11 research outputs found

    Optimal frequency control in microgrid system using fractional order PID controller using Krill Herd algorithm

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    This paper investigates the use of fractional order Proportional, Integral and Derivative (FOPID) controllers for the frequency and power regulation in a microgrid power system. The proposed microgrid system composes of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind generators, diesel engine generators as a secondary source to support the principle generators, and along with different energy storage devices like fuel cell, battery and flywheel. Due to the intermittent nature of integrated renewable energy like wind turbine and photovoltaic generators, which depend on the weather conditions and climate change this affects the microgrid stability by considered fluctuation in frequency and power deviations which can be improved using the selected controller. The fractional-order controller has five parameters in comparison with the classical PID controller, and that makes it more flexible and robust against the microgrid perturbation. The Fractional Order PID controller parameters are optimized using a new optimization technique called Krill Herd which selected as a suitable optimization method in comparison with other techniques like Particle Swarm Optimization. The results show better performance of this system using the fractional order PID controller-based Krill Herd algorithm by eliminates the fluctuations in frequency and power deviation in comparison with the classical PID controller. The obtained results are compared with the fractional order PID controller optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization. The proposed system is simulated under nominal conditions and using the disconnecting of storage devices like battery and Flywheel system in order to test the robustness of the proposed methods and the obtained results are compared.У статті досліджено використання регуляторів пропорційного, інтегрального та похідного дробового порядку (FOPID) для регулювання частоти та потужності в електромережі. Запропонована мікромережева система складається з поновлюваних джерел енергії, таких як сонячні та вітрогенератори, дизельних генераторів як вторинного джерела для підтримки основних генераторів, а також з різних пристроїв для накопичування енергії, таких як паливна батарея, акумулятор і маховик. Через переривчасту природу інтегрованої відновлювальної енергії, наприклад, вітрогенераторів та фотоелектричних генераторів, які залежать від погодних умов та зміни клімату, це впливає на стабільність мікромережі, враховуючи коливання частоти та відхилення потужності, які можна поліпшити за допомогою вибраного контролера. Контролер дробового порядку має п’ять параметрів порівняно з класичним PID-контролером, що робить його більш гнучким та надійним щодо збурень мікромережі. Параметри PID-контролера дробового порядку оптимізовані за допомогою нової методики оптимізації під назвою «зграя криля», яка обрана як підходящий метод оптимізації порівняно з іншими методами, такими як оптимізація методом рою частинок. Результати показують кращі показники роботи цієї системи за допомогою алгоритму «зграя криля», заснованого на PID-контролері дробового порядку, виключаючи коливання частоти та відхилення потужності порівняно з класичним PID-контролером. Отримані результати порівнюються з PID-контролером дробового порядку, оптимізованим за допомогою оптимізації методом рою частинок. Запропонована система моделюється в номінальному режимі роботи та використовує відключення накопичувальних пристроїв, таких як акумулятор та маховик, щоб перевірити надійність запропонованих методів та порівняти отримані результати

    One-Dimensional Modeling of kinetic Species in Capacitively Coupled Plasma in Methane

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    International audienceThe present computational includes the motions and collisions of both neutral and charged particles, and we consider 34 species in this study (i.e. in total; neutrals, radicals, ions, and electrons) and more than 186 reactions (electronic impact with CH4, neutral-neutral, neutral-ions and surface reactions

    Effect of the permanent magnets locations on the voltage generated by permanent magnet generator

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    International audienceCurrently, the permanent magnet generators find wide application in the renewable energies field such as the conversion of the wind energy or the tidal energy to an electrical energy. The main objective of this work is the calculation of the magnetic field created by the permanent magnets of the both selected rotor types (magnets on surface and inset type magnets) by taking into account the rotation of the rotor, and therefore the calculation of the electric field induced in the stator, which allows us to calculate the electromotive force exerted on the conductors of the stator coils in order to know the induced voltage by each generator, then, we make a comparison between them to determine the type of generator most answered in the industry. To reach our goal we use the finite elements method to solve the partial derivative equations those describe this physics problem

    Genetic Algorithm Application in Asymmetrical 9-Level Inverter

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    Selective harmonic elimination (SHE) has been a widely researched alternative to traditional PWM techniques. This paper presents the selective harmonic elimination of a uniform step asymmetrical multilevel inverter (USAMI) using genetic algorithm (GA) which eliminates specified higher order harmonics while maintaining the required fundamental voltage. This technique can be applied to USAMI with any number of levels. As an example, in this paper a 9-level USAMI is considered and the optimum switching angles are calculated to eliminate the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonics

    OMTHD Strategy in Asymmetrical Seven-Level Inverter for High Power Induction Motor

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    International audienceMultilevel inverters are well used in high power electronic applications because of their ability to generate a very good quality of waveforms, reducing switching frequency, and their low voltage stress across the power devices. This paper presents the Optimal Minimization of the Total Harmonic Distortion (OMTHD) strategy of a uniform step asymmetrical seven-level inverter (USA7LI). The OMTHD approach is compared to the well-known sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) strategy. Simulation results demonstrate the better performances and technical advantages of the OMTHD controller in feeding a High Power Induction Motor (HPIM)

    CDM Based Controller Design for High Frequency Induction Heating System with LLC Tank

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    International audienceThis paper presents the design of a polynomial controller with coefficient diagram method (CDM). This controller is used to control the output power of high frequency resonant inverter with LLC tank. One of the most important problems associated with the proposed inverter is achieving ZVS operating during the induction heating process. To overcome this problem, asymmetrical voltage cancellation (AVC) control technique is proposed. The phased look loop (PLL) is used to track the natural frequency of the system. The small signal model of the system with the proposed control is obtained using extending describing function method (EDM). The validity of the proposed control is verified by simulation results

    OMTHD Strategy in Asymmetrical Seven-Level Inverter for High Power Induction Motor

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    International audienceMultilevel inverters are well used in high power electronic applications because of their ability to generate a very good quality of waveforms, reducing switching frequency, and their low voltage stress across the power devices. This paper presents the Optimal Minimization of the Total Harmonic Distortion (OMTHD) strategy of a uniform step asymmetrical seven-level inverter (USA7LI). The OMTHD approach is compared to the well-known sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) strategy. Simulation results demonstrate the better performances and technical advantages of the OMTHD controller in feeding a High Power Induction Motor (HPIM)

    Asymmetrical Voltage Cancellation Control for ZVS Series Resonant Inverter for Induction Heating System using IP Structure

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    International audienceThis paper presents two efficient techniques for output power control of a series resonant inverter induction heating system using PI control and IP control. One of the most important problems associated with the roposed inverter is achieving ZVS operating during the heating cycle. To overcome this problem, asymmetrical voltage cancellation (AVC) control technique is proposed. The phased look loop (PLL) is used to track the switching frequency. The complete closed loop control model is obtained using a small signal analysis. The validity of the proposed control is verified by simulation results. They show the superiority of IP controller over PI controller

    Frequency control scheme based on the CDM-PID controller for the hybrid microgrid system with stochastic renewable generators

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    In this paper, we introduce a Coefficient Diagram Method (CDM) to design a conventional PID controller. This controller is used to decrease the frequency fluctuations of a microgrid system composed of two renewable energy sources (WTG and STPG) and four controlled elements (UC, FESS, BESS and DEG). The method compares two characteristic polynomials of the same order:, the coefficients of the first polynomial are a function of microgrid parameters and the unknown gains of the PID controller. The second is called the target polynomial; its coefficients are calculated by choosing the stability indices and the equivalent time constant to satisfy the desired performances of the closed-loop system. Mathematically, the order of the polynomial controller determines the type of linear system of equations to solve: undetermined or overdetermined. In our application, the least squares method is used to find an approximate solution to the overdetermined system resulting from this comparison. Digital simulation is performed to test the performance of the microgrid controlled by the CDM-PID controller. The obtained results are compared with two recently published works where the parameters of the PID controllers are tuned by DE and chaotic PSO algorithms. The results show that the CDM-PID controller gives better performance