16 research outputs found

    Use of laser-scan technology to analyse topography and flow in a weir pool

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    The development of laser-scan techniques provides opportunity for detailed terrain analysis in hydrologic studies. Ground based scans were used to model the ground surface elevation in the area of a stream gauge weir over an area of 240 m<sup>2</sup> at a resolution of 0.05 m. The terrain model was used to assess the possibility of flow bypassing the weir and to calculate stream flow during filling of the weir pool, prior to flow through the weir notch. The mapped surface shows a subtle low-lying area at the south end of the structure where flow could bypass the weir. The flow calculations quantify low-flows that do not reach the weir notch during small rain events and flow at the beginning of larger events in the ephemeral stream

    Effect of Eucalyptus plantations, geology, and precipitation variability on water resources in upland intermittent catchments

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    Land-use change and climate variability have the potential to alter river flow and groundwater resources dramatically, especially by modifying actual evapotranspiration. Seven catchments with intermittent flow dominated by either winter-active perennial pastures (4 catchments) or Eucalyptus globulus plantations (3 catchments), located in 3 geologic settings of southeastern Australia, were studied for over 6 years to determine the primary controls on water resources. Groundwater levels in the pasture sites were stable through the 2011–2016 study period, while levels in the plantations declined in the same period. Streamflow occurred mainly during winter. Annual streamflow showed no difference clearly attributable to pasture versus plantation land use. The presence of grass buffers along streams enhances groundwater recharge and saturation-dependent overland flow, reducing the impacts of the plantations on streamflow. Site water balances indicated that the average annual actual evapotranspiration was 87–93% of precipitation for pasture catchments and 102–108% of precipitation for plantation catchments. Actual evapotranspiration greater than precipitation at the plantations was attributed to uptake of groundwater by the root system in parts of the catchments. Thus, change to groundwater storage is a critical component in the water balance. Actual evapotranspiration from pasture catchments was higher than previously estimated from global pasture and cropping data, instead matching global precipitation versus actual evapotranspiration curves for treed catchments

    Specimen litterarium inaugurale, continens Philoctetae Sophoclis enarrationem cum nonnullorum locorum explicatione

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    Filmed with: Roehrich, M. / De Culicis Potissimis codicibus recte aestimandis -- Dietsch, R. / Versuch über Thucydides -- Babucke, H. / Dissertationis de Quintiliani doctrina et studiis capita duo -- Ballhorn / Antheil der Plastik an der Entstehung der griechischen Götterwelt und die Athene des Phidias -- Hagiosophites, P. / Aristotelous theoria peri ton ethikon... -- Fleiter, G. / De minoribus quae sub nomine Quintiliani feruntur declamationibus -- Feys, J. M. E. / L'art poetique d'Horace considere dans son ordonnance -- Foerster, R. / De attractionis in graeca lingua usu quaestionum particula I -- Deiters, H. / De Hesiodia scuti Herculis descriptione -- Deustermann, A. / De Herculis itineribus versus occidentem -- Deenik, A. A. / Specimen literarium inaugurale exhibens M. A. Plauti Aululariam... -- Bobertag, F. / De materia Platonica quam fere vocant meletemata -- Bisschop, W. / Specimen litterarium inaugurale continens annotationes criticas ad Xenophontis Anabasin -- Böing, B. / De imperatoris Servii Sulpicii Galbae vita et rebus gestis -- Johnson, F. / De coniunctivi et optativi usu Euripideo... -- Braun, J. W. J. / Lucretii de atomis doctrina -- Brandt, P. / De particularum subiunctivarum apud Pindarum usu -- Classen, J. / De grammaticae Graecae primordiis -- Halbertsma, T. / Lectiones Lysiacae -- Hauthal, F. / Ueber den Codex Heinianus oder Barcellonensis des Horaz und des Akron -- Engelhardt, M. / Lateinische Konjugation nach den Ergebnissen der Sprachvergleichung -- Eyken, I. G. van / De Luciano philosopho -- Dütschke, H. / Anleitung zur Inscenierung antiker Tragödien -- Diener, Oswald / De sermone Thucydidis quatenus cum Herodoto congruens differat a scriptoribus atticis.Diss.Includes bibliographical references.Microfilm.Mode of access: Internet