6 research outputs found

    History of soil fertility enhancement with inoculation methods

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    The first bacteria capable of biological nitrogen-fixation and for this reason for the replacement of inorganic fertilizers was found in the root-nodules of leguminous plants more than 100 years ago. The other nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the associative azospirillums, on the other hand do not create visible systems, alterations in the root system. They were therefore found and reported only about 40 years ago. The isolated and identified bacteria are well-used in the agriculture since then, but still we can find unknown elements behind of their functioning. Nowadays second and third generations of microbial inoculums are applied. The soil-plant-microbe systems are so multifactorial arrangements, than there are several biotic and abiotic factors influencing of their real functioning. We should learn more how those systems are really working. The beneficial effects of those microbial inoculums will be discussed in this review with a historical background

    Improved soil and tomato quality by some biofertilizer products

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    The use of microbial inoculums is a part of sustainable agricultural practices. Among various bioeffectors, the phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria are frequently used. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of some industrial biofertilizer inoculums, of containing P-mobilizing bacteria on the quantity and some quality parameters of tomato fruits. Spore-forming industrial Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 (Rhizovital) as single inoculums and combinations with other Bacillus strains (Biorex) were applied on Solanum lycopersicon Mill. var. Mobil test plant. Soil microbial counts, phosphorus availability, yield and fruit quality, such as total soluble solids (TSS) content and sugars (glucose, fructose) were assessed. The results found that single industrial inoculums of FZB42 product had positive effect on P-availability and fruit quality in the pots. Fruit quality parameters, TSS content, soluble sugars were significantly improved (p<0.05). Such better fruit taste was correlated significantly by the most probable number (MPN) microbial counts. Use of such bioeffector products is supported by the positive interrelation among measured soil characteristics and inside healthy quality parameters of tomato fruits

    Egy spórás bacillus oltóanyag hatása a paradicsom növekedésére és terméshozamára

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    Tomato contains high concentrations of lycopene and vitamin C that is important elements of healthy foods. In intensive production, many biotic and abiotic stress-factors are affecting the tomato, and they might be harmful also to the environment. Due to these pollution problems people are highly interested nowadays in the limited use of the agro-chemicals. Among the beneficial microbes, bioeffector (BE) microorganisms are used frequently in sustainable crop production. Bacillus strains can mobilize the hardly available phosphates in the soils, and therefore they can reduce the harmful effects of abiotic environmental stress factors. A bioeffector, containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 strain was used with tomato test plant (Solanum lycopersicon Mill. ’Mobil’) in pot and in field experiments. The length and weight of shoots and the weight and number of tomato fruits were tested in a biweekly periods. The treatment had positive effect on the length of shoots, the size and biomass of fruits both in the field and in the pots. Less beneficial impact was realized, however at the diverse ecological field conditions than at the controlled light chamber. Application of the Bacillus bieffectors can be helpful for the organic production of the tomato.Az utóbbi évtizedek alatt a paradicsom jelentősége megnőtt a zöldségfélék sorában. Ez, az emberi fogyasztásra. Európában alig száz éve termesztett növény, ma az összes zöldségfélét meghaladja mind a termesztés, mind a fogyasztás mennyiségében. Ezzel párhuzamosan folyamatosan nő a minél inkább vegyszermentes gazdálkodások iránti érdeklődés is. Ennek egyik alternatív lehetősége a hasznos talajlakó mikroorganizmusok felhasználása. A termésnövelőmikrobiális oltóanyagok (bioeffektor termékek) közül a spórás mikroorganizmusokból állók a környezeti stressz-tényezőkkel szemben toleránsak, így biztosabban alkalmazhatók. Kutatásaink során vizsgáltuk, hogy egy, Európában már bevezetett spórás Bacillus fajt tartalmazó kereskedelmi oltóanyag mennyire hatékony és hatása hasonlóan nyilvánul-e meg a különböző termesztési körülmények között a paradicsom tesztnövénnyel. Megállapítottuk, hogy mind a tenyészedényes, mind a szabadföldi ökológiai termesztés során a baktérium-készítmény pozitív hatással volt a paradicsom hajtáshosszára és –tömegére, illetve a bogyók számára és nagyságára is. A kevésbé kontrollált ökológiai körülmények között ugyanakkor a kedvező hatás mérsékeltebben nyilvánult meg. A vizsgált Bacillust is tartalmazó bioeffektor készítménynek helye van a paradicsom környezetbarát termesztésénél

    Vertical and horizontal distributions of microbial abundances and enzymatic activities in propylene glycol affected soils

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    The natural microbial activity in the unsaturated soil is vital for protecting groundwater in areas where high loads of biodegradable contaminants are supplied to the surface, which usually is the case for airports using aircraft de-icing fluids (ADF) in the cold season. Horizontal and vertical distributions of microbial abundance were assessed along the western runway of Oslo Airport (Gardermoen, Norway) to monitor the effect of ADF dispersion with special reference to the component with the highest chemical oxygen demand (COD), propylene glycol (PG). Microbial abundance was evaluated by several biondicators: colony forming units (CFU) of some physiological groups (aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophs and microscopic fungi), most probable numbers (MPN) of PG-degraders, selected catabolic enzymatic activities (fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolase, dehydrogenase and ??-glucosidase). High correlations were found between the enzymatic activities and microbial counts in vertical soil profiles. All microbial abundance indicators showed a steep drop in the first meter of soil depth. The vertical distribution of microbial abundance can be correlated by a decreasing exponential function of depth. The horizontal trend of microbial abundance (evaluated as total aerobic CFU, MPN of PG-degraders, FDA hydrolase activity) assessed in the surface soil at an increasing distance from the runway is correlated negatively with the PG and COD loads, suggesting the relevance of other chemicals in the modulation of microbial growth. The possible role of potassium formate, component of runway de-icers, has been tested in the laboratory by using mixed cultures of Pseudomonas spp., obtained by enrichment with a selective PG medium from soil samples taken at the most contaminated area near the runway. The inhibitory effect of formate on the growth of PG-degraders is proven by the reduction of biomass yield on PG in the presence of formate