos municípios de Limoeiro do Norte e Quixeré, Ceará. As coletas de solo foram realizadas mensalmente, de dezembro/1999 a dezembro/2000 e nos meses de setembro a dezembro de 2001, nas profundidades de 0-30 e 30-60 cm. Foram considerados os seguintes atributos: CEes (condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação do solo), Ca2+ + Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ e k+ e a RAS (razão de adsorção do sódio). A aplicação da análise de agrupamento resultou em três grupos similares quanto aos atributos estudados, havendo diferença significativa (p< 0,001) entre os valores representativos da Mata Nativa e aqueles dos dois campos irrigados. A técnica de análise de agrupamento mostrou-se como ferramenta apropriada para definir a semelhança entre os atributos estudados, independentemente da sua posição no tempo ou no espaço. Tal fato expressa a aplicabilidade da mesma em estudos de identificação de áreas similares com maiores ou menores risco de salinidade.<br>This work was carried out to investigate the multivariable statistics/cluster analysis as a tool to identify the similarity of irrigated fields. The investigation was conducted in three areas. One was an undisturbed native area (MN) and the others, two irrigated field in the Irrigated District of Jaguaribe-Apodi (DIJA) situated in the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte and Quixeré, Ceará State, Brazil. Soil was sampled monthly, from December/1999 to December/2000, and also from September to December of 2001 in the depths of 0-30, 30-60 cm. The attributes considered in this study were: EC (electric conductivity of soil solution), Ca2+ + Mg2+, Cl-, Na+ and k+ and SAR (sodium adsorption ratio). The Cluster Analysis application identified the similarity of studied attributes and three homogeneous groups were identified. The studied attributes values from MN were statistically different (p < 0.001) from those of irrigated fields. According to the results, Cluster Analysis showed up as a suitable tool to define the similarity independent of sample position in time and space. This fact expresses that Cluster Analysis technique can be applied to identify the similarity in areas with high or little salinization risk

    Characteristics of rainfall and erosion under natural conditions of land use in semiarid regions

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    The characteristics of rainfall can provide important information for management and land use may also minimize the water erosion problems. This study was carried out to evaluate soil and water loss in erosion plots with different coverage, and the interference of natural rainfall characteristics on these processes. The experiment was carried out during the rainy season in the years of 2009 and 2010, on three erosion plots, each of 20 m², and under different land use conditions: native 'caatinga', thinned 'caatinga' and natural herbaceous cover. The rainfall was classified into three different rainfall patterns, characterized as early, intermediate and late. The predominant rainfall pattern for the two years under study was early rainfall with 47.6%, followed by intermediate and late with 30.5% and 22%, respectively. The smallest soil losses for the entire studied period were recorded for the native 'caatinga' plot, demonstrating the protective effect of vegetation on sediment production. Despite the early rainfall pattern being prevalent in the period of study, this was not the main factor responsible for water and soil loss

    Partitioning of rainfall into throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss in the Brazilian Northeastern Atlantic Forest

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    ABSTRACT Information on hydrology, and vegetation distribution is essential for the development of techniques and strategies to cope with droughts in semi-arid environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the partitioning of gross rainfall into throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss in the Brazilian Northeastern Atlantic Forest, and its correlations with rainfall characteristics. The study was conducted in the Bica watershed, in Portalegre, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The work was carried out in 2017, with monitoring of the throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss in an area of 10 × 20 m. Total rainfall depths (TRD) and wind speed were measured, and the evapotranspiration (ET0) was estimated. Based on this information, the intensity (I), kinetic energy (KE) and intensity at intervals of 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 min of each rainfall event were measured. Twenty rainfall events occurred during the study period. The vegetation showed interception of 44.9%, throughfall of 52.9%, and stemflow of 2.2% of the total rainfall. Three principal components (PC) were formed in the PC Analysis, explaining more than 84% of the total variance. PC1, PC2, and PC3 encompassed variables related to rainfall energy to overcome the vegetation physical barrier, inflow and outflow, and variables dependent on the rainfall duration, respectively

    Similaridade e fatores determinantes na salinidade das águas superficiais do Ceará, por técnicas multivariadas Similarity and determining factors in the salinity of surface waters of Ceara by mitivariate techniques

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    Técnicas de estatística multivariada foram empregadas com o objetivo de identificar a similaridade dos reservatórios superficiais do Ceará, com relação à salinidade das águas e identificar os fatores determinantes da qualidade das águas. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes do banco de dados da Companhia de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos do Ceará, no período de 1998/2009, no total de 807 amostras de 48 reservatórios. Os parâmetros considerados foram: Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, HCO3 -, CE e RAS. A análise de agrupamento hierárquico formou quatro grupos distintos, sendo determinantes os tipos e concentrações dos sais analisados. Nos grupos 1 e 2 a salinidade da água é definida principalmente pelas condições naturais de solo e clima da região e nos grupos 3 e 4, além desses fatores, a influência antrópica. O emprego da análise de fator/análise de componente principal promoveu a redução de sete características das águas superficiais do Estado Ceará, para dois componentes, sendo que o primeiro componente explicou 57,28% e o segundo, 26,77% da variância contida nas sete variáveis. Os parâmetros mais representativos na variabilidade da salinidade das águas foram Cl-, CE, Na+ e Mg2+, relacionados com a solubilidade dos sais.Multivariate statistical techniques were employed in order to identify the similarity in the salinity levels of the water reservoirs of Ceará State, Brazil. Also, to identify the factors that explain the variability of water quality. The data set used in this investigation came from the Company of Water Management (COGERH). The studied period extended from 1998 to 2009, in a total of 807 samples from 48 different sources. The investigated parameters were: Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+,Na+, HCO3 -, EC and SAR. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis identified four groups, being the types and concentrations of the analyzed salts the determining factors. In groups 1 and 2, the salinity level of the water was, mainly, due to the geology and the climate of the region. While for group 3 and 4, besides these factors, the water salinity was influenced by human activities. According to the results, the first and the second components (independent factors) explaining, 57.28 and 26.77%, respectively, the total variance of seven variables. The most important parameters related to the variability of the water salinity level were Cl-, CE, Na+ and Mg2+, which were related to salt solubility

    Determinação do fator de cobertura e dos coeficientes da MUSLE em microbacias no semiárido brasileiro

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    Objetivou-se, neste estudo, calibrar e validar os fatores C da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo e os coeficientes da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo Modificada, para as coberturas de Caatinga Nativa, Caatinga Raleada e Capim (pós desmatamento e queima) no semiárido brasileiro. Os dados foram coletados no período de 2009 a 2012. A avaliação dos ajustes do modelo foi realizada pelo coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe, índice de Willmott (id) e índice de confiança ou desempenho (c). Para determinação dos fatores C foram usados dados de parcela de erosão (20 m²) empregando-se 50% dos dados na calibração e os demais na validação. Já para calibração e validação dos coeficientes "a" e "b" da MUSLE, foram usados dados obtidos na escala de microbacia (1,15 a 2,8 ha). O maior valor do fator C foi registrado na Caatinga Nativa (0,0167), seguido pelo uso do Capim com 0,0084 e o menor valor para a Caatinga Raleada (0,0067). Os resultados indicam que os valores dos fatores C e os coeficientes de ajuste "a" e "b" da MUSLE, para as coberturas estudadas, se apresentaram apropriados e recomendados de acordo com os índices estatísticos empregados podendo ser utilizados como base para microbacias semelhantes não monitoradas